Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 693: Fierce fighting!

?? Rumble!

The impermanent God will be surging with black light all around, and the black armor exudes a powerful and terrifying coercion. The glove on his palm is intertwined with black lightning, and the fist is killed by fist.


Black glove slammed towards Ling Xiao, with a terrifying and blazing sound of breaking the sky, as if the general situation of the world was oppressed towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his gaze, swallowed the sword with blazing light, and cut off toward the impermanent **** across the sky, like a galaxy falling from above the nine days.


The huge fist seal collided with the Swallow Sky Sword, the sky was a huge shock, the light was thin, the endless energy swept the sea, and a large wave rushed into the sky.

Swallowing the sword suddenly shuddered, Ling Xiao's arms were numb, almost out of hand!

In Ling Xiao's eyes, the killer was cold, while escaping towards the front, while performing the mystery of swallowing the sky and the mystery of the ancestral dragon, he would fight against the impermanent god!


Behind Ling Xiao, the Heavenly Emperor Fa emerged, and the terrifying fist burst into the void, and instantly merged with Ling Xiao's body towards the impermanent god.

Although the impermanence of the impermanent gods is extremely strong, even in the supreme, they are considered to be strong, but this has even more inspired Ling Xiao's heart of war.

"The seven magical powers that swallow the world and the four elephants strike the sky!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, and he used the seven swords of heaven and earth to perform the seven magical powers of heaven and earth. The whole person seemed to become a sword of world destruction, and the sword was purely unmatched.


The four elephant gods were surging, the earth and water were intertwined with wind and fire, and chaos was lingering. A fiery sword awn cut through the chaos and would cut towards the impermanent god.

"Good job!"

Impermanence God shook his eyes, but his face was still very cold. He punched out, and the black fist interweaves into a dazzling rune, directly smashing that sword and fleece, and then killed towards Ling Xiao.

"Five Elements Sealing Heaven! Six Reincarnations!"

The glory of Ling Xiao flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and the colorless divine light of the whole body rose into the sky instantly, and turned into a majestic five-element enchantment, which covered the impermanent gods, terrifying.

At the same time, he went away with his sword in the sky, with a sword volleying for 30,000 miles, around the sky-swept sword, intertwined with the phantom shadow of the six reincarnations of the world, as if to cut the impermanent **** directly into reincarnation.


The power of the Five Elements Enchantment seems to block the power of the heaven and earth laws around him. Facing Ling Xiao's stronger and stronger sword, the eyes of the impermanent **** will also grow colder.

Behind him seemed to be an invincible God of War, wearing a dazzling armor, fist prints shaking the sky, pinching the invincible fist prints, and the void trembling violently.


The God of War printed with a punch in the air, the original terrifying five-element enchantment was directly smashed by a punch, and he was killed in six rounds.


The sky dome oscillated as if the earth had collapsed!

The impermanent God will be unparalleled, surrounded by a supreme trend, suppressing Ling Xiao, and the virtual shadow of the six reincarnations of the world will instantly break apart.


The fiery fist print slammed on the swallowing sword, leaving Ling Xiao with a huge shock, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


Ling Xiao's eyes became colder, but his fighting intentions became stronger. He was heading towards the Crystal Palace while fighting against the Impermanent God.

The four major mysteries of Sky Swallowing Mystery, Ancestral Dragon Mystery, True Phoenix Mystery, and Moving Mystery are all performed to the extreme by Ling Xiao.

There are also seven magical powers for devastating the heavens and the earth, swallowing the sword of the sky, and Ling Xiao’s Emperor’s power, so that Ling Xiao’s combat power has reached an extremely terrifying state, even if he has passed the half-step supreme of the four elephants. Can not bear the blow of Ling Xiao, will be directly bombed!

However, the strength of the impermanent **** will be unfathomable, even if he is in the supreme realm, he is considered a strong man!

The gap between Ling Xiao and him is too great, so this battle is extremely difficult. After taking hundreds of moves under the impermanence of the impermanent general, Ling Xiao began to cough up blood.

The overwhelming supreme supernatural power oppresses all martial arts, laws and power, as if there is only the colossal coercion of the impermanent **** who will remain in the world!

Moreover, although the miraculous move technique is strong, the Supreme Powerful can understand the sky and earth and can walk through the sky. The speed of Ling Xiao is not enough to see in front of the impermanent **** general.


Impermanence God slammed a punch. Although Ling Xiao's Swallow Sword resisted most of his punching power, he was finally hit in the shoulder, and a blood mist exploded, causing him to stagger, and he coughed up blood in his mouth.


Impermanence God will fall from the nine days, stepping towards Ling Xiao's head in one step, containing a force of terror that crushes the heavens!

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, and he punched out, and the endless light exploded. He was trembling all over, suddenly stepped down, and fell into the East China Sea.

"Ling Xiao, your strength is indeed very strong, but you are not an opponent of the deity at all, don't struggle! Otherwise, don't blame the deity for being rude!"

The impermanent ghost's eyes are cold, and even a hint of murderous surge.

As the so-called supreme ants are all ants, even if they are a half-step supreme who has survived the four elephants, they can't take the trick of impermanent ghosts, and they will be directly killed.

But Ling Xiao actually fought hundreds of moves with him. Although he has been hit hard, he still has the power to continue fighting.

The impermanence of the impermanent ghost will also be extremely shocked. If a strong first-time supreme is here, maybe he will really be slaughtered by Ling Xiao retrogradely and complete the feat of killing the supreme?

This kid's talent is too Once he grows up, the consequences are unbearable.

The impermanent ghost general secretly decided that even if he seized Ling Xiao and threatened him to hand over the goddess, he would have to find a way to remove Ling Xiao.

This child must not be left!

"Come on!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of madness, and Tian Tianjian was urged to the extreme by him. Under this kind of life-and-death fight, he became more and more in control of his own strength, especially Zulong Mystery and True Phoenix Mystery, Ling Xiao faintly, has touched the power of a fusion of secret realm!


The sky shook, Ling Xiao rose from the sea, the killing intent of his eyes surged, he was holding the sword towards the impermanent ghost.

Behind him, a real dragon and a real phoenix diffused, exuding an ancient, mysterious and majestic momentum.

The real dragon rises, the real phoenix soars, and the dragon and the phoenix appear auspicious, as if they want to merge into one.


The violent tremor of the swallowing sword in Ling Xiao's hands seemed to be gathered by two supreme energies, and began to tremble sharply, suddenly rose up into the sky suddenly, and turned into an extremely terrifying sword, towards the impermanent god. Come!

Under this threat of life and death, Ling Xiao finally once again touched the power of the mysterious fusion, and will cut a terrifying sword towards the impermanent god!

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