Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 736: Get together!

"Where have you been during this time? Could it be to go to the ancient country of Qinglong?" Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and she looked at Yu Wanwan beside Wuliang Taoist. ebsp;Ling Xiao now, this fellow Wuliang Dao has already survived the four elephants, Zhou Tian is one body, but only half a step away from the Supreme Realm.

"Confidential! But this time I revenge for you, you want to invite me to drink! By the way, I help Wanwan solve the trouble of Qinglong ancient country!"

The unscrupulous Taoist smiled mysteriously.

"Revenge for me? What do you mean?" Ling Xiao was puzzled.

The Moon God on the side smiled softly and said, "For more than a year, the martial arts holy places that have enemies with you, such as the Star Palace, Nantian Aristocratic Family, and Emperor Tomb Hill, have been patronized by this Daoist. Treasures, now those martial arts holy places are violently thundering, and they wish to shatter his body!

Ling Xiao glanced at the Wuliang Taoist in a speechless manner: "Tomb robbing? You actually went to do it, then you dare to appear here with such a big swing? Are you not afraid of those big holy places looking for you for revenge?"

The unscrupulous Taoist people carelessly said: "On the basis of those scum, and still want to seize the Lord Dao? It is a dream! When the Lord Dao enters the Suiyue Cave, proves the Supreme Supreme, pushes for nine days, and then visits their sect door It’s a pity that this time it only swayed around the outside, and didn’t go deep inside the tomb. If they stolen the tomb of their patriarch Kaishan, they will surely find a lot of good things!"

"Master Dao, what treasure have you stolen? Take it out and open your eyes to Ben Long!" Long Aotian heard the unscrupulous Taoist stolen the tombs of several holy sites, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he said.

"Want to see it? Later, Dao will open your eyes for you. Will Dao take you with you next time?"

Wuliang Taoist pinched Long Aotian's grinning face and said in a seductive tone

"Unscrupulous Taoist, you dare to spoil my younger brother, I and you are never finished!"

Long Zhantian suddenly pulled Long Aotian behind him, staring at Wuliang Dao in a very alert manner.

Long Aotian was already stubborn enough, and if he was fooled by the unscrupulous Taoist to steal the tomb, the ninth prince of the dragon family turned out to be a tomb thief.

Thinking of the scene, Long Zhantian could not help but shudder.

"With such a good qualification, it would be a pity if I worship Taoist Master as a teacher, prove the Supreme Supreme sooner or later, and push the world horizontally!"

Wuliang Taoist gave Long Aotian a glance, hehe smiled.

Next, Wuliang Daoren told his experience during this time, and Ling Xiao knew it.

It turned out that the unscrupulous Daoist robbed the tombs all the way, and chose the ancestral tombs of the martial holy places. They were bitter and bitten by those martial holy places and sent strong men to chase him down.

In the end, Wuliang Dao met Yu Wanwan in the ancient Qinglong Kingdom.

Because of the reason that the emperor and the crown prince were taken away by extraterrestrial demon, the Qinglong ancient country fell into chaos during this period. The remaining few princes conquered each other and wanted to win the crown of the emperor.

The unscrupulous Daoist somehow served many princes and jointly supported Yu Wanwan as the empress of the ancient dragon kingdom and settled the rebellion of the ancient dragon kingdom.

Yu Wanwan has been trained by the spirit of the Dragon Vessel, and now he has made rapid advances. He has reached the peak of the Ninth Realm of the Realm of the Royal Realm.

The unscrupulous Daoist also captured Yu Wanwan's heart. This time the election meeting was opened, and Yu Wanwan followed the unscrupulous Daoist willingly.

"Those princes from the ancient kingdom of Qinglong, so willing to give up the emperor's throne and support Princess Nine? What method did you use?"

Ling Xiao also asked curiously.

You know, Yu Wanwan is just the youngest princess. Even if she inherits in order, she will not be able to get her turn.

Not to mention that she is still a woman, how could the ancient dragon of Qinglong be willing to embrace a queen?

"Hey, Dad, I have my own plan, I just won't tell you!"

The unscrupulous Taoist laughed.

Ling Xiao glared at him angrily, but Ling Xiao had already guessed some, and the deceptive kung fu of the unscrupulous Daoist became even more powerful.

"Don't you use your suit to harm the good girl!" Ling Xiaodao pointed out.

"Relax, Wanwan and I are true love!"

The unscrupulous Daoist's face is smug and shameless.

And Yu Wanwan beside him didn't even object, just stared at the unscrupulous Daoist with affection, her face was blushing, glamorous and moving, and she looked impossible.

Both Long Zhantian and Li Jingming smiled bitterly at each other, and this immeasurable master was really good at making a Qinglong empress fall to her with such determination.

Ling Xiao and others are chatting here, but a layer of prohibition has been put in place, and outsiders simply cannot hear what they are there.

The lunar goddess and the phoenix are beautiful and beautiful, and they have attracted the attention of many people.

Luna is dressed in a white robe, covered in the cold moonlight, and the silk is like a waterfall, the skin is better than snow, and there is a cold and refined temperament all over the body.

She is like a goddess who doesn't eat fireworks in the world~ makes people feel ashamed at first glance.

The Phoenix girl was wearing a black dress, graceful, curvy, extremely hot, and there was a tempting atmosphere all over her body.

The two sit together and it's hard to be unobtrusive.

"The two, should be the moon **** of Taiyin Palace and the phoenix girl of Flame Mountain? Sure enough, it's a gorgeous generation!"

"If I am not wrong, it should be Shu Jingzong's disciple Li Jingming, Crystal Palace's crown prince Long Zhantian, and Flame Mountain's Lin Hui, the strongest of the three demon holy places are here! Hey, just don't Know where the Burning Demon Emperor is?"

"Burn the Heavenly Demon Emperor? That's the ruthless person on the Qingyun List, even if he was defeated by Ling Xiao, but listening to the recent practice of a peerless martial arts, this time the election will definitely shine!"

"Who is sitting between the moon **** and the phoenix girl? That kid is so blessed, wouldn't he be Ling Xiao?"

Everyone's eyes flickered, and some people were whispering and speculating about Ling Xiao's identity as everyone on their table.

In the end, someone's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, with a certain amount of surprise.

"Ling Xiao? It's really possible! He seems to be only a half-step supreme cultivation practice. He didn't even spend the earth's robbery. How did he defeat the Burning Demon Emperor?"

"Hey, don't you know this? According to it, when Ling Xiao defeated the Burning Demon Emperor at that time, it was only the cultivation of the Emperor Realm Jiuzhong! Natural talent!"

Someone was stirred by Ling Xiao's curiosity and whispered.

"Ling Xiao, besides the nine people on the Qingyun list, there are still some of you who have to be careful!

The Wuliang Daoist looked at Ling Xiao and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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