Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 737: Ziweixingzi

"Who else? My cousin has already slaughtered two supremes. Even if he is on the Qingyun list, his cousin is not afraid, not to mention people who are not on the Qingyun list?"

Long Aotian said in disbelief.

"it's not true!"

The unscrupulous Daoist smiled faintly: "The top ten arrogances on the Qingyun List can indeed represent the top geniuses of the 6-year-old generation of God of War, but there are still some people whose reputation is not obvious, but their strength is not weaker than the geniuses on the Qingyun List! Look at that one!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Daoist fell into the distance. A young man in cyan armor sat on the window. He was slender, with a face like a crown jade, and his expression was indifferent. He was drinking at his own discretion.

Somehow, Ling Xiao glanced at the cyan armored young man, his eyes showing a sharp color.

He felt a touch of danger.

"The young man's name is Qingyun, and he has survived the four elephants. He didn't know how he came from Tianxuan City, but no one knew his origins, but someone saw him kill an archaic murderer comparable to the Supreme. The beast, with a strong physical body and supreme thunder and supernatural powers, is a strong enemy!"

As if he had noticed the eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist, the young man raised his head slightly, and there seemed to be a trace of chaotic Lei Mang in the sky, containing endless mystery and majesty.

"Qingyun? Sure enough!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

"The other one!"

The eyes of the unscrupulous Taoist fell on another table.

The table was filled with all kinds of delicacies, Qiongjiang Yulu, a fat man who looked extremely huge, like a mountain of meat, his eyes were almost out of sight, and he was grabbing a huge leg of lamb.

"The dead fat pig is named Zhu Biao, and its origin is very mysterious. It should have been a descendant of a powerful race in the ancient times. It also survived the four elephants, but this dead fat pig wanted to tease Luna before. There was one, but this dead fat pig was invincible and had a very strong defense. I could not break his defense at all, and I was almost bitten by this kid!"

The eyes of unscrupulous people are full of resentment.

"Is the flesh invincible?"

Ling Xiao's eyes are also somewhat dignified. He is very clear about the strength of the unscrupulous Taoist. Now that he has survived the four elephants, the real combat strength is probably not weaker than Ling Xiao.

But the unscrupulous Taoists all said that Zhu Biao's defense could not be broken, which shows the horror of this person.

Ling Xiao felt faintly that Zhu Biao's flesh-like body contained extremely terrifying power.

"Shouldn't it be a human race, could it be a family of beasts?" Ling Xiao groaned slightly and remembered it in her heart.

Zhu Biao raised his head and smiled at the unscrupulous Taoist, and then looked at Luna and Feng Nu with a squinted look, grabbing the leg of lamb and gnawed again.

"There is also sword Wushuang in Jianshen Pavilion, with a clear sword heart, but a natural sword repair, with strong and unmatched strength. It is said that after the Holy Market, it has gone through the robbery of the four elephants and has the strength to impact the Qingyun Ranking!"

The unscrupulous Taoist mentioned another person.

Jian Wushuang, Ling Xiao had seen in the holy ruins, it was indeed a sword fool, with no distractions, and only swordsmanship. At that time, like Long Zhantian and Li Jingming, he had gone through the same catastrophe. Unexpectedly, in a short time, he took the lead in the four elephants.

"All in all, this time the general election is not simple. In addition to the ones I mentioned, there are many talented strong men in the Holy Land and the hidden world sect. They may not be included in the Qingyun List, but their combat power must not be underestimated! "The unscrupulous Taoist said slowly.

The words of the unscrupulous Daoist had just fallen, and a group of people went to the Tianjiao Tower.

A group of Qiyu Xuanang, young geniuses with extraordinary temperament, gathered around a young man wearing a purple robe.

The young man in a purple robe looks more than 20 years old, has a magnificent figure, looks like a rich god, and is very handsome.

The purple robe on his body is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and there is a scene of worship of all spirits, which looks mysterious.

His head was **** with a jade crown, his expression was pale but calm, and his eyes were filled with faint purple qi. It looked majestic and mysterious, just like an emperor who came to heaven.

"Is the Ziwei star in the Star Palace?"

"The sixth place in the Qingyun Ranking is really Master Ziwei Xingzi!"

"Have seen Ziwei Xingzi!"

Many genius strongmen on the ninth floor immediately boiled, and their eyes were shocked.

In the sixth place in the Qingyun Ranking, Ziwei Xingzi, in the half-step supreme realm of the four elephants, once killed the two great supremes, but that was something that happened decades ago. Unfathomable.

Many talented strong people have stood up. Although they are also very proud, but in front of Ziwei Xingzi, there is no qualification to be proud.

But Qingyun, Zhu Biao, and Ling Xiao did not stand up.

"Ziwei Xingzi? Ling Xiao, this is your rival!"

There was a strange look in the eyes of Wuliang Daoren. The five stars in the Star Palace even let Ling Xiao slaughter four, leaving only Ziwei stars.

Ziwei Xingzi appeared in the Tianjiao Tower, suddenly making the atmosphere a little more subtle. UU reading

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed a sharp edge.

This Ziwei star looks really extraordinary. It has already survived the four elephants, three flowers gather at the top, five qi dynasty Yuan, Zhou Tian one body, and the whole body is scattered with extremely rich Ziwei star power, the strength is unpredictable.

Ziweixing is an emperor star and the first star in the heavens. It can be named after Ziweixingzi, which shows its status in the palace of stars.


Ziwei Xingzi's gaze flashed, and Ling Xiao also appeared.

Ling Xiao chopped off the four stars, and the Star Palace hated him up and down. He knew him very well. Ling Xiao didn't cover up his appearance, so he was easily seen by Ziwei Xingzi.

Everyone's look was a little weird.

Although Ling Xiao is the tenth in the Qingyun Ranking, the record of beheading and killing the leopard demon has been passed. Many people believe that Ling Xiao's true strength must be more than the tenth in the Qingyun Ranking.

The Ziwei Xingzi is also a peerless genius, who has beheaded the Supreme decades ago. In these years, he has concentrated on diligent cultivation, and his strength is unfathomable.

These two men are the enemies of life and death. If they meet at this moment, would they have to fight in this arrogant building?


Ling Xiao and Ziwei Xingzi stared at each other, and suddenly it seemed that a bright light exploded, making the entire Tianjiao Tower somewhat suppressed.

Ziwei Xingzi said lightly: "Sure enough, he is a bit powerful, no wonder he can kill the four wastes! But even if it is waste, it is also a disciple of my Star Palace, not all cats and dogs can kill, give them four to your life. It's fair to pay your life!"

A cold murderous opportunity condensed in the void, and immediately made everyone's heart tighten. Ziwei Xingzi wouldn't really want to start here?

(End of this chapter)

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