Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1174: Shen An Financial Management, Song Dynasty 1st

The Shen family was surrounded by groups.

"His Majesty……"

The people of the Imperial City Division hurriedly came to tell "these people surrounded the Shen family and said that they would not leave without accepting them as disciples."


Zhao Xu is puzzled, and feels that even if Shen An can make Li Liang's epiphany, it can't reach the point of madness.

Jasuke also felt funny.

The secret agent said, "The Shenxian Gong said in public, saying that if he knows how to immortal, God will immediately drop the thunder. But he will finish, the sky ... there is a loud noise in the sky."

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded.

"This ... turns out to be true?"

Han Qi said with a tangled expression, "Chen also wanted to learn some Taoism ... Anyway, he repeated the handsomeness of the year."

I thought that Han Qi was a handsome guy, which made the big girl and his wife blush and heartbeat. But now when they go out, those women who only look at their backs will most likely say, "A fat man, like a cowboy."

Very sad!

Zhao Xu looked at Bao Zheng, and wanted to ask him if he knew about Shen An's path.

By the way, Shen An did n’t teach him anything ... Dao Law?

"So what did Shen An teach you about Dafa?" He asked when he thought about it, indicating that Zhao Shu was anxious.

Bao Zheng sighed in his heart and went to work and said, "Professor Shen An is ... a quick step three thousand a hour after a meal ... he beats the gallbladder meridians at night, he turns to his side when he falls asleep, his ears plug his ears with his hands ... One set, followed by Baduanjin ... massage the abdomen one hour after lunch ... that's all. "

This set of things sounds very complicated, but all have a context.

Is this Taoism?

The emperor was puzzled.

Bao Zheng said, "Chen doesn't dare to pretend to be a joke, and Shen An ... Chen is very clear, he shouldn't say that, if he is a Taoist, he will definitely give it to Chen ... That is a child who knows gratitude, Chen ... "

Bao Zheng knelt down and said seriously, "He is very good to the people he cares about. If he has a way of law, not to mention the minister, the county king will also get it ... Wang Wang and others will also get it. So the minister guaranteed that he did not know the law. "

Once Zhao Shu became suspicious, he would wonder whether Shen An understood the Tao during the long years. Gradually, he saw Shen An's gaze changed. He was no longer a courtier but a treasure that allowed him to live longer.

This kind of thinking must be interrupted!

So Bao Zheng did not hesitate to endorse Shen An.

Zhao Shu was a little embarrassed and said, "Bao Qing hurried up, I don't doubt this."

The emperor's courtiers were worried about learning Daoism.

However, Bao Zheng's role made Zhao Shu very satisfied. He looked at Bao Zheng who got up quickly and smiled, "Bao Qing looked at his legs and feet more than those young people, so he had better maintenance."

This is the expectation, the emperor expects you to work for him for a long time.

Bao Zhengxie, Zeng Gongliang suddenly sneeze.


He sniffed his nose, thinking about how to live tonight.

The weather is getting colder, but he is willing to gamble to lose, not to heat the charcoal basin.

Zhao Shu glanced at him and said, "Zeng Qing ... poor."

Your Majesty!

Zeng Gongliang couldn't help feeling sad, but he refused to bow his head, otherwise Bao Zheng would look down.

Everyone is Zaifu, Bao Zheng's temperament is mostly to break this bet, but he knows that once he opens his mouth, he looks down on Zeng Gongliang.

Willing to gamble and lose, to speak up!

This is the standard for the gentleman at this moment, Zeng Gongliang will naturally not destroy the promise.

Bao Zhengliangjiu said, "Eat more mutton, preferably hot pot, and drink soup, eat warm in the evening. And ... cover more quilts. Older old legs, wearing cotton pants and cotton socks before sleeping ... "

Zeng Gongliang can only arch his hand.

Zhao Shu looked at Bao Zheng with more appreciation.

Bao Zheng is the last prime minister. If he wants to counterattack, he can only stare at the second prime minister Zeng Gongliang, but he has no such thoughts, and he will never give Zeng Gongliang a knife in the back.

This is Gao Fengliang Festival.

After Han Qi returned from the north, he seemed to be more domineering, but Zhao Shu knew that he was much calmer now.

This dynasty is gradually merging together, and the power of the prince and the minister is one place. What is this big Song afraid of?

Zhao Shuwei smiled, very comfortable.


A spilt skin in the Bianliang City got money, and then went to Yulin Lane together, beaten up, and beat away those who were obsessed with the magic of immortals.

"Officials, isn't ... should not!"

Yang Zhuoxue stood on her still flat stomach and reached out to hold the impatient son.

The cold wind blew, and a few fallen leaves in the courtyard floated up.

Shen An leaned over and grabbed a piece of fallen leaves, looked at the context, and said, "These people should throw their wives and their children for the so-called fairy way, and corrupt their family business, they should fight!"

"You just talk nonsense." Yang Zhuoxue laughed. "That's the way of the fairy. If one or two of them come out, it might be a fairy."

"There are all filial gods in the world."

Shen An said calmly, "So for the husband to beat them, it is also for them to see and break their wishful thinking."

"Officials ... all right."

Yang Zhuoxue thinks that her husband does n’t seem to have a good aisle, otherwise she will surely know that as a pillow person.

But the fantasy still appeared irresistibly, in her mind ...

——Shen An held a long sword with one hand, and looked at an endlessly long snake indifferently, screaming, "Don't the evil spirits still surrender?"

The giant snake turned and ran, Shen An chased it up, grabbed the tail of the snake with one hand, and struggling to throw it, the giant snake disappeared at the end of the sky ...

"Officials ..."

She looked up, but Shen An was gone.

This official!

Taro raised his head and shouted "Mother ..."

The children of his age are not qualitative. Where do they like to be restrained?

Guoguo came and said, "Sister-in-law, someone looking for your brother in front brought a lot of money!"

Speaking of Qian Yangzhuo Xue's obvious interest, she looked at the taro kindly, and then released him, saying, "Let's wait for you to get married, let your brother get the most beautiful dowry in Song Dynasty. Later, the taro is big Your mother-in-law ... look back and let your brother teach him to practice martial arts, when the time comes ... "

Guoguo frowned and grabbed the taro that stumbled and said, "Sister-in-law, that kind of taro, I'm afraid it's a scourge!"

Taro raised his head and shouted "Scourge!"

This kid talked a lot better than Guoguo back then.

Guoguo touched the handkerchief and wiped the dust on his face, and said, "If you become a scourge, go back and let your brother clean up for you. Have you heard?"

Where does Taro know what scourge means, just shouting "OK."

Yang Zhuoxue looked at this scene with a smile, only to feel happy. She touched the belly that hadn't swelled yet, thinking that if a daughter were born, the officials would definitely rejoice.

Happiness is so simple, but it is limited to the backyard.

Many boxes were placed in the front yard. A group of strong men squatted on the side to drink water. Ermei brought people to bring soup cakes to eat for them.

Wang Tiande was holding a cup of hot tea, and when Shen An came out, he greeted him and said, "Anbei, twenty-one thousand and sixty thousand pers.

He wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked hard.

As Shen An's status improved, it was difficult for Wang Tiande to face him with the attitude that was similar to that of the past.

"All believers!"

Shen An nodded slightly, and the big men quickly laughed, and some people said, "Lang Jun said, with Shenxian Gong taking the lead, we can't be poor. His old man shouted, how much we want!"

In spite of the suspicious words, Shen An still suffered. "If you are good at doing business, you will naturally be blessed."

Those big men heard this and looked at him in awe. Someone whispered, "This is a high level of morality. Maybe Shenxian Gong has already become a god."


When Shen An heard this, she couldn't help crying and laughing.

Later, the big men ate soup cakes, and Shen An took them to the Imperial City.

At the gate of the imperial city, the sergeant who guarded the gate asked, "What is this?"

"Money. Let's go to the political affairs hall and say."

Shen An saw Ren Shouzhong coming out of it, and was a little curious about how the goods came out.

"Shenxian Gong, are you going to send something to the official family?"

Ren Shouzhong said with a smirk, looking at Shen An, looking very kind.

But what he said was very interesting, probably saying that Shen An came to give Zhao Shu a gift and walked through the back door.

Shen An made a haha, and the sergeant on the side quickly avoided it.

This man will make a contribution, or the official family said it personally. If he wants to do it, we will persuade a few words at most, and dare not stop it.

Moreover, Ren Shouzhong is the personage of Empress Cao. The official family respects the empress, so Ren Shouzhong has a natural face. Where do ordinary people dare to provoke him?

In the original history, Zhao Shu became ill after assuming the throne. The Empress Dowager Cao listened to the government, and Ren Shouzhongquan poured out for a while, majestic.

So everyone felt that Shen An would not conflict with Ren Shouzhong.

But Shen An walked over, reached out where he could reach, and slowly patted Ren Shouzhong's cheek.

Ren Shouzhong wanted to hide, but somehow, she was so determinedly slapped by Shen An.

This is a shame!

Ren Shouzhong will be ready to be angry, Shen An said, "It ’s not that someone does n’t want to move you, you are Chang Jianren. Since he wants to be able to pick you up by hand, then he will succeed him. Otherwise ... It ’s up to you to deserve the humiliation of Shen ? "

Han Qi came out, and he shouted from a distance, "What did Anbei send?"

Shen An reached out and pulled, and Ren Shouzhong rushed past.

"The official family asked me to wait for the donation, but the money came."

"How many?"

It's almost the end of the year, and Sansi is getting poor again. The waist of Zhengzhengtang should be harder!

"Shen An!"

Ren Shouzhong stood firm and prepared to go wild, but Shen An refused to take a look at it and said, "Two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars, mostly paper money."

Banknotes now have stable credit, so they are no different from copper coins.

Han Qi was stunned for a while, and immediately strode forward, laughing loudly, "Good! Good! Good!"

He yelled three times in a row, and then said with emotion, "With this money, this day is even past this year, anyway, it is not bad. You do n’t know, Anbei, this year, the official family allocated a large amount of money to ask all localities to Education, this is a good thing, but Sanji can only tighten his belt to live a hard life ~ ~ I do n’t hide from you, if you have this money, at the end of the year ... the old man may be the only one at the end of the year. You can hide at home and say you are sick ... There are so many people who want money! "

At the end of the year, when all kinds of big calculations are made, the Song of the Year will give some benefits.

But what about money?

Isn't there any benefit all year round?

So after entering the political affairs hall, Shen An felt like a VIP.

"An Bei, you saved us."

When Zeng Gongliang saw so much money, his happy wrinkles were slightly lighter.

Bao Zheng nodded and said, "Not bad."

The praises of his parents will probably be reserved, Ouyang Xiu will be different. He said with a smile. "The official said earlier that Shen An could serve as the third secretary after ten years. Now, at first glance, the old man feels that he will do it five years later. how is it?"

Han Qi smiled and said, "Exactly!"

This is a joke, but it is more certain.

Zeng Gongliang sighed, "Shen An's ability to manage money, Song is the first!"

This comes from Zeng Gongliang's judgment.

Zhao Shu was stunned when he learned that it was 210,000 yuan.

"So much?"

At the end of the year, his emperor will be depressed and entangled. Those necessary rewards will cost a lot of money, but where is the money?


He was in a depressed mood near Japan, and the four people who punished Shen An were also angry, and only smiled afterwards. As for those powerful people who want to use this matter to find fault, he can shoot it back with a slap.

But Shen An gave him a surprise.

"You are really good."

Zhao Shu walked over and reached out to pat Shen An's shoulder, but felt it was not appropriate. He smiled and touched the top of his head.

Shen An was stunned, and then bowed his head, let him feel it smoothly.


If you do n’t cast a monthly ticket, it ’s invalid!

How can our big husband now publish chapter reviews by voice, interesting.


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