Great Husband of the Northern Song Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 1175: Let's go kill

Zhao Shu didn't expect that he would touch Shen An's head, so he was embarrassed.

He walked outside the hall, Shen An followed.

The weather was cold, the sky looked gray, and it was estimated that a heavy snow was brewing.

"Can you like snow?"

"Like." Shen An is honest. He knew that Zhao Shu guessed that the arsonists were Wang Jiao and Zuo Kexing, and he happened to be there too, so Zhao Shu was regarded as the third person, plus the mastermind.

This kind of crime Zhao Shu didn't liquidate, just let them go to raise money, it was already treated very well.

Since you have received preferential treatment, don't talk about it. It's always right to be honest for a while.

Zhao Shu walked out of the hall and stared at the sky, "What do you want to do on a snowy day?"

Gee! How to ask this question?

Do you want to see a certain ambition?

Shen An instantly thought of the story of Cao Cao and Liu Bei cooking wine in the snowy days ...

The hero of the world, only the king and the ears!

He felt that if he came to say: the hero of the world, only you and my ears! Zhao Shubi will throw him on top of the palace and blow it into a popsicle.

Shen An said: "Xuexue Tianchen likes to sleep lazily, feeling the whole world is quiet, and the blanket is warm ... comfortable."

It was really comfortable on a snowy day, and I woke up naturally when I slept, and then got up after a quarter of an hour. When I opened the door, I saw a white, inexplicable mood.

Snowmen, snowball fights, running around in the snow ...

"Yes! It's very comfortable to snow." Zhao Shu said: "But it's a comfortable peace of mind. There are still many people in the Song Dynasty who have no food and clothing. I sit in the palace and there are many braziers in the hall. It's warm ... It's very warm, but I can pick up the sparse, watching the snow disaster in a certain place, the people are displaced, I ... "

He turned back, his eyes turned red.

"Bianliang is still singing and laughing, but the people are unknown, no one is asking, at this moment I only know that I am the country ... because no one cares more about this great song than I do."

I am the Great Song!

Shen An was shocked, looked up at Zhao Shu, then said: "Yes."

Only by integrating yourself with the country, you are the master of this country.

Zhao Shu continued to move forward, and Chen Zhongheng followed behind on the right and glanced at Shen An.

Shen An comes from later generations. In the era of information explosion, thousands of miles away will be sent to your eyes in an instant. Various analysis and comments make it easy for you to figure out the taste of the incident.

So he was unmoved.

This is not his cold blood, but this Song is still on the way forward, transportation, education, military, officials ... There are still many problems in this Song that need to be gradually improved.

"The Song Dynasty is very large, there are many people, but the money and food are limited. This time you have raised so much money, and later it will become food and clothes and be sent to where you need it most."

Zhao Shu turned back, his eyes bright and said: "But some people have moved their hands and feet in these grains of food, making me ... irresistible. Bao Zheng in front of the three divisions is now Han Zheng, and they are both working hard for a year. With some accumulation, some people regard it as ... "

It took Cai Xiang only a short time to become the third ambassador and he became unwell. He was sick and recuperating at home. Han Jiang took advantage of the situation and served as the third ambassador again.

"Tang monk meat!" Shen An felt that the money for the disaster relief was all Tang monk meat. Countless people were staring at it, and he wished he could throw a bite.

Zhao Shu was startled, "What Tang monk meat?"

Shen An said with some embarrassment: "It's a good thing everyone is fighting for."

"Well, yeah! Everyone scrambles." Zhao Shu's eyes became more angry, "The Imperial City Secretary reported that 150,000 yuan of money for disaster relief, 100,000 yuan are gone, and are gone!"

He was irritated, watching the violent jump.

Is this a disease attack?

Once anxiety and depression patients get sick, that momentum can't be stopped. A gentle person in the past will suddenly become hysterical.

"Grab it," Zhao Shu said sternly: "Bringing back Bianliang, I want to ask questions, ask them what their conscience is, and ask me how to keep them from food and clothing ..."

Fifty thousand yuan corrupted one hundred thousand yuan?

Shen An was shocked.

Corrupted two thirds!

What's so special ...

Zhao Shu let him go, probably just punished him, and he felt a little sad in his heart, so he let him go to the prestigious prestigious palace, and then he would make credit when he came back.

The emperor always slaps and gives you a jujube, but Shen An does not have this thought.

He was worried about the officials of Song Dynasty.

Once the ruler of the Song Dynasty collapsed, nothing could be saved.

Shen'an is a god, and how many treasures you have brought, but when most of the people who manage this country are rotten, you can't help it.

Therefore, we must do it.

But Zhao Shu meant to get back, but Shen An had some different opinions.

He smiled slightly, but Zhao Shu didn't see it, but Chen Zhongheng on the side seemed to see something terrible.

What is this good friend going to do?

"You go ... I naturally trust." Zhao Shu looked slightly, "Daming Mansion is the important place of the Song Dynasty. At that time, the Emperor Zhenzong personally recruited Liao people there, thus becoming Beijing ..."

Shen An has been to the political affairs hall, still recalling Zhao Shu's previous words.

——Damingfu has a population of one million and it is an important town. Once it changes, it can sweep the entire Song Dynasty to the north. So be careful, I know you are stable, but there is no shortage of opportunities, so I sent you.


Shen An smiled and entered the political affairs hall.

"Officials let you go?"

Several charcoal pots were burned in the political affairs hall, and they were all smokeless carbon, warm, but there was no fireworks.

This is the best heating condition in this era.

Shen An nodded, and then looked for a place to sit down. Bao Zheng snorted when he saw, "Have you sat?"

Don't be too casual in front of the Zaifu, otherwise it will be easy to be caught.

This is Bao Zheng's hint.

Han Qi smiled and said: "Want to sit down, how can there be so many rules?"

Shen An stood up with a smile on his face, arched his hands fakely, and then sat down again.

Bao Zheng asked: "What do the officials say?"

When this matter was first reported, they had a quarrel here.

"The officials said they would come back. When they asked, they would shock the officials."

Shen An said while watching the reactions of several Zaifu.

Han Qi said disapprovingly: "The official family is too kind. According to the old man's opinion, you should kill a few ... kill five! Kill five officials, this world will be shocked, otherwise who will be afraid?"

Bao Zheng nodded and said: "It's not advisable to kill people, but they are all dispatched to Qiongzhou. Didn't the Marines say that Qiongzhou was going to build supplies? These people just went to work."

These two are cruel and cold enough.

Zeng Gongliang smiled, "It's too much murder, Qiongzhou is too far. The old man just wants to distribute to the north. For example, Xiongzhou needs a lot of people."

Xiongzhou was pulled by Shen Anla for more than 300 young and strong, and successive Zhizhou all complained on this ground, requesting more places to be allocated.

Shen An only smiled when he knew it. This is the means of the officials, and North Korea and China did not intend to give them more places, so it became a game.

Ouyang Xiu also sighed: "The killing is not good after all!"

Two agree with the ruthless hand, the two feel more comfortable.

This is today's political hall.

Han Qi sneered: "This kind of people, death is not a pity!"

Zeng Gongliang shook his head, "Ancestral rules ..."

Ancestral rules, try not to kill bureaucrats.

But then it evolved into a non-killing doctor.

Han Qi said coldly: "How can we deter those people without killing them? So the old man said to kill and kill five people."

Zeng Gongliang shook his head and said firmly: "The ancestors' rules must not kill people."

"When did the ancestors say he should not kill?" Han Qi said disdainfully: "Last time Shen An also found out the evidence, which emperor did not kill?"

Last time, Shen An directly collected the evidence and slaps the officials who shouted "Do not kill the doctor".

This time Han Qi used it easily, Zeng Gongliang suddenly stopped talking. But he is not without the power to fight back, "The first emperor is kind, the official family is kind ... Shen An, do you say that?"

Nima Dan!

Shen An was watching the two gangsters in the political affairs hall, and was very upset by being pulled in by Zeng Gongliang. He said: "Today the official family is kind, but the Buddha also has angry eyes. The official family loves the people like children, listen When it comes to such news, I am afraid that I want to kill the corrupt officials. "


Zeng Gongliang sighed: "How merciful is the official family, how can it be so cruel? You are still young, don't make rash statements, otherwise today the official family will listen to this, and your career will be worrying in the future!"

Boy, if the official family hears what you just said, you will definitely be listed on the blacklist, and you wo n’t want to be promoted again in the future.

The emperors of Song Dynasty all advertised their kindness, lest they might be spotted at all. This is something everyone knows, so Zeng Gongliang is right, and no one can refute it.

"I want to kill those people."

Zeng Gongliang turned slowly, his face green and purple, embarrassed.

Zhao Shu from outside the door came in and said, "The people are displaced and I feel the same, but what are those people doing? They are up and down their hands, this kind of people I hate to kill them all! But it is a pity that the Song Dynasty is like this, I only Let Shen An go to bring them back ... "

What a ruthless official!

Han Qi raised his eyebrows at Zeng Gongliang and asked, "Did Zeng Xiang have something to ask the official family before? The official family is here ~ ~ What are you waiting for?"

Lao Han's traits that must be reported, Shen An didn't like it in the past, but now he feels very happy.

Yup! You Zeng Gongliang did not say that the official family is kind, and it will certainly not be so cruel. Now that the official family is here, you just want to kill the corrupt officials. What do you say?

Zeng Gongliang had nothing to say, and was forced by Han Qi only to find a seam to drill in.

Ouyang Xiu said embarrassedly: "Secretary ...... Government, the minister feels he should be cautious."

This daring spirit has long worn away in the long runaway sea. At that time, the pig teammate who shouted for the reformists was gone, leaving only the good old man Ouyang Xiu.

Zhao Shu looked at him and shook his head inexplicably.

Ouyang Xiu ’s role in Zhengzhengtang is balance, that is, stabilizer, so Zhao Shu will not move him.

"Shen An, take the Mangshan Army."


Shen An went all the way to the station of the Mengshan Army and summoned the village soldiers.

"Let's go to Daming Mansion immediately."

"Bring weapons and follow the preparations for the battle."

Suddenly the village soldiers were busy, and later a small army appeared.

Huang Chun asked: "Lang Jun, let's go to Daming House to do something?"

Shen An looked at the gloomy sky and said, "Go kill!"

Huang Chun rejoiced at once, turned around and shouted: "Brothers, let's kill, let's kill!"

A group of boring villagers suddenly ecstatic.

Shen An hurried back home, appeased his wife and sister, and when the first snowflake fell in the sky, he took the Manshan Army to Daming Mansion.


On the last day of the month, beg the monthly ticket ... Good night everyone.

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