Chapter 58 Cold Wind

Fatty was scared silly, but Gao Xian didn't hesitate. He thrust his True Yang Spear fiercely, causing Fatty to faint on the spot.

Although Fatty didn't look capable, Gao Xian didn't dare to be careless. He knocked him down first before doing anything else.

After dealing with Fatty, Gao Xian let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he only used one sword to kill Yao Qingshuang, he had exerted all his strength. In the short time of the battle, he had already consumed more than half of his mana.

After adjusting his emotions and physical condition, Gao Xian returned to the room.

The two big men, after being drugged, couldn't control themselves and lay in the room continuously inhaling the drug. They could barely maintain consciousness, but their bodies couldn't move.

Gao Xian didn't hesitate and went over to each of them, pricking a white plum needle on their foreheads to instantly understand their situation.

Using the white plum needle was mainly because it caused small wounds and wouldn't bleed much.

He dragged the two dead big men out into the courtyard.

Gao Xian looked at the three dead bodies. Although Yao Qingshuang's death was a bit horrifying, she was the most valuable.

After practicing on Tengshe Mountain for dozens of days, Gao Xian had already become accustomed to this bloodiness, accustomed to finding valuable items in the midst of bloodshed.

Cultivators themselves were a kind of resource.

Obtaining resources by plundering from the same kind was also a favorite method of many cultivators.

Gao Xian wouldn't actively plunder, but if the other party came to rob him, he wouldn't be polite.

This was what he exchanged his life for!

Of course, what Gao Xian valued the most was the Qingfrost Sword in Yao Qingshuang's hands.

He picked up the Qingfrost Sword and carefully examined it. The blade was three feet and seven inches long, two inches wide, and the hilt was six inches long. The sword guard was in the shape of a lotus flower, simple and dignified.

He weighed it and, relying on his Master-level Electric Light Dragon Palm, accurately measured that this sword weighed twenty-seven catties.

Ten catties heavier than the Stone-Cutting Sword.

For a sword, this weight was quite heavy. Ordinary cultivators would exhaust their strength after using this sword for just a few moves.

The Qingfrost Sword was long and slender, and the blade was as clear and transparent as clear water, seemingly rippling with water light inside.

This sword was indeed beautiful, and anyone could tell it was a good sword at first glance.

There was no name engraved on the sword.

Gao Xian thought that this sword was called the Qingfrost Sword, probably a name Yao Qingshuang had given it herself.

He took off the scabbard from Yao Qingshuang's waist and found that the green scabbard also had ancient lotus patterns.

After sheathing the sword, Gao Xian put the Qingfrost Sword into his storage bag.

This sword was too heavy, and it wasn't convenient to carry it around.

Yao Qingshuang's bronze hairpin, which matched the bronze coronet, was also put away.

Gao Xian found another storage bag, which required some time to unlock with his divine sense.

He didn't rush to open it and put it away first.

The most valuable things on Yao Qingshuang were the Qingfrost Sword and her Dao Robe.

The rest were some miscellaneous magical tools, talismans, and pills.

The other two big men were much poorer. They only had magical weapons in their hands and carried some talismans and pills.

The spiritual stones on both of them added up to just over sixty pieces.

Although Fatty had the lowest cultivation level, he had a storage bag with a dozen or so talismans.

Interestingly, Gao Xian found the Deer Horn Powder he refined on all three men.

After tidying up all the items, Gao Xian used his Fire Control Technique to lightly touch Fatty's face.

Fatty woke up with a scream and sat up abruptly. When he opened his eyes, he saw a cold sword pointing at him and immediately stopped screaming.

"Please spare me, Daoist... spare me..."

Fatty's first reaction was to beg for mercy. However, his small eyes wandered around restlessly. He saw Yao Qingshuang's headless body next to him and the Guo brothers lying on the ground motionless, obviously dead.

When Fatty looked at the person in front of him again, he couldn't see the other party's expression clearly in the dim light, only a pair of black and bright eyes.

He felt even more hollow inside, this young cultivator looked unimpressive in terms of cultivation, but when he made a move, he was as terrifying as a ghost or god.

The powerful Yao Qingshuang was killed with a single sword strike, without any resistance.

In fact, Fatty only saw two intersecting sword lights, and then Yao Qingshuang's hand was severed and her head flew.

As for the specific details, Fatty knew nothing. This also made him extremely awed by Gao Xian.

He speculated in his heart, perhaps this young cultivator was a hidden Foundation Building cultivator?!

Gao Xian looked at Fatty's reaction with interest. Fatty's expression and eyes were rich, obviously having many thoughts.

Such a clever person is also the most convenient to deal with.

"Who are you guys?" Gao Xian asked.

"Lord Dao, we are from the Red Snake Gang," Fatty quickly replied.

"Why did you come to find me?"

"Because, because Lord Dao, you bought the Green Lotus Crown. This was our Fourth Lord's magic treasure, a pair with the Bronze Hairpin, with similar aura, very clever."

"We often sell Green Lotus Crowns, so we planned to come back at night and take the things..."

Fatty didn't dare to hide anything and detailed their activities.

Gao Xian asked again, "How many people are there in total?"


Fatty hesitated and said, "There are nine of us, the rest are still at home."

Gao Xian smiled, "That's quite a few people."

From Fatty's hopeful expression, movements, and other subtle reactions, he felt that Fatty was ninety-nine percent lying.

With more accomplices, he would naturally be more wary. Fatty had room to maneuver.

However, even if Fatty was telling the truth, it didn't matter.

Yao Qingshuang found him with the Bronze Hairpin, even if there were other accomplices, they wouldn't be able to find him.

"Please do me a favor and take away the bodies. It's too frightening to leave them at home."

Gao Xian returned Fatty's storage bag and asked him to collect the bodies.

Fatty also knew that if Gao Xian dealt with the bodies, he would deal with him. But he was afraid of death.

Being able to live a little longer was better than nothing.

Fatty trudged through the snow for half an hour and arrived in a forest outside Feima Town.

"They are your friends, dig a hole for them to rest in peace, that's loyalty."

Gao Xian gave Fatty a shovel and asked him to dig a hole to bury the bodies.

When Fatty took the shovel, he knelt down with a thud and cried, "Lord Dao, please spare me. I was originally a lone cultivator, but they forced me to become a spy for the Red Snake Gang."

"I know a lot about the Red Snake Gang. If you want to know anything, just ask. I'm willing to follow you, I only ask for my life..."

"Work hard." Gao Xian's gaze turned cold. Since they had already arrived, if Fatty didn't listen, he would do it himself.

Fatty was startled by Gao Xian's icy killing intent. He didn't dare to beg for mercy anymore, but he also didn't want to work. He sat there with a face full of despair.

He was already dead, but he still had to dig his own grave, which was too suffocating.

Gao Xian thought for a moment and softened his tone, "Behave well, after you successfully deal with the others when you go back, I can spare your life."

With these words, Fatty immediately saw a glimmer of hope. When he returned to Feima Town, he could easily point out a cultivator and there would always be a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, he became a bit more spirited and grabbed the shovel to dig with all his might.

In the freezing cold, digging a hole really required strength at this time. Fortunately, the ground hadn't frozen completely yet.

In a short while, Fatty dug a deep hole for more than one person.

Without Gao Xian's command, Fatty didn't dare to stop. He was diligently digging the soil with his head lowered.

Gao Xian watched as it was almost done. He formed a sword with his left hand, pointed it downward, and a foot-long ice cone pierced through the back of Fatty's head with a sharp whistling sound. Fatty didn't have time to react and fell down instantly, dead.

Under the bleak moonlight, the snow was white, the soil was black, and the dead were cold and silent.

Only the north wind roared in Gao Xian's ears, fluttering his clothes...

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(End of this chapter)

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