Chapter 59: Where Justice Lies

"In the martial world, one's actions are not entirely within one's control."

On his way home, Gao Xian suddenly thought of this phrase.

He didn't regret killing Fatty, but he couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic. Unconsciously, he had become the person he was now.

When he killed Fatty, there was no hesitation or mercy in his heart.

Gao Xian muttered to himself, "I've become stronger, and there's nothing wrong with that!"

In this world, people can be evil and despicable, but they must not be weak.

After half a year of being reborn into this body, he had finally adapted to this world.

He wasn't the kind of person who was overly sentimental. Either he would be killed or he would kill. There was nothing to consider.

Old Man Meng once said: "Words need not be believed, actions need not be fulfilled, only justice matters."

Gao Xian asked himself and found no guilt, so there was nothing to feel ashamed of.

Upon returning home, Gao Xian first went into his room and took out the little black cat.

The door was shattered, and the room was filled with a stupefying scent. It was no longer habitable.

Gao Xian brought the little black cat to the alchemy room, lit the firewood, and the huge alchemy furnace quickly warmed up the small room.

The little black cat might have inhaled some of the stupefying scent, but fortunately, it didn't harm its body. At most, it would sleep for two days.

Gao Xian put down the little black cat and began sorting through his gains this time.

First was Fatty's storage bag. Although it had just contained a corpse, he didn't mind.

Opening the storage bag, it was almost like a small space inside. There were seventy to eighty spirit stones, around twenty to thirty low-grade magical instruments, and some low-grade magical talismans.

Most of the magical instruments were in tatters and looked worthless.

Even so, each magical instrument could be sold for ten to eight spirit stones. Adding the miscellaneous magical talismans, he could at least sell them for three hundred spirit stones.

Fatty was probably responsible for handling the stolen goods from robberies, which was why he had a storage bag and so many magical instruments and talismans.

Gao Xian spent some time erasing the original spiritual imprint and opened Yao Qingshuang's storage bag. He was quite looking forward to it.

Opening someone else's storage bag was like the joy of opening a blind box.

Yao Qingshuang didn't disappoint him. In her three-compartment storage bag, there were three medium-grade spirit stones, dozens of low-grade spirit stones, as well as some elixirs, talismans, various clothes, books, and so on.

Gao Xian quickly sorted them out, put away the spirit stones, and stuffed the remaining useless items into another storage bag.

This three-compartment storage bag was quite large, and he could use it to store elixirs and medicinal materials, which would be very convenient.

After checking his gains, Yao Qingshuang and her group had contributed four hundred and ninety-three spirit stones.

There were several magical instruments and talismans, worth about three hundred spirit stones.

Two storage bags, with the one from Fatty worth two hundred spirit stones.

Yao Qingshuang's female Daoist robe should also be worth two to three hundred spirit stones. Gao Xian didn't have much experience in this area, so it was hard to judge the exact price.

He didn't want to sell the Daoist robe, so he would give it to Qi Niang. Although Qi Niang already had a Daoist robe, it would at least show some goodwill.

Apart from these, the most valuable items were, of course, the Qing Frost Sword and the Qing Lotus Hairpin.

Gao Xian drew out the Qing Frost Sword. Finally, he had time to carefully examine this treasure.

The blade of the Qing Frost Sword was like a pool of clear water, pure and translucent, with a hint of bone-chilling coldness.

Holding it in his hand, it reflected a greenish-blue color on his body and hands.

"It truly is a good sword."

Gao Xian sighed in admiration. It was the first time he had seen such a high-quality sword.

Unfortunately, the sword was too heavy. He couldn't use it yet.

He could easily control the Stone-Cutting Sword, but if he used the twenty-seven-pound Qing Frost Sword with all his strength, his speed would be reduced by thirty to forty percent, and he wouldn't be able to retrieve it after using it.

He would have to wait until he reached the fourth layer of Qi Refining to be able to wield the Qing Frost Sword.

Furthermore, the Qing Frost Sword is so eye-catching. If he carries it, he will surely attract a lot of trouble. But the Red Snake Gang will not let him go.

Gao Xian played with the Qing Frost Sword for a while, and he sensed the divine imprint left by Yao Qing Frost deep within the sword. This divine imprint was much stronger than the one left on the storage bag.

With the powerful divine consciousness of the Great Occult Art, Gao Xian vaguely felt a mysterious power within the sword, but it was covered by Yao Qing Frost's divine imprint. He was not sure what was hidden inside the sword...

Yao Qing Frost's divine imprint and the Qing Frost Sword formed a stable structure, which would probably take some time and patience to remove.

Gao Xian was not in a hurry about this. He put away the Qing Frost Sword and took out the Qing Lotus Crown.

The Qing Lotus Crown and the Qing Bronze Hairpin formed a pair, giving the Qing Lotus Crown a unique and profound charm.

At that time, he felt that the Qing Lotus Crown was extraordinary, so he hurriedly bought it, but it resulted in this trouble.

Putting on the Qing Lotus Crown and inserting the Qing Bronze Hairpin, Gao Xian closed his eyes and sat in meditation. He felt a slight warmth on the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, and pure spiritual energy continuously flowed in from the Baihui acupoint.

It felt as if he had opened a third spiritual orifice, and the speed of spiritual energy circulation had increased significantly.

The Qing Lotus Crown automatically filtered and purified the absorbed spiritual energy, making it quite pure.

On the other hand, the Qing Lotus Crown spontaneously formed a layer of magical barrier, protecting the head from the invasion of foreign magical powers.

As Gao Xian's divine consciousness delved deeper into the Qing Lotus Crown, he gradually discovered its various uses.

When Gao Xian opened his eyes again, it was already dawn outside.

Unknowingly, he had been cultivating for two hours.

Gao Xian touched the Qing Lotus Crown on his head and sighed, "It's really a good thing."

After trying it out, he had a preliminary understanding of the Qing Lotus Crown's functions.

The most important function of the Qing Lotus Crown was to purify spiritual energy and improve the efficiency of absorption.

Secondly, the Qing Lotus Crown could protect the soul and enhance divine consciousness.

Lastly, the Qing Lotus Crown could ward off evil and toxins.

For low-level cultivators, the Qing Lotus Crown was truly a divine tool for auxiliary cultivation.

It protected the soul, enhanced divine consciousness, resisted soul-type magical attacks, resisted low-level evil spirits, and enhanced the power of the cultivator's spells.

As for the last function of warding off evil and toxins, it needed to be actively triggered by the wearer. A green light would cover the head like a veil, filtering various toxins and preventing the invasion of evil energy.

Gao Xian also secretly rejoiced. If Yao Qing Frost had worn the Qing Lotus Crown, his True Yang Spear would definitely not be able to harm her.

Fortunately, fortunately.

The Qing Lotus Crown was so useful that it couldn't be left unused. However, the Qing Lotus Crown was easily recognizable, and if it was seen by members of the Red Snake Gang, it would surely cause trouble.

Therefore, he would have to wear a hat when going out in the future to prevent others from noticing.

In conclusion, this battle was a big win!

Gao Xian was in a great mood. He took a Tiger Blood Pill and practiced the Iron Dragon Hand twice while in a good state.

When he got tired from practicing, he indulged himself by taking a White Dew Pill. He also fed half a White Dew Pill to the little black cat.

If he was drugged and couldn't eat or drink, he didn't want to starve the little cat to death!

After enduring until noon, Gao Xian couldn't wait any longer and went to the Cloud Robe Shop. Having made a fortune, he finally decided to buy the Azure Cloud Robe.

After all, the Azure Cloud Robe was still very useful, although it was expensive, it was worth it.

When he left, Gao Xian dismantled the alchemy furnace and put it into the three-sided storage bag.

With this storage bag, he could carry the alchemy furnace with him wherever he went.

The owner of the Cloud Robe Shop saw Gao Xian coming again and refused to give any discounts, not even a single spiritual stone.

Gao Xian had no choice but to pay on the spot.

After receiving the Azure Cloud Robe, Gao Xian immediately changed into it. He happily looked at himself in the huge bronze mirror, feeling that his overall temperament had greatly improved.

The Azure Cloud Robe was also very low-key, with no visible magical radiance on its surface. Wearing it would not attract envy from others.

When Gao Xian walked out, he felt a light breeze under his feet, and he even considered whether to go and offer incense to Yao Qing Frost and the others at night to express his gratitude...

(End of this chapter)

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