Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 85 Peace With Peace, Wanokuni Will Not Lack Peace And Adultery (Full Order)

"Destroying the bushido culture and spirit of Wanokuni?"

As the emperor of Amazon Lily, Shakky has realized something.

She thought of her own country, and of the Nine Snakes from which she was born.


Amazon · Lily, the whole country is permeated with a female-dominated martial arts culture.

The Nine Snakes who grew up under the influence of this culture and spirit have all become Amazon war kings without exception.

If this culture and spirit are lost, will the Nine Snakes still be the original Nine Snakes?

"Bushido culture is equivalent to Wanokuni's backbone; Bushido spirit is equivalent to Wanokuni's soul."

"Is a samurai without a spine still a samurai? A samurai without a spirit is still a samurai?"

"At that time, as long as the name of the country is changed again, the country of beasts, the country of Qinglong, whatever, there will be no Wanokuni in New World."

Aaron's words made Kaido's eyes sparkle.

"Isn't that the samurai who wanted to kill Wanokuni?"

"Compared to most islands in the New World, this is a large island nation."

"It's just a city of flowers. The general called Sukiyaki randomly pulled out 5,000 samurai, and many of them didn't come to join the battle. In addition to other areas, even if he only killed samurai, he didn't know how many people he would kill. When will it be?"

Byrnndi Wald's scalp tingled.

It is not that he has never done the destruction of the country, but this is the first time he has heard of and done this kind of complete cultural and spiritual destruction of the country and the clan.

In the past, he always directly destroyed the military power of a country. As long as there was no resistance, he would set sail and leave after looting.

But now, if Aaron's idea is followed, Wanokuni really won't be called Wanokuni anymore.

"Mr. Aaron, it is not an easy task to slaughter all the warriors."

"As you said, the culture of samurai has penetrated into every inch of land and everyone's heart.

"Even if this generation of warriors is really wiped out, their descendants will still hate us, and under the influence of hatred and warrior culture, new warriors will still appear, constantly opposing us Beasts Pirates.

Ember frowned slightly.

He didn't consider how the Wanokuni people felt at all, he only cared about what to do to fully implement Aaron's policy of annihilation.

"Let's slaughter the country!"

"Destroy everything that stands in the way of the beasts."

"Solve all problems at once."

Byrnndi Wald raised two pistols, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was hit by Kaido.

"Well said, don't say it next time."

"You idiot, in terms of Tu Guo, is this still a stronghold?"

"What do we want a desolate country to do? Let you farm the land? Let you build weapons? Or let you build ships?"

With a backhand, Kaido slapped the nonchalant Hua Farde away.

Let's take the original him as an example.

It has been stationed in Wanokuni for more than 20 years, that is to say, it has killed the daimyos in various regions, as well as the samurai army who resisted positively.

Regardless of whether it is the remnants of Oden secretly plotting evil or other warriors, it doesn't matter, as long as they can provide the beasts with a steady stream of troops, weapons, food and other navigation and war supplies.

"Every nation has its heroes, who they regard as spiritual leaders, and Wanokuni also has them."

"What we need to do is to destroy these warriors who are regarded as heroes, leaders, and patron saints by the Wanokuni people, and cut a knife at the backbone and spirit of their Bushido, and the rest will take care of themselves We leave."

"Have you forgotten what I just said? As long as you are strong enough to subdue, soften, and kneel the so-called warriors, they will be more loyal and obedient than your son."

Aaron shook his head, and then said something that made Kozuki, who was trampled under Jhin's feet, feel horrified:

"Using peace to make peace, Wanokuni will not lack people who want to be peace."

"Let the sword of the traitor be cut against the warrior, let the sword of the descendant of the traitor be cut against the descendant of the warrior, after two generations, will there still be warriors?"

"What do you think?"

He looked around Kaido and the others, and asked word by word.

Even something like the Kurozumi Orochi can call the wind and rain in Wanokuni, summoning a large number of samurai for its use.

Let alone Beasts Pirates.

After the generals and daimyos have been leveled, as long as they let out their voices, many warriors will come to sign up, vying to be rapes.

This statement shocked everyone.


"Brother, you have no way to do this."

"There is no need for us to waste time and effort. People from Wanokuni will help us get rid of these warriors who try to fight us, and the rest will only serve the beasts like worker ants.

As a pirate, even the future Haki who is so cute, the Four Emperors who will be the king of the land stared at him, but after a while, his eyes lit up and he clapped his hands repeatedly.

"Who is their hero?"

After Jin came back to his senses, he was shocked, and his eyes were filled with cold and murderous intent.


Aaron glanced at the Kozuki that was being trampled by Jhin.


Byrnndi Wald immediately aimed his gun at Kozuki's head.

"His son."

"Kozuki Oden."

"..." A samurai who is not worth mentioning except for his strength, but under the influence of this country's unique culture, it just fits the Wanokuni people's perception of a heroic leader. "

Aaron spat out a silly name.

"Where is Kozuki Oden?"

Jhin understood.

No wonder Aaron didn't let himself and Byrnndi Wald kill the Kozuki Sukiyaki in front of him like he killed the other samurai.

"You evil spirits!"

"Your idea is impossible to succeed."

"Wanokuni, this is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Kozuki's face covered with dirt was full of anger and killing intent.

"wrong answer!"

Jhin's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he grabbed Kozuki's right leg with one hand, and a fire snake spewed out from his palm, winding up.

chi chi

With bursts of black smoke rising, under the twitching face of Kozuki Sukiyaki, screaming and wailing, one of his right legs was gradually burned by the flames from skin, to flesh and blood, to bones.

The tragic scene makes people shudder.

Maybe it was because he was hunted down by the world government since he was a child, and then he was tied to the test bench and suffered all kinds of torture.

He didn't even notice that when facing the enemy, he also had the interest of interrogating and torturing.

Especially when facing a samurai that Aaron doesn't like, he has no worries.

"Okay, don't make it so bloody, I still have afternoon tea in Congress.

"Jin, don't be so troublesome, didn't I ask you to let some warriors go on purpose just now?"

"Flower City fell, 5,000 samurai fell, things here will soon spread to Wanokuni, those daimyos from other regions, and Kozuki Oden, they will take the initiative to come to us."

Aaron waved his hand.

He didn't want to see the filthy scenes of red and white shoots and scorched bones, which would affect his appetite for the afternoon tea that followed.

"I'm very sorry, Dr. Lun.

"I'll deal with him now."

After Jhin burned one of Kozuki's sukiyaki legs, he stomped him back under the soles of his shoes to prevent him from screaming and disturbing Aaron's afternoon tea. .

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