Great Navigation: A Pair Of Green Dragons, Younger Brother Kaido

Chapter 86 Brother Is So Accurate! (Seek Full Order)

"Captain, do you need to break down those big names one by one?"

Byrnndi Wald suggested, after hearing no more ear-drumming screams of Kozuki sukiyaki.

"It's not necessary."

"We just have to wait here patiently for a moment."

"Just wait until Kozuki Oden comes with those daimyos and put Wanokuni's authority in our hands."

Aaron spread his hands and shook his head.

Break down one by one?

But it's superfluous.

If you can beat Wanokuni with one blow, why should you score five or six times?

"Do you need to hire more people?"

"This island country is not too small. It may not be able to manage it. There are only five of us, so we can't experience everything by ourselves?"

"Aaron, since you defeated the John Pirates, the bounty has increased a lot, up to 1.9 billion Berry, which is as famous as BIGMOM. Looking at the New World, you are now a famous big pirate. As long as we release a hundred The news that the beast is recruiting people will immediately swarm countless pirates."

Shakky pondered for a moment, then looked at Aaron.

"Hundred beasts only recruit elites, and absolutely will not accept garbage."

Aaron didn't say no, but he didn't say yes either.

Although not every crew member has to be like Jhin or Shakky, either from the Lunaria race or a born king, but at least he has to be at the level of Shichibukai, Three Calamities, and Generals

If the level is not enough, no matter how many people there are, in this sea, it is meaningless at all.

General-level powerhouses, regardless of whether they have the aptitude of a king, are mainly Haki, or 120 are mainly fruits, and they all have the ability to kill in a large area.

The three generals of nature, Kuzan froze the sea with his fingers, Sakazuki turned the island into a magma sea of ​​fire with his gestures, and Polusalino rained laser rain at random.

There is also Garp, who is nearly eighty years old and still extremely vigorous. He can punch a town and send away a large number of Blackbeard pirates.

"How do you feel about making Nine Snakes a subsidiary pirate group under Hundred Beasts?"

"As long as you are willing to nod, I can contact Amazon Lily and summon the Nine Snake Pirates. In this case, we will have enough manpower to handle the matter."

"Although there will be countless adulteries in the future, there are some things that need to be handed over to trustworthy people."

Shakky knew it.

From Jhin and herself, she knew that Aaron was very picky about the crew.

Either recruit Jin, who has the powerful combat power of the Lunaria tribe.

Either recruit yourself, a chef queen who has the qualifications of a king.

Ordinary pirates, even if they offer a reward of 500 to 600 million, if they have little potential, they probably won't be able to catch Aaron's attention.

"Nine Snakes?"

"How about your ex-crew?"

"Before they were chased by John and fled around, relying on you to come to the rear, they fled to Calm Belt and returned to the first half of the Grand Line.

When Byrnndi Wald heard this, she regretted it in her heart.

If he had known that when he was in the Valley of the Gods, he would have directly brought the entire Wald team to join Beasts and become an affiliated pirate team, so it would not have allowed Shakky to be better than the previous one.

"If it's a matter of strength, why worry about Nine Snakes not being strong with a famous teacher like me?"

"Nine Snakes are originally the Haki nation, but they lack the guidance of high-quality famous teachers."

"You let them come, I will give them ten lessons of Thunder Eight Trigrams for free, as long as they survive, I guarantee that all of them will play Haki.

When Kaido heard that it was a question of strength, he immediately laughed.

After a series of practice on Jhin, after witnessing this new crew member, under his own set of Thunder Eight Trigrams, successively comprehend the color of armament and the color of knowledge, he completely believed that besides the aptitude of a king, he also possessed The qualifications of a generation of famous teachers.

This also made him admire Aaron's vision even more.

Dude is so accurate!

I have never taught anyone before, and I can see through him the amazing talent of a famous teacher hidden in his body at a glance.

Shakky opened his mouth, speechless for a moment.

She regretted a little that she shouldn't have suggested that the Nine Snake Pirates come over.

The first half of the Grand Line is also quite good, with the Calm Belt as a natural barrier, there will be no danger, let alone the fear of dying under Kaido's eight fasts.

"The Nine Snake Pirates?"


"But let's talk about it later. After Wanokuni is calmed down, it won't be too late to let them come over."

Aaron thought for a moment, then nodded.

He is very picky about the crew of Beasts Pirates, but he is not so picky and particular about the affiliated pirates of Beasts, and the Nine Snake Pirates themselves are quite good.

All of them are elites in the Haki nation.

As for the issue of strength.

(cibg) Like Cutie said, there's nothing Haki can't learn from a Thunder Eight Trigrams.

If so, two sticks.

"If you don't want Amazon Lily to stay in Calm Belt for the rest of your life, then I can go with Kaido to transport Amazon Lily to New World, and rely on each other with the stronghold of beasts."

"The Calm Belt can be a barrier to protect the Nine Snakes, or it can be a shackle that restricts it."

"Nine Snakes have a complete Haki heritage, and it is supposed to become a world power like Elbaf, not just one."

Aaron also knew what Shakky was up to.

The reason for recruiting the Nine Snake Pirates is to keep the Nine Snake Pirates as a subordinate pirate group under the banner of Hundred Beasts, and the second is to improve the combat power of the Nine Snake Pirates, so that they will not be abandoned if they leave her. .

It would be best if under the protection of the Beasts Pirates, with the help of the New World's environment, they could raise the next Amazon's heir to the emperor.

He still attaches great importance to the cook who has the qualifications of a king and has devoted herself to cooking since joining Hundred Beasts.

Unlike the original Byrnndi Wald, who was forced to succumb to strength and death, at the beginning, he was still full of ghosts.

For this reason, he would not mind taking a trip to Calm Belt himself, moving the country with Flame Cloud, and transporting Amazon Lily to New World.

Anyway, this is a good thing for beasts.

As Shakky said, there are too many sites, and people need to manage them.

"Can...can you?"

"It won't bother you."

"After all, it is Yunguo."

Shakky's heart skipped a beat, and the feeling of the deer bumping around resurfaced again.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a country or a ship, it doesn't make any difference in my opinion.

Aaron nailed it straight away.

The future Four Emperors are so cute, they can carry Onijima to the sky, and they can fight against the king Luffy, Zoro, Trafalgar Law, Red Sheath and many others without taking a breath.

Let alone him.

Double ghost blood, Lunaria blood, and Shakky's Nine Snake blood, which has the qualifications of a king.

Although the abilities in the form of Yuyuguru, Phantom Beast, and Azure Dragon have not yet awakened, but the blood bar is thick and the physical strength is strong. Compared with the Four Emperors period, it is much cuter, stronger but not weaker.


Shakky glanced at Aaron, with blue waves in his beautiful eyes.

She knew that she was one step closer to complete sinking.

Unfortunately, she is still happy.


Just when Aaron and several people were discussing and finalizing the future development and route of Beasts Pirates, he suddenly heard heavy footsteps ahead and heavy objects colliding with the ground.

The generated sound came.

They turned their heads to look at the source of the sound.

street corner.

Heigoro, who was covered in blood and had many scars on his body, came out.

As he kept approaching, the heavy object he was holding also caught the eyes of Aaron and others.

It was a huge white bag, but most of the area was already stained red with blood, and there were bloodstains of different sizes when it was dragged on the ground. .

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