Great Nobleman

Chapter 1100 Legion Commander Brandholander!

Chapter 1100 Legion Commander Brand Holland!

After waiting for the communication requests sent by several elders to the court to be answered.

I saw the interior of a large and comfortable luxury tent.

Brand, who was wearing casual clothes and lying on a recliner, was reading a heavy book with a leisurely expression.

The beautifully dressed Catherine was sitting next to him, peeling and slicing the fruit, and then carefully putting it into his mouth!

After noticing that the empty screen appears.

Brand cast a surprised look, and then slowly put the book in his hand aside.

Seeing such a leisurely aristocratic young man enjoying the quiet time in the afternoon.

The three great masters all began to doubt the authenticity of the information [Brand is on the frontline battlefield] and [Brand is the commander of the army]!

As for Brand, he didn't notice the weirdness of the three elders.

After a brief greeting, I learned that the three lords wanted to know about the situation in the Mosar Kingdom.

Brand asked Catherine to get a paper document from the desk next to her.

Immediately afterwards, he ate the pastry with one hand, opened the information with the other, and slowly spoke:

“The situation here in the Mosar Kingdom is actually quite complicated.

I heard that the day before yesterday, something seemed to have happened in many places within the Mosar Kingdom..."

After pausing for a moment, he found the detailed information in the file in his hand.

Brand raised his eyebrows and then explained:

“There have been varying degrees of riots in the royal city of Mosar, surrounding areas, and many cities and noble territories in the south.

Some people want to grab supplies, and then some people fish in troubled waters to stir up conflicts.

Some people resisted the conscription and gathered to storm the city gates in an attempt to leave the city.

In some villages and towns, security teams were attacked and shops were looted.

In general, the orc troop increase failed to be kept secret, and now it has been spread.

Many people with channels have begun to think of ways to deal with it, such as hoarding supplies or leaving the Mosar Kingdom directly.

According to the information obtained by Rias's intelligence network, the first batch of wealthy businessmen who secretly evacuated went all the way south and crossed the border between the Mosar Kingdom and the Bruns Empire.

I heard that some nobles from the Bruns Empire also sent people to assist. "

At the end, after putting down the document in his hand, Brand continued:

“According to our judgment, these things should be carried out secretly by the Bruns Empire.

Some people in the Northern Legion have been feeling panic these past two days.

The heir of the Rosenkar family, Mr. Franco Rosenkar, was recently walking around in the Northern Army of the Mosar Kingdom.

I heard that they seemed to be trying to win over people and let some potential figures from the Northern Legion join their Bruns Empire.

Last night, at the meeting initiated by the [Steel Shield Castle] Northern Legion.

The top brass of the Northern Army also questioned the attending support representatives of the Bruns Empire reinforcements in public.

But people refuse to admit it.

After all, it's normal to walk around with your comrades who are fighting together.

As for spreading panic secretly, their actions were very clean and no one caught them. "

After hearing about the complicated current situation of the Mosar Kingdom.

Mr. Mesa was a little surprised and said:

"The Bruns Empire is so big? Are you still engaging in internal divisions at this time?

If the Mosar Kingdom is really defeated by the orcs, they will have to face the orcs head-on! "

Brand spread his hands and said:

"Who knows, maybe they secretly reached some kind of agreement with the orcs, and the orcs will not continue to go south after occupying the Mosar Kingdom?

You know, there is a precedent for them colluding with the orcs. "

Hearing this, Mr. Romien shook his head and said:

“It is possible to say that the orcs have some other collusion with them.

But if they really have to wait for the collapse of the Mosar Kingdom, even if the orcs don't pose a threat to them this time, they will most likely not lose face next time.

In contrast, the best choice is to have the Mosar Kingdom at the front.

So I think they want to achieve some other goal, such as making the Mosar Kingdom bow to them. "

Mr. Holland nodded and said:

“The possibility is very high.

Over the years, due to historical reasons in the past.

The Mosar Kingdom has always been united with its neighboring countries and stood on the opposite side of the Bruns Empire.

I think the Bruns Empire must have some ideas about them.

And this time it happened to be a good opportunity for the orcs to include them as a key attack target.

It’s not surprising that the Bruns Empire wanted to do something.

I think you'd better be careful.

Although the Mosar Kingdom is currently on good terms with us, the problem is that our Kaya Empire is too far away and beyond our reach.

When the orcs increase their troops, who is most confident in providing strong support to the Mosar Kingdom and resisting the orcs' southward march?

Then there is only the Bruns Empire directly to the south.

In addition, the two empires of Munn and Caesar are not very far apart.

But they had only experienced chaos and war in the past two years, and had only had a normal relationship with the Mosar Kingdom.

There is a high probability that they will not send strong reinforcements! "

After hearing Mr. Holland's analysis, Brand's leisurely look became a little more serious.

But then, thinking that because of the chaos in the previous two days, Rias had directly separated their logistics.

Brand waved his hand again and said:

"If it doesn't work, we will evacuate. Does Bruns Empire dare to stop us?

Our Kaya Empire is not easy to bully!"

Seeing that Brand was not nervous, Master Holland couldn't help asking:

"I heard that you became the general manager and legion commander of the Empire's reinforcements. Is this news true or false?"

Speaking of this, Brand coughed lightly, then nodded seriously and said:

"Yes, in front of you is the young and promising Mr. Brand Holland, the legion commander of our Kaya Empire's reinforcements to the Kingdom of Mosal!

Don't think I'm idle now, but in fact, I'm usually very busy!

Every day I have to review various intelligence and then make a series of decisions.

The day before yesterday, I took the team out for a walk...patrolled a circle.

But the orcs have been hiding in the garrison and don't come out, so we can't do anything!"

Although Brand pretended to make a defense, looking at Brand's leisurely look now

The three masters simply couldn't connect this guy with the position of [Leader of the Legion].

In the end, they simply ended the call and considerately told Brand not to continue to cover up!

Looking at the empty screen in front of him that suddenly went dark, Brand was confused for a while.

Then, he stood up and took Catherine out of the tent.

Prepared to fulfill the responsibilities of the legion leader for the first time in a long time and patrol the legion's garrison.

As early as three days ago, the follow-up reinforcements of the Kaya Empire officially joined them.

Considering that the subsequent battles might be more difficult.

As soon as they met, everyone proposed to act together and form a "joint legion" in the mode of the Empire's pioneering war.

After a series of consultations, they finally reorganized the Empire's reinforcements that were originally somewhat scattered.

Finally, two cavalry legions with accompanying mages, one infantry legion, and one logistics legion were formed.

The strong men who came to support the Empire alone were distributed among them.

In addition, there are the Library Mage Corps as the main force of the battle, the Claude Mage Corps with two hundred formal mages, and two small knights of the Empire.

A total of four high-level military forces!

As the three masters know:

During the formation of the legion, Brand was jointly elected by others as the highest military leader of the Kaya Empire Support Corps.

To explain the reason, although Brand does not have much military literacy and has never commanded a large army before.

However, in the current Kingdom of Mosal, there is a recognized fact:

In the entire area where the Human Alliance and the Orc Empire are fighting.

In the war zone of the Kingdom of Mosal, the Library Mage Corps is the most powerful force, without a doubt!

——It has a strong symbolic meaning and deterrent power!

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