Great Nobleman

Chapter 1101: The Bruns Empire’s coercion!

Because the orc reinforcements are constantly approaching, and several big bosses far away in the country are aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Brand, who had been leisurely for several days, finally became more serious.

After a tour of the station and a brief analysis of the current situation.

Early the next morning, at Brand's suggestion.

The top leaders of the legion came to the temporary legion combat conference room one after another.

On the empty video screen placed in the conference room, Rias, who is in the back and is responsible for logistics and intelligence affairs, is also participating in this meeting.

——Brand is ready to talk to everyone about their specific follow-up action plan!

In fact, Brand is not the only one who has been relaxing these days.

Except for Rias, who was responsible for logistics and intelligence at the rear, the others who came to support, like Brand, did not do much that would help the battle.

——It’s not that they don’t want to do it, it’s that there is really nothing to do!

After all, the orc army that invaded the Mosar Kingdom huddled in its garrison every day and did not come out.

Brand had previously proposed to the top brass of the Mosar Kingdom’s Northern Army:

Taking advantage of the lack of follow-up reinforcements from the orcs, they gathered their superior forces and tried to launch an attack on the orc station.

Unfortunately, his proposal was rejected outright.

The reason is that taking the initiative to attack the orc garrison with various fortifications is thankless and prone to huge losses.

They need to retain more strength to deal with future changes!

This reason may seem reasonable at first glance.

But in fact, it is also giving up the limited time currently, with superior troops and battlefield initiative.

Of course, because they are just external auxiliary troops, they have no decision-making power in the war.

Therefore, the army of the Mosar Kingdom is not ready to take the initiative and cannot defeat them alone.

They can only stay idle for the time being.

After everyone arrived, Brand said:

"According to the latest operational meeting of the Northern Army.

Because the people north of Mosar Royal City have basically evacuated.

The Northern Army will next prepare to continue to defend, fight and retreat.

Relying on numerous fortifications to continuously consume the orc army and delay it, waiting for follow-up support from other countries.

When the time comes, we will just cooperate from the sidelines.

In addition, I want to know the situation in the royal city of King Mosar in the rear, especially the attitude of the top leaders of the Kingdom of Mosar in dealing with the current situation. "

Hearing this question, everyone turned their attention to Rias on the empty screen.

Rias also responded quickly:

“The Mosar Kingdom has restarted the previous [King City Defense Plan], and the defenses around the King City are currently being further consolidated and built.

At the same time, the Mosar Kingdom also conducted further recruitment and mobilization nationwide.

Although many chaotic incidents inevitably broke out, the soldiers of the Mosar Kingdom also received many reinforcements.

In addition, the Mosar Kingdom also held a meeting of the Human Alliance countries in conjunction with the countries that were being attacked by the orcs.

The countries of the Human Alliance, including our Kaya Empire, have also promised to send more support.

But everyone knows this after thinking about it:

Far water cannot quench near thirst.

The orc reinforcements will soon cross the border of the Mosar Kingdom, and then go all the way south to join the orc army.

At this point in time, the only countries that can provide the fastest assistance to the Mosal Kingdom are the neighboring countries that are closer to the Mosal Kingdom.

Mist to the west, Benigoro to the east, and Bruns to the south.

During this time, the two kingdoms of Mist and Benigoro have begun to mobilize their legions to prepare for support.

However, because they are also suffering from the southward invasion of the orcs, the support they can send is very limited.

As for the Bruns Empire, of course they also mobilized a large army and even had the army ready at their northern border.

As long as the Mosar Kingdom nods, their army can immediately go north to enter the Mosar Kingdom, and jointly resist the orcs invading from the south with the Mosar Kingdom. "

When he said this, a knight leader shook his head and said:

"They are forcing the Mosar Kingdom to bow to them. The recent chaos in the Mosar Kingdom is obviously caused by them secretly.

These chaos broke out very suddenly, and the timing was extremely subtle, anyone who was interested could see it! "

Another legion executive said:

"In this current situation, the reasons don't really matter.

No matter what, there are not many choices before the Mosar Kingdom, and the time left for them to make a choice is very tight.

Strictly speaking, it is not impossible to unite the forces of other parties, fight while retreating, continue to resist the orcs moving south, and wait for more reinforcements!

But if the Bruns Empire has been secretly disrupting the situation and the Mosar Kingdom has no way to counterattack, this chance will be greatly reduced.

The Bruns Empire has also grasped the weakness of the Mosar Kingdom! "

Master Claude said:

“Looking from this point of view, the position of the Mosar Kingdom may actually deviate.

Once they decide to fall to the Bruns Empire, then consider the ongoing conflicts between us and the Bruns Empire.

We may need to be more vigilant!

On the battlefield where he has no time to care, who knows if the Bruns Empire will cause any trouble?

Being comrades-in-arms with them is not something we feel reassured about! "

At this time, Rias said:

"I am also keeping an eye on this.

For now, the royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Mosar have shown no signs of compromise.

After the recent chaos, they even sent more personnel to the southern border and strictly prohibited the army of the Bruns Empire from crossing the border."

After hearing everyone talk about the position of the Kingdom of Mosar, Brand couldn't help but think about it.

In his opinion, even with the coercion of the Bruns Empire, the possibility of the Kingdom of Mosar turning to the Bruns Empire is still small.

In addition to the contradictions that have always existed between the two countries, the Kingdom of Mosar should have done many things in secret that are not conducive to the Bruns Empire.

——The top weapon forging secret method from the Bruns Empire is a kind of evidence!

Of course, necessary precautions are still indispensable!

Thinking of this, Brand said:

"No matter what the current situation is, we need to keep paying attention to the subsequent position of the Kingdom of Mosal and the movements of the Bruns Empire.

Once the Bruns Empire sends a large army north across the border.

Then we need to change our course of action appropriately.

In extreme cases, we even need to be prepared to evacuate the Kingdom of Mosal."

Lias nodded and said:

"In this case, I will continue to communicate with the top leaders of the Kingdom of Mosal.

In addition, people will be sent to the southern border of the Kingdom of Mosal to keep a continuous eye on the movements of the Bruns Empire army.

If an unexpected situation occurs, I will inform you as soon as possible.

In addition, our Imperial Foreign Affairs Department has now completed communication with the Kingdom of Beniglo.

If we really need to retreat.

We can evacuate all the way east and enter the territory of the Kingdom of Beniglo."

At this point, everything basically became clear.

After discussing the details of the follow-up actions in detail for a while.

Brand concluded:

"Then everyone, get ready, according to the intelligence obtained by the Sky Shadow Butterfly released by our library.

The orc reinforcements will officially arrive at the northern border of the Kingdom of Mosal the day after tomorrow at the latest.

After that, in about two days, they will be able to go all the way south and join the orc army.

If the Kingdom of Mosal does not surrender to the Bruns Empire.

Then until the situation is irreversible, we will serve as friendly forces and continue to assist them in fighting.

Otherwise, we will make appropriate responses according to the situation.

In the worst case, we will directly withdraw from the frontline battlefield!"

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