Great Nobleman

Chapter 1127 Getting more intense!

The third day after the orc army arrived at the Royal City of Mosal and launched an attack.

Except that the time of the attack was changed to before dawn, the subsequent development was basically the same as the previous two days.

The orc warriors who launched the attack were still the same as before, only the orc army that followed was replaced by a new batch.

After paying attention for a while, it was seen that the situation would not change for a while.

Brand did not stay in the meeting tent.

Instead, he returned to his own tent, sent a communication request to Chris, and paid attention to the recent talent recruitment.

In the past few days, as the members of Free Iris followed Master Claude to other nearby cities.

The scope of their recruitment of talents has also expanded a little.

Chris said:

"Because the time is still short, we have successfully recruited a lot of craftsmen.

But other than that, there are only some talented young people and children for the time being.

In addition, there are many people willing to sell themselves to join the Morning Flower Territory. I have passed the relevant information to Catherine."

As soon as she finished speaking, Catherine nodded and said:

"There are indeed many people willing to sell themselves to join the Morning Flower Territory. I am taking time to review them these two days.

A small number of people have been preliminarily selected."

Brand is very clear about the situation on Catherine's side.

After thinking for a moment, Brand said to Chris:

"For the people who have been selected, remember to let the members of Free Iris take them to follow Master Claude to meet us in two days.

If the Royal City of Mosar falls, it is estimated that the cities around the Royal City of Mosar will quickly fall into chaos.

By that time, we should not have much time to take care of them."

Hearing this, Chris asked:

"From the perspective of the Sky Shadow Butterfly, the orcs are still tentatively attacking the Royal City of Mosar.

They seem to be checking the number of strong defenders and the effects and power of various war weapons.

I think the Royal City of Mosar can only hold on for a few days at worst, right?"

Brand nodded and said:


At present, most of the strong men in the Royal City of Mosar have shown their faces, and most of the various war weapons have also been revealed.

The probing stage is probably coming to an end.

I think in the next two days, the orcs should increase the intensity of the attack and then look for an opportunity to launch a general attack."


As far as the facts are concerned.

The end time of the orc army's exploratory attack came earlier than Brand had imagined.

That afternoon, the orcs who attacked the city retreated to rest.

Just when most people thought that today's battle was over.

That evening, after dinner time, the orcs launched another attack!

This attack lasted until the second half of the night before it was declared over.

Then, when the logistics soldiers guarding the city were nervously repairing the city walls in the dark.

The leopard assassins and lizard lurkers attacked again!

Although they were still discovered halfway and then repelled by various long-range strikes.

But soon after this, although it was still dark, the orc army's station gradually became noisy.

—— Soon, the army gathered, and six tireless Titan orcs with physical expertise grasped their weapons and led the team to attack again!

When Brand woke up on the morning of the fourth day and came to the meeting tent.

I saw that the north wall of the Mosal King's City was in chaos, and there were orc warriors everywhere!

Although the Titan orcs were always restrained by various means.

The orc army also spent a lot of money on the way to the city wall.

But their achievements are also considerable!

——The northern wall of the Mosal King's City has a large area of ​​corrosion, and some places even reveal the inner fortress structure. The mages are constantly repairing it!

At that time, in the afternoon, when the orcs retreated.

The northern wall was already in a state of dilapidation!

Even the small fortress-like fortifications in the inner area of ​​the wall collapsed under the fearless attack of the orcs.

However, the Mosal royal family also has a response plan for this:

As several spell scrolls were activated, rich earth elements surged up and filled all the damaged parts of the wall like new.

After a look.

Everyone found that the area repaired by this method, under the blessing and strengthening of the earth element, could maintain considerable defensive capabilities in the short term!

As a result, everyone's originally solemn expressions gradually relaxed.

"If there is enough reserve of this kind of spell scroll, then the orcs' attacks in the past few days were all in vain!"

"I have to say that the foundation of the Oberstein family is really rich!"

"They are a powerful kingdom after all. Although their previous record in the North was very shameful, they should not be underestimated when they are serious!"

Seeing the end of the battle, because they got up early today, Brand took Catherine and his sister Celine back to take a nap.

And when they woke up.

Rowling, who was waiting outside, said:

"Master, Madam, not long ago, the orcs started to attack again."

After returning to the meeting tent, Brand drank tea while watching the current battle situation.

-As Rowling said, the orcs launched an attack again!

The attacking lineup is no different from before.

The only difference is that the high-end combat power of the defenders has declined compared to the combat power shown today in the past two days.

Ordinary legions have the opportunity to rotate and rest because they have sufficient troops, but high-end combat forces cannot do so.

They basically did not rest for two consecutive days, and they were in high-intensity combat most of the time. Many people were obviously exhausted physically and mentally!

Especially the older Mr. Welsh Wilfred.

Although these Titan orcs with physical expertise are in a similar situation to them, and they are all "elderly people".

But there is still a big difference between the two!

Not to mention that orcs are inherently stronger than humans.

As a noble, Mr. Welsh is obviously pampered, but these warlike Titan orcs are obviously not!

In addition to the battle, Brand saw Mr. Welsh take time to drink secret medicine for himself several times to ensure his condition.

Of course, no matter what, under the superposition of various means, the situation on the battlefield was barely maintained.

——Until late that night!

When the senior leaders of the legion went to rest one by one.

Brand also took the arms of the two ladies on the left and right, thinking about whether he should go back to sleep.

In the screen of the air shadow screen, a Titan orc who excels in physique and strength suddenly seized a gap.

With a shield rush, the shield with a horn in his hand hit the corner of the city wall fiercely.

Then, as he roared and exerted further strength, he rushed forward!

The tall city wall was quickly knocked open by him, a huge gap stretching for hundreds of meters!

Seeing this scene, the high-ranking orc army who were on standby in the rear immediately blew a loud horn!

Soon, more orc warriors and legions rushed into the field shouting!

Seeing that the battle tonight was getting more and more intense.

Brand suddenly found a dense and subtle black shadow passing by in the sky from the perspective of an air shadow butterfly facing the sky!

After opening the spell and observing carefully, Brand was somewhat surprised to find that it was a team of black-winged eaglemen.

——The black-winged eaglemen legion had never appeared on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Mosal before!

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