Great Nobleman

Chapter 1128 A sharp turn for the worse!

At the same time, the defenders of the Mosal Royal City also noticed the Black Winged Eagle Legion approaching rapidly from the sky.

After some communication, the champion knight from the [Silver Hammer Alliance], wearing a red heavy armor, suddenly gave up the Titan Orcs in front of him, and led two teams of knights to rush up and fight!

Not long after, a powerful battle wave also broke out in the sky beyond the range of most war weapons!

From time to time, it can be seen that the [Black Winged Spears] with [Piercing] and [Demon Breaking Properties] like black drizzle poured down in groups towards the towers of the central palace of the Mosal Royal City.

Then, they were either intercepted by the warriors and mages guarding the surroundings, or penetrated the barrier of the palace castle, and exploded large pieces of black eagle feathers on the top wall of the tower!

Then, perhaps because the threat of the Eagle Man was too great, the existing force was not enough to contain it safely.

Two more knight groups took off one after another!

After this series of changes, Brand's sleepiness could not help but dissipate.

Then, as another group of orcs joined the battlefield, the intensity of the battles in various locations increased significantly.

Because the number of strong ground defenders decreased.

The defenders of the Mosar King City also had to activate more spell scrolls and alchemical items to deal with the top orcs and repair the damaged parts of the city walls and internal fortresses.

In the second half of the night, the six Titan orcs on the ground took turns to block the three huge damaged gaps in the city wall.

Although they were covered in blood and were repelled from time to time, they tried their best to prevent the defenders from repairing the city walls!

—— As a result, more and more orc warriors gradually broke into the northern city area of ​​the Mosar King City!

On the battlefield, while swinging his sword to force a Titan orc back, Brunot said to others through the short-range communication network built by the mages:

"If we continue, the orcs will break through sooner or later. I'm afraid we can't hold back any longer!"

As soon as this was said, Wales also agreed:

"I agree with you!

Most of our high-end combat forces have no time to take care of other things, and I just saw many leopard assassins mixed in with the orc army and broke into the city!

Their targets must be mages, legion leaders, and war weapons in the palace and castle!

We can't let things develop, we must make changes immediately!"

As soon as the voice fell, in the meeting hall inside the palace and castle.

The king in armor, Hermann Oberstein nodded to Marshal Oruchi who was looking at him.

Then, with sweat on his forehead, Oruchi quickly turned his eyes to the magic sand table in front of him, and ordered through the magic communication network:

"The next attack of [Minglei Shen Killing Crossbow] will be directed at the Titan Orc-level Minotaur with strength and physique expertise, which poses the greatest threat.

Next, please cooperate with all parties around to kill him with all your strength!

After that, all parties are ready to resist the orcs' fierce attack with all their strength!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two champion knights, Wales and Brunot, took action quickly, and the surrounding knights immediately cleared the obstacles for them!

Of course, the orcs also noticed the abnormal actions of these high-end human combat forces.

But before they could make more reactions.

Inside the royal city, at the highest point of the central palace castle, a terrifying elemental fluctuation flashed by.

The dark lightning crossed the distance in an instant, shattering the huge shield stuck in a gap in the city wall, and then pierced the Minotaur behind the shield through the chest!

When the Minotaur with extremely scarlet eyes staggered back, covering his chest.

Wales and Brunot were already close behind him!

——With unparalleled strength, they held two huge knight swords and pierced his chest!

A life-or-death moment!

The Minotaur no longer cared about his injuries. He roared and turned around, swinging his fists!

As the scarlet power broke the sound barrier, the Titan power in his body was also raised to the extreme!

And the next moment, two giant knight swords ruthlessly broke the skin of his hands!

The bright red blood spread along his fists to his forearms, and then staggered all the way to his chest, which was still recovering.


As the huge body slowly fell, scarlet light particles flew up.

The dazzling scarlet light column also rose up in the distance in the north, breaking through the dark night sky and printing the earth into a blood-red color!

At this moment, the orc warriors only felt that the power was surging wildly, and the vision in front of them suddenly brought a layer of thick blood light!

They roared unconsciously, tightened their weapons, and rushed forward with a more violent attitude!

The only five Titan orcs left on the ground were no longer satisfied with guarding the gap in the city wall.

They all put down their shields, took out their axes or hammers, and rushed towards the northern city of King Mosal.

But in the next moment!

The bright blue light column that was prepared in advance pushed and blocked them in place.

The powerful spell scroll was activated immediately, suppressing many orc warriors and the orc army.

Various long-range strike methods also increased the frequency by a large margin!

Correspondingly, the orcs also made more moves:

The next moment the totem light column rose!

Without any signal, most of the orc army no longer watched from afar.

They lined up and charged towards the gap in the northern city wall of King Mosal!

Under the watchful eyes of Brand and others.

Although at the beginning, even with the strengthening of the return of the beast spirit, the offensive of the orcs still failed to achieve much effective results.

But as time goes by little by little.

When the defenders' explosive offensive passed, the balance of war quickly shifted in another direction!


More and more orc warriors, who were shrouded and strengthened by the power of the scarlet totem, successfully broke into the royal city.

Although many magic traps were activated, large areas of elemental fire broke out on the streets of the city.

But after a while, they were gradually submerged by the iron torrent formed by the orc army!

Among them, the looming figures of assassins were even more chilling!

Seeing the scenes on the screen, Brand said helplessly:

"Since we have to kill the Titan orcs sooner or later, what did you do in the past few days?

Now that the orcs have figured out most of the details, they won't have too many scruples!

And after fighting for more than two days, the soldiers are exhausted. This is really not a good time!"

Lias said:

"The day before yesterday, Director Jonas actually gave them suggestions.

But in the end it was not adopted.

They are worried that the orcs will launch a general attack at the beginning of the war and cause great damage to the royal city.

Then the morale of the army will be low."

After a moment of silence, Brand shook his head and said:

"Anyway, this is still too conservative."

Catherine thought:

"From the current situation, since the orcs have seized the opportunity, If more troops are sent, the northern part of the Mosar King City may be lost.

Fortunately, there are inner walls separating the inner and outer city areas, as well as walls separating the four outer city areas to isolate the northern city area.

There is still a lot of room for maneuver in the future. "

Looking at the battle on the air screen, Liya suddenly said:

"Five Titan orcs broke into the northern city wall one after another.

I think there will be a long stalemate in the future.

The Kingdom of Mosar must prevent the orcs from gaining a foothold in the northern city area, and even try to drive them out.

Otherwise, the situation will be very unfavorable to them. "

As soon as the voice fell, Celine pointed to a view of the air butterfly outside the city, and then said:

"With these three Behemoths, this matter may not be easy. "

Looking in the direction Celine pointed.

I saw that the three Behemoths outside the city stopped paddling and began to approach the direction of the Mosar King City quickly.

The solid and thick city walls were like tender tofu in front of their claws.

Large gaps were easily cut open, and large pieces of stone fell off.

And waited for them to break a new gap in the city wall and enter the city.

When the other five Titan orc leaders were struggling to advance towards the inner city where the palace castle was located.

They began to move to the right.

As they passed along, various solid fortress buildings were easily destroyed by their claws.

At the same time, as the earth and rocks under them surged, a series of rough fortress-style stone buildings rose up!

Relying on these buildings, the three behemoths led the orc army to advance step by step in the northern city of the Mosal King's City.

And steadily advanced towards the high wall separating the western and northern city areas!

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