Great Nobleman

Chapter 1146 Chapter 1146 Why are you being so polite?

The next day, a team of carriages slowly drove out of the west gate of [Winterfall City] and headed towards the occupied area of ​​Bruns Empire.

Then, under the guidance of Franco and others.

Brand and his party entered the nearest medium-sized city in the west of [Winterfall City].

After the convoy arrived at the destination and stopped.

Under the leadership of Brand, the members of the [Kaya Empire Review Group] walked down the carriages one by one with their chests puffed out, their hands behind their backs, and proud faces.

Looking around, I saw that the flat and clean streets were now lined with uniform welcoming guards.

City residents cast curious eyes at them from all over.

It can be seen that Bruns Empire is well prepared.

At least on the surface, everything is still very good now.

Not only the welcoming ceremony of Bruns Empire.

In addition, the people of the former Mosal Kingdom are full of energy, as if they have escaped from the clouds of war.

Of course, these are all on the surface, and it is unclear what is going on behind the scenes.

In addition, whether the Bruns Empire's army is firm in its hostility towards the orcs remains to be examined.

Some rumors say:

The Bruns Empire has secretly reached an agreement with the orcs, and the current war is just a cooperative play!

When Brand and others looked around, their eyes became more and more picky and frowned from time to time.

Franco sent a subtle look to a position next to him.

Then, a team of formally dressed people who were obviously from the city management came trotting over.

When Brand looked at them with scrutiny and frowned as he wanted to say something.

But he saw the other party suddenly smile and take out a gift box with exquisite packaging!

Seeing such a scene, after a moment of daze, Brand and others' frowns were visibly relaxed, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became extremely harmonious!

——They just came here to check, why are they so polite!

When the investigation teams of various countries started the inspection work in Bruns Empire and the occupied areas of the former Mosar Kingdom.

The war in the [Central Plain] of the former Mosar Kingdom was also going on.

Because the reinforcements sent by Bruns Empire arrived before the orcs.

So with the advantage of military strength, Bruns Empire was able to advance smoothly in the [Central Plain].

Although their speed was not very fast, they were very stable.

And when they smoothly advanced all the way to the [Green Grassland] in the southern part of the [Central Plain].

The orcs suddenly began to fight hard again and again, and organized many counterattacks!

Then, a fact was confirmed by Bruns Empire:

Although the support team of the Orc Empire had just entered the northernmost part of the former Mosar Kingdom, there were already orc strongmen who arrived in the [Central Plain] first!

——In other words, the gap in combat power between the two sides has been partially made up, and the orcs have more confidence!

And under such facts, Bruns Empire did not retreat and still maintained the previous daily offensive rhythm!

The scale and intensity of the war between the two sides increased rapidly, becoming more intense day by day!

It is conceivable.

The two sides will inevitably have a larger and longer battle than the previous [Green Grassland War]!

And according to the recent series of movements of the orcs.

This subsequent fierce battle is very likely to be launched around the "King's City of the Former Kingdom of Mosar"!

At this point in time, the orc army has built many orc-style solid fortifications and fortresses at the location of the King's City of the Former Kingdom of Mosar.

——The King's City of the Former Kingdom of Mosar has now become the orcs' strongest line of defense in the [Central Plains]!

Based on this fact, military generals of many countries made predictions:

The orcs want to use this [King's City] to stop the advancement of the Bruns Empire army.

To swear their dominance in the [Central Plains], and also wait for subsequent reinforcements!


This afternoon.

Go out to a military camp of the Bruns Empire for inspection.

Then, he "helplessly" accepted a knight's long sword with gorgeous shape and luxurious materials presented by a very hospitable legion commander.

Brand gradually confirmed one thing:

The soldiers in this military camp are very determined to safeguard the interests of the human alliance and fight against the Orc Empire. There must be no Orc spies!

I have to say that after a few days of investigation, Brand feels that the Bruns Empire is pretty good!

The people of the former Kingdom of Mosal live happily in cities, towns, and temporary residential areas.

The soldiers of the Bruns Empire are also ready to go north to fight the Orc Empire to the death, to seek justice for the former Kingdom of Mosal and to fight back against the invasion of the Orc Empire!

- From this point of view, those "black materials" may really be the conspiracy of the Orc Empire!

Of course, no matter what you think, the review must continue.

As the impartial and selfless head of the Kaya Empire Review Group, Brand will definitely not be bound by personal emotions.

He will certainly conduct a detailed, strict and comprehensive review of the cities and towns in the Bruns Empire's occupied areas and the Bruns Empire's garrisons with a serious attitude!

Only in this way can justice be done to the Bruns Empire!

When the sun sets, after finishing today's "hard" review work, he took the two ladies on the carriage and returned to the camp.

That evening, Rias suddenly came to him, handed him a piece of intelligence information, and explained:

"The main force of the Bruns Empire's army successfully recovered [Waters City] and the surrounding areas in the south of the former Mosar Kingdom this afternoon.

From tomorrow, they will officially start to advance on [Former Mosar Royal City].

In addition, according to our prediction, in about a week, the subsequent orc reinforcements will arrive in the vicinity of [Former Mosar Royal City].

In other words, the best time left for the Bruns Empire to capture [Former Mosar Royal City] is only one week.

If it fails to capture it within this week, the difficulty of the Bruns Empire to capture [Former Mosar Royal City] will increase a lot."

After hearing Rias' words, he carefully reviewed the intelligence in his hand that recorded the detailed process.

Brand casually put the intelligence aside and said leisurely:

"This matter has little to do with us, we just need to continue to examine it.

Uncle Jonas said that the Bruns Empire has the ability to defeat the orcs, and we obviously don't need to intervene."

Rias spread her hands and said:

"That's what she said, but as far as I know, the Bruns Empire seems to be preparing to concentrate its troops on the front line.

In other words, the Bruns Empire's garrison in the rear should be reduced a lot."

After hearing this, after thinking for a moment, Brand cast a puzzled look at Rias.

Seeing that Brand didn't understand, Rias reminded:

"Although we are not planning to do anything, some other countries are different!"

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