Great Nobleman

Chapter 1147 This is a carefully planned frame-up by the Orc Empire!

After hearing what Lias said, Brand quickly felt that he seemed to have neglected himself in the past two days.

Although their Kaya Empire only wanted to get some benefits and leave, other countries that had deep conflicts with the Bruns Empire were not like this.

——These countries are completely likely to take advantage of the opportunity of the Bruns Empire reducing its rear garrisons to secretly create some troublesome things and involve the Bruns Empire's energy.

Recalling the chaos that the Human Alliance experienced some time ago.

Brand felt that this matter might need special attention.

——Other countries are making trouble, but he doesn't want to be involved!

Just think about it:

These countries must want to create more enemies for the Bruns Empire and win more allies for themselves.

And the Kaya Empire, which has a bad relationship with the Bruns Empire, is very likely to become one of the targets of these countries.

There is no need to worry about the open winning, but it is entirely possible that they will do some provocative events in secret.

This requires good precautions.

So, after a brief discussion with Liya, Brand quickly called the others to give some reminders.

Then, the next day.

As expected, the army of Bruns Empire went north to help in the war, and the power in the rear became weaker and weaker.

And the [Kaya Empire Review Group] also reduced the frequency of scattered out-of-town reviews and increased the number and strength of the out-of-town reviews.

——With more people and stronger strength, it is not so easy to be calculated!

This move is certainly to prevent unexpected events, but it also reduces the pressure on the Bruns Empire's accompanying reception staff.

For this reason, Franco soon came with gifts to express his gratitude.

In this regard, Brand and others naturally accepted it with a smile!

And then, on the morning of the next day.

When Brand and others, accompanied by Franco, were preparing to go to the next city to continue the review.

Franco suddenly received a piece of information, and the smile on his face disappeared all of a sudden!

When Brand cast his eyes over, the corners of his mouth pulled out a little arc, and he explained helplessly:

"Just now, three members of the Beniglo Kingdom's review team who were carrying out the review mission in the southwest area of ​​the former Mosal Kingdom were attacked by orcs when they were out, and they have all died.

But all the guards accompanying our empire are still alive.

According to the guards, the orcs are very powerful, and when they reacted, the matter was over.

It seems that a big orc participated in this incident, and under the [power of will], they had no way to resist."

After hearing such a thing, Brand couldn't help but look a little strange after reacting for a while.

If this matter hadn't been frankly told by Franco.

He would definitely suspect whether the three members of the review team had discovered some secrets and were then killed by the Bruns Empire!

——The orcs may just be taking the blame!

After all, the relationship between the Beniglo Kingdom and the Bruns Empire is not good at all.

If they really discovered any secrets, they would definitely not discuss it properly!

Of course... Although he felt that this was not what he thought, Brand couldn't help asking:

"Haven't you advanced to the location of the Mosal King City?

Why are there still big orcs in the southwest area outside the [Central Plains]?

And why are all those guards still alive?

Is the murderer really an orc?"

Hearing Brand's series of questions, Franco frowned and shook his head and said:

"The incident happened suddenly, and I don't know the details now.

But no matter what, we'd better be careful when we act in the wild next time."

Hearing this, Brand and the others looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

When the sun gradually rose and they arrived at another city.

The relevant information of the previous incident was made public by the Kingdom of Beniglo to all countries, and Liyas, who was in charge of intelligence matters, immediately handed the information to Brand.

After reading it, one of the key pieces of information made Brand doubt his previous judgment:

When the other members of the [Benegro Kingdom Review Team] collected the bodies of the three members of the review team who died in the accident, they found that:

The other items they carried with them when they went out were still there, but the multiple recording devices they carried with them for the review were all "lost"!

Seeing such intelligence, Brand frowned and said:

"It's okay to encounter orcs, but can orcs take their recording devices away on purpose?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Catherine, who also saw the intelligence, was also a little puzzled:

"Their magic pockets are still there, which is obviously a problem!

Why would orcs give up the benefits that can be easily obtained?"

Lias said:

"The surviving guards of the Bruns Empire should also carry recording devices with them.

But the Bruns Empire has never publicly recorded the magic images of the whole process.

We don't know the specific situation for the time being.

In short, so far:

"Encountering orcs" is just a verbal statement, and there is no actual evidence that orcs really exist.

The wounds on the bodies of the victims are indeed the heavy weapons that the orcs like to use the most, but this type of weapon is not exclusive to orcs, and there are obviously many seized from the battlefield.

There are many doubts about the incident!"

After thinking for a moment, Brand said:

“In any case, let’s stop the review for now and don’t leave the camp at will.

The Bruns Empire must first give an explanation for this matter.

Otherwise, there is no need for us to continue the review! "

Immediately afterwards, in the afternoon, the Bruns Empire issued a "pale" public statement:

[This is a frame-up carefully designed by the Orc Empire! 】

Looking at Franco who came over to explain, Brand couldn't help asking:

"So all the photo-taking equipment carried by the guards were taken away or lost by the orcs?"

Franco responded with a gloomy and helpless expression:

“They did wear photo-taking equipment when they went out, but it has indeed disappeared now.

I don't know if it was taken away by the orcs or if someone else destroyed it halfway.

We are conducting a blanket search in the area near the incident, and all relevant personnel have been detained for interrogation!

Many legions, strong men, and mages who were preparing to go north to help in the battle have terminated their original schedule and joined the investigation and search.

But so far, we've found nothing.

There were no traces of any extraordinary power at the place where the incident occurred. The other party's hands and feet were very clean, as if he knew our investigation methods very well!

Now I have some suspicions that maybe someone disguised as an orc carried out this incident, or..."

Halfway through his words, Franco stopped speaking helplessly when he saw the increasingly weird expression on Brand's face.

After sorting out his thoughts, Franco sighed:

"Mr. Brand, killing members of the Benegolo Kingdom review team will not do us any good.

For now, it's not just our empire that is in a self-evident conundrum and suffering a huge blow to its reputation.

Our war on the front line has also been greatly affected.

Judging from the results, only the Orc Empire and some countries that are hostile to our Bruns Empire have benefited.

I hope you won't be fooled by appearances. "

Brand reminded:

"But it's also possible that you have successfully concealed a secret that is even more harmful to you, right?"

After hearing this, after a moment of silence, Franco nodded and said:

“I don’t deny that this speculation is indeed reasonable, but does such a secret really exist?

In the previous meetings of various countries, many countries were saying that our Bruns Empire had surrendered to the Orc Empire.

This is also one of the things we most want to self-prove in this review.

Unless there is some bigger secret to hide, we can give up on self-evidence, right? "

Brand shrugged and said:


But I actually don’t care much about this matter. After all, it has not had any real impact on us.

In addition, you should be able to guess the current stance of our Kaya Empire.

Now that the Mosar Kingdom has been destroyed, our empire has no intention of setting foot in your increasingly turbid whirlpool.

When the 'time' is right, our empire will pull away. "

Franco nodded and said:

“The foreign affairs department of our empire is currently communicating with the foreign affairs department of your country, and I think the ‘opportunity’ you have been waiting for will come soon.

In addition, because of the current situation, it is not convenient for your country’s review team to go out for review.

So next, the heads of our towns will sort out the relevant information and send them to your country for review. I hope Mr. Brand can understand this. "

Hearing this, Brand frowned and said:

"This is against the rules!"

Franco nodded apologetically and said:

“So we will pay adequate compensation.

In addition, if Mr. Brand or others have concerns, we can discuss it further. "

Seeing Franco's sincerity, Brand smiled and said:

"Then I have no problem. This way, we can save a little trouble!"

——It can be seen that the Bruns Empire is preparing to end the [censorship] incident as soon as possible!

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