Great Nobleman

Chapter 1155

The next day, it was still the open field on Frost Star.

Brand, wearing a fleece coat, a hood, a mask, and a white outfit, suddenly appeared and looked around.

Then, under his thought, a strong wind suddenly blew up, clearing the snow-covered sacrificial ritual array.

After doing all this, Brand took out yesterday's test records and began to check them carefully.

Yesterday started in the morning and ended in the evening, excluding the time for rest and sorting out the experimental process and results.

Brand conducted a total of 22 [Sacrificial Ceremony] experiments with different material combinations.

Although the number of experiments was not large, and the [Sacrificial Ceremony] did not receive any "response" and all were failure records.

But Brand was not discouraged at all.

—— Experimental research is like this!

Like the research department of the library, the process of conducting various repeated experiments every day is not much different from what he did yesterday.

And these failed experimental records are not completely useless.

At least, Brand has noticed some potential rules:

For some material combinations, the material consumption rate will be slightly faster than other combinations during the sacrificial ceremony, while for some material combinations, the opposite is true.

Although these differences are very subtle and not obvious, Brand still noticed them.

Brand also had some ideas about this.

After materializing the table and chairs and putting the experimental records on the table.

Brand left for a short while.

When he came back, he had a thick book in his hand:

"Detailed Explanation of the Theory of Space Teleportation Array".

After sitting on the chair, Brand flipped through it and thought about it.

So far, although he did not say that he had completely mastered the principles and applications of the [Space Teleportation Array].

But he basically understood most of it.

From his current perspective, the sacrificial ceremony actually has many similarities with the [Space Teleportation Array] of their orthodox mages.

They are also long-distance cross-space communication.

The Space Teleportation Array uses magic and elements to pry space.

Although the sacrificial ritual also involves the use of magic, its other variable is not an element, but a special power called [Death Energy].

——This energy is opposite to [Life Energy] and is the specialty of the undead!

Of course, the totems of the orcs and some means of other races also involve the application of this special power.

Compared with elements, [Death Energy] can pry [Space] more easily.

However, there are limitations.

For example, [Death Energy] is not available everywhere, and there are other things that Brand is not clear about.

In addition, the theoretical knowledge involving [Space Essence] is generally consistent.

Not to mention that this kind of knowledge is very scarce, its learning difficulty has never decreased.

Therefore, even if the undead are good at using [Death Energy], there may not be many masters in the field of space.

Of course, these things are not important to Brand now.

After temporarily putting all kinds of distractions behind his mind.

Brand began to carefully compare the similarities and differences between the operation process of [Space Teleportation Array] and [Sacrificial Ritual].

After a comparison, Brand gradually realized that the [Sacrificial Ceremony] might not be directly compared with the [Space Teleportation Array].

Instead, it should be compared with the [Sub-array of the Space Teleportation Array], or the [Portable Space Teleportation Device]!

After all, this ritual does not have the power to truly open the "Space Gate"!

It can only communicate with a certain existence that has the ability to open the "Space Gate" over a long distance and provide it with space coordinates!

In this way, the various materials consumed by the [Sacrificial Ceremony] provide energy for the sacrificial ceremony on the one hand.

On the other hand, it may communicate with the "designated location" and provide the [space coordinates] of the location of the sacrificial ceremony!

After coming to this guess, Brand thought:

"[Spatial coordinates] are not coordinates in the physical and geometric sense, but a collection and summary of environmental information.

In this way, the combination of different materials in the [sacrificial ceremony] may correspond to the difference in the [spatial coordinates] of the objects of the ritual communication?

Thinking further, in yesterday's experiment, the slight difference in the consumption speed of various material combinations may represent the distance?"

After recording this guess in words, Brand felt more and more reasonable!

And if this speculation is correct.

He may have communicated a lot of [spatial coordinates] yesterday!

It's just that there are no "professionals" in the areas where these [spatial coordinates] are located who can respond to the [sacrificial ceremony]?

Thinking of this, Brand crossed his chest with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other, guessing:

"So the net is not cast wide enough?

But isn't it said that sacrificial rituals are usually very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will attract troublesome things like the undead?

How come it is so safe here?"

After thinking for a while, Brand gradually thought of another possibility:

"Maybe the [sacrificial ritual] with the same combination of materials did not last long the other party did not have time to respond?"

After thinking about this, Brand's eyes quickly brightened up!

——This possibility is very high!

After checking yesterday's experimental records, Brand thought further:

"From yesterday's experimental records, the sacrificial ceremony of the same material combination lasted only half an hour at most.

This time is enough to draw a simple rune array.

So unless the other party has made advance preparations or has superb means, it is completely reasonable that there is no time to respond!

As for Mr. Canderus's time... maybe it was a special case?"

Thinking of this, Brand turned to the first page of yesterday's experimental records with great interest.

——He planned to start from the first experiment yesterday and greatly extend the duration of the [Sacrificial Ceremony] of each material combination!

So, soon.

The burial ground that had been deserted for a long time yesterday once again welcomed the call of the [Sacrificial Ceremony].


While Brand was practicing elemental affinity while conducting "taboo research" in the simulated world with great interest.

Morning Flower Port.

After loading various goods, the two masters, Chesil and Claude, said goodbye to the others.

Get on the carriage and follow the family caravan.

The goods they bought from the Elf Forest were transported southward, heading towards the direction of Claude Territory and Chesil Territory.

Because the roads along the way had been built long ago, the transport team was moving at a relatively fast speed.

A few days later, they arrived safely near the two territories.

The two transport teams soon separated from each other at a fork and headed towards the main city of their respective territories.

Then, when the team entered the territory, Master Chesil secretly thought in the carriage about what official business he needed to deal with immediately after returning, and how they could make this batch of goods from the Elf Forest create the greatest value for the family.

What he didn't notice was that:

The carriage he was in accidentally separated from the transport team and headed towards an open field area.

When the carriage gradually stopped, Master Chesil subconsciously got up and left the carriage, preparing to return to the castle to rest.

—— There was only a cold wind outside, and there was no city or castle at all!

At the same time, the coachman had already left the carriage and was running fast in the distance!

When Master Chesil looked in the direction where the coachman was moving, he saw that a hidden barrier was gradually withdrawing in that direction.

—— Fully armed Finn and more than 300 fully armed young mages of the Chesil family were waiting in full battle array!

When Master Chesil was a little confused by this scene.

Finn, with a smile on his face, gave the coachman a warm hug.

Then, he raised his right hand and waved it forward, holding the shield in front of him, and approached the carriage with many mages with murderous intent!

—— The aura of the senior mage was clearly revealed, and a three-headed lion composed of magic power was looming above their heads!

At the same time, in an open field in Claude's territory.

Looking at the looming fire giant composed of magic power standing not far in front of him.

Master Claude roared with relief and anger:


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