Great Nobleman

Chapter 1156 This is Frost, not the Farnese Continent you mentioned!

In the study of Morning Blossom Castle, Brand was surprised when he saw the information in his hand:

"Yesterday afternoon, two battles at the level of magicians broke out in the wild area of ​​the Claude family and the Cheshire family?

And there were also mages who vaguely saw the flame giant and the three-headed lion composed of magic power?

...Isn't this the mage group framework of the Claude Mage Group and the Cheshire Mage Group?

What kind of enemy did they encounter that required the mage group to be dispatched?"

I came to the castle study to handle routine official business and read the latest news.

Brand suddenly saw such a piece of information, and he couldn't help but become curious.

At this time, Chris, who was sitting opposite, said:

"If the Lord really wants to know the inside story, I think you might as well ask Andy and Finn directly.

As far as I know, the time when the two battles broke out was basically the same as the time when the transport teams of the two families arrived at their respective territories.

And their transport teams did not suffer any losses.

I think it is very likely that Andy and Finn did something, which led to the outbreak of this battle.

If you calculate the time, they should have become high-level mages now.

Lord, don't forget that Andy and Finn had an agreement with their uncles Claude and Chesil before.

When they become high-level mages, it is the time for them to duel with their fathers."

Hearing this, Brand, who suddenly realized, quickly summoned the empty shadow screen light curtain and sent a communication request to the fixed empty shadow screen of the Claude family castle.

After the butler of Claude Castle connected the communication and greeted him again,

Brand said:

"Is Andy in the castle? I have something to talk to him about."

Hearing this, the butler responded with a smile:

"I'm sorry, Viscount Brand, Master Andy left the territory with his entourage this morning.

Next, he will go north to Morning Flower Harbor to preside over the family's business affairs in the port.

If Viscount Brand has something urgent to do with Master Andy, he can try to contact him using a magic communication device. I can provide the device code for the contact.

In addition, Mr. Finn of the Cheshire family seems to be traveling with Master Andy, so it should be no problem for Viscount Brand to contact Mr. Finn."

Hearing this, Brand thought:

"If they are on the road, they may not be able to receive the communication immediately... By the way, you should also know about this matter.

I heard that yesterday afternoon, a battle at the level of magicians broke out in the wilderness of Claude Territory and Chesil Territory, and it seems that there are also magicians involved.

Do you know what happened?"

Speaking of this, the butler responded:

"I'm sorry, Viscount Brand, this matter involves family secrets, and I don't have the authority to tell you.

If you want to know the details, you can try to contact the young master or the master."

After hearing what the butler said, Brand didn't ask any more questions.

After the call ended.

Chris, who had listened to the whole process, said at the right time:

"From the tone of the housekeeper, this matter should be kept secret by Uncle Claude and not to be leaked.

Since Andy and Finn are going north to us, I think the lord may be able to wait patiently for a few days."

Brand operated the air screen and rejected it:

"Since Andy can't contact immediately, why not contact Uncle Claude directly!"

Hearing this, Chris hesitated and said:

"But if you do this..."

Before the voice fell, Master Claude had already appeared on the air screen in front of Brand.

Seeing this, Brand also said directly:

"Good day, Uncle Claude, I heard that yesterday afternoon, there was an outbreak of mage-level in Claude Territory..."

Just halfway through the words, Master Claude suddenly frowned.

The next moment, the screen of the air screen went black for no reason.

-The connection was interrupted!

Brand's eyes lit up!

Then, he quickly sent a communication request to Master Cheshire.

After asking Master Cheshire the same question.

Looking at Brand who looked expectant, Master Cheshire asked back with a sour face:

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, I'm very busy here. The matter you asked is confidential and cannot be disclosed."

At the moment when Brand shook his head subconsciously.

The screen in front of him turned black as before.

——Confessing without being asked!

Chris reminded helplessly:

"Lord, you are easily disliked. You should always save some face for the elders."

Brand waved his hand leisurely and said:

"I am just a little concerned from the standpoint of an ally. Chris, you misunderstood me!"

After saying this, Brand said excitedly:

"From the reactions of the two uncles, Andy and Finn have already won!

I just don't know what the specific process is like!

These two guys didn't let me watch the game. It seems that the gift must be lowered to a lower level!"

Hearing this, Chris said speechlessly:

"As long as the Lord is happy."

After chatting with Chris for a while.

Brand's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up and said goodbye:

"Chris, I have something to do and I'll talk later."

Speaking like this, Brand left the study in a hurry.

Watching Brand running away, although Chris didn't understand, she didn't think much about it.

After getting up and sorting out the various items and materials on the desk in the study for Brand, she also turned and left.

As for Brand, while approaching the position of [Lady of Flowers], he also focused most of his consciousness on the simulation world.

——After several days of experiments, the results are finally available!

In the simulation world, the location of the [Sacrificial Ritual Platform] on Frost Star.

As Brand arrived at the feet of [Lady of Flowers], he stopped moving.

Above the center of the ritual platform, which was originally empty, a space crack slowly expanded!

The endless black fog inside the crack blocked Brand's sight as before.

But it was different from the last time.

After discovering this situation, Brand, who had been prepared, immediately reached into the magic pocket on his waist.

Then he took out a "sunglasses" made by himself and put it on his face.

As the sublimation level of the peeping rune array began to operate rapidly.

In Brand's vision, the black fog that blocked his sight behind the crack suddenly dissipated:

In a laboratory-like room, a fully armed red-cloaked masked man with various accessories on his body flashing with magical aura was constantly looking at him.

——The deep blue extraordinary power in the other party's body is undoubtedly magic, and judging from the color and brightness, the person standing opposite should be a powerful wizard at the level of a mage!

Seeing this situation, Brand, who also blocked his face, hesitated for a moment, and then tried to speak in his original voice and human language in a friendly manner:

"Hello, Mr. Mage on the opposite side?"

As soon as this was said, the red-cloaked masked man on the opposite side of the crack also quickly responded in a human language with a special accent:

"Hello, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a human? A human from the outer continent?

Judging from your human accent, you should be from the Farnes Continent, right?"

Hearing the other party's pleasant tone, Brand realized that he had mistaken the other party's gender.

Then, he heard the other party directly point out "Farnes Continent".

Brand quickly became a little suspicious.

——This lady seems to know a lot about the Farnes Continent?

But the next moment, he still opened his mouth to correct her seriously:

"Sorry, ma'am, your judgment is wrong.

This is Frost, not the Farnes Continent you mentioned!"

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