Great Nobleman

Chapter 1157 Gray Elf, Viriana Esvid!

Chapter 1157 Grey Elf, Veriana Esvid!

A few years ago, during the [Sacrificial Ceremony] exchange with Mr. Canderus.

Because he was penniless, Brand could only pretend to be a victim and cheat and rob against his will!

At this point in time, with the help of Celine, Brand can already use the teleportation array to send things into the simulated world.

Therefore, the various items existing in the Farns Continent are no longer worthy of Brand's attention.

So at this moment, when the other party can communicate and seems to be quite powerful.

Brand is not going to make up any more stories. He is going to talk to the other party directly and frankly.

See if he can make friends, exchange information and resources, or even establish long-term cooperation.

So after pointing out that this is Frost.

Brand then shared more information to show his sincerity:

"In a coincidence in the past, I got this method we call [Sacrificial Ceremony].

Because I heard that it can establish communication with the existence of the outer continent, I recently wanted to try it out to see if I can establish cross-continental communication and trade with intelligent life in other places outside the continent.

I have also heard of the Faens Continent you mentioned, and some of my friends are there.

Thanks to them, I have gained a lot of useful things, such as various plants, animals, materials, knowledge, etc.

If you are willing, I also want to establish a similar connection with you and exchange what we have."

After hearing Brand's words, there was a moment of silence, and the magic aura of various magic items on the red cloaked masked man behind the space crack gradually faded and became silent.

Then, she said:

"My continent is called [Rios].

[Sacrificial Ceremony] is a special method created and spread by some top beings in our continent in a certain era in the past in order to communicate with the outside continent and obtain resources.

I also want to try to establish contact with the outside continent and obtain resources.

That's why I responded to your [Sacrificial Ceremony].

Therefore, I fully agree with your proposal, and I also hope to establish a long-term friendly relationship with you.

But now I am more curious about one question:

You seem to have a special area without magic power?

Is this to prevent special situations that may occur during the ritual?

In addition, there seems to be no reaction of extraordinary energy in your body, but I think you should not be an ordinary life.

Or, do you have other strong people or a powerful force to rely on behind you?"

Hearing these questions that were obviously probing, Brand pushed his sunglasses, and after careful consideration for a moment, he responded:

"There is no magic power in most areas of Frost.

I am now in an ordinary wilderness area, with a large area around it being uninhabited.

There is nothing wrong with saying that we are preparing for special situations that may occur.

After all, this is cross-continental communication, and caution is necessary.

You should be very clear about this, ma'am, and your defense measures are much more exaggerated than mine!

As for my strength... My personal situation is a little special, involving some secrets, so it is inconvenient to disclose.

In addition, of course there are forces behind me.

So ma'am, you'd better not have some bad thoughts, which will destroy our subsequent friendly exchanges and trade. "

At the end, Brand took out a roll of luxurious and extraordinary spell scroll from his magic pocket and showed it:

"This is a top spell scroll drawn by the master of rune arrays on the Farns continent.

With your vision, ma'am, you should be able to see its extraordinaryness.

I think this should be able to eliminate some of your doubts and prove that I have the strength to communicate and trade with you, ma'am. "

After examining the spell scroll in Brand's hand,

The masked man in the red cape nodded, then took off the mask and cape, revealing a head of white hair, a pale female face that didn't look like a living person, a pair of eyes with scarlet pupils, and a pair of pointed elf ears.

——At first glance, it looked like an undead spirit of the elves!

And it is worth mentioning that: under the investigation of the "detection sunglasses", the other party is undoubtedly a living person!

When Brand secretly wondered whether this lady was from a special elf race.

She said:

"Let me introduce myself. I am the Lord of the Dead Night Tower in the Eastern Alliance of the Rios Continent, the Grey Elf, Viriana Esvid, an intermediate necromancer.

You can just call me by my name.

I hope you Frost don't have a special prejudice against necromancers like the Farns Continent."

Hearing such a detailed self-introduction, Brand was stunned for a moment.

Then, he also introduced himself:

"I am Bernard Haaland, Frost's...captain!

Ms. Viriana, you can just call me by my name.

Frost does not have such a thing as the undead, so there will be no prejudice, please rest assured."

Hearing this, Viriana frowned and glanced at Brand, who was not going to take off his sunglasses and mask to reveal his face, and then said:

"Then Mr. Bernard, let's get straight to the point.

Responding to the [Sacrifice Ceremony] and establishing a space channel consumes much more than the [Sacrifice Ceremony].

So if you want to establish a long-term relationship, I hope that this part of the expenditure will be borne by us together.

Based on this, I hope that you will make certain concessions in the subsequent transactions. "

Hearing this, Brand nodded and said:

"This is very reasonable.

However, the basis of the transaction is always our mutual supply and demand. I wonder what items Ms. Viriana can provide?

I am more interested in high-end creations, inheritance and other things.

If it is a relatively ordinary item, I am more concerned about whether it has the value of dissemination and use.

Correspondingly, I can also provide various items.

Not only items from Frost and Faens continent, I can also provide them. "

After thinking for a moment, Viriana said:

"Because I didn't prepare in advance, I can't take out much now, and it may not satisfy you.

But you can also choose to see which ones you need. "

While speaking, Viriana took out items from her space ring and showed them to Brand.

Some magic creations of low value, a few magic cores of magic beasts, a few metal ores that had never been seen before and had weak elemental reactions...

What caught Brand's attention the most: a few books in Elvish.

From the name, they should be some human travel notes and history books.

After carefully scanning the various items, Brand retracted his gaze, dragged the table from the side, and then began to take out items of equal value from his magic pocket:

Some magic plant berries that he carried with him, various materials brought from the outside world, some ordinary magic items for daily use, and two knight biographies that he used to kill time.

After that, after looking at the two books in front of him, Brand put them back into his magic pocket.

--They are "virtual items" that only exist in the simulated world!

Then, Brand suggested:

"Ms. Viriana, considering the cost of this communication.

I think in addition to some ordinary items, we may be able to take out one or two items of higher value to try to trade. "

While speaking, Brand took out a scabbard dagger that he had made a few days ago using the secret forging method of the Bruns Empire from his magic pocket.

After seeing this scabbard dagger with exquisite and gorgeous shape and inlaid with many sparkling magic gems.

Viriana's eyes brightened visibly for a moment!

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