Great Nobleman

Chapter 1158 This is the possible consequence of random cross-continental communication!

The eyes under the sunglasses glanced at Ms. Veriana's curious expression without trace.

Brand introduced seriously:

"This short sword was carefully crafted by a well-known blacksmith master over several years. It has high-strength [sharp] properties!

If it were placed on the Farnes Continent, it would definitely be sought after and favored by warrior professionals on the same level as the Magister.

I think it should also be of great value in Rios continent. "

Hearing this, Veriana nodded and said:

"You are right!

Unfortunately, I don't have an equivalent item on hand that can be used in exchange.

So how about saving this dagger for the next trade? "

After hearing what Viriana said, Brand nodded without any objection.

——After all, this is the first time we meet, so it’s understandable if you have concerns!

After this, both parties chose the items they wanted from each other, and then the exchange officially began.

During the exchange, Brand obviously found that the various magic items on the lady in front of him began to sparkle with magic aura again.

——It seems like you are on guard, or like you are preparing to do something?

Seeing this, Brand is always ready to use fantasy materialization to "counterattack".

But until the transaction was over and she got what she wanted, the lady in front of her didn't do anything unusual.

This transaction was successfully completed.

After retreating a little distance, Viriana said:

"Then Mr. Bernard, today's exchange will end here for the time being.

Next time, maybe we can make a list of transactions for each other to facilitate our relatively long-term transactions in the future.

This should be a win-win option for us.

Also, how about the next communication being scheduled a week from now?

I think we all need a little time to prepare. "

Upon hearing this, Brand responded:

"A reasonable proposal, and I have no problem with the time."

Viriana nodded and said:

"Then it's decided, we'll see you next time."

After reaching an agreement through communication, Veriana ended her response to the [Sacrifice Ceremony].

The space cracks slowly disappeared.

Seeing this, Brand also terminated his [Sacrifice Ceremony].

After looking at the exchanged items, Brand suddenly recalled something!

Immediately afterwards, Brand stood up quickly at the feet of Lady Flowers in Farnes Continent and Morning Flower Castle.

Then he took the magic lift to the underground space of the castle and found his sister Celine who was drawing the rune circle for Morning Flower Castle.

When Celine looked up at Brand curiously.

Brand quickly materialized a piece of ore the size of a fist, and then said to her:

"Sister Celine, please help me trace back the spatial coordinates of this ore a few minutes ago."

After hearing this, he took the ore and inspected it briefly.

Celine stepped aside and activated the portable space teleportation device placed nearby, allowing it to communicate with the [Space Teleportation Array] in the imperial capital and issue instructions.

The next moment, a magic disc with a diameter of about one meter and composed of complex bright blue lines quickly took shape in front of the two people.

Celine then placed the ore in her hand in the center of the spell disk.

After that, dense and complicated bright blue lines and patterns were further outlined on the basis of the original magic disk.

The appearance of the magic disc also quickly changed dramatically.

——With the area where the ore is located as the center, the magic disc is separated into countless rings that flip in different directions.

Many dynamic three-dimensional lines and patterns are shaped and dissolved in this process.

They wrap the ore layer by layer, decompose and annihilate it.

Then it gradually turned into a bright blue magic ball with a complex structure inside!

At the same moment, Celine's eyes flashed with a dazzling purple light, and a huge amount of magic power also woke up at the same moment and poured towards the magic ball in front of her.

The original bright blue color of the spell ball was replaced by dark purple at an extremely fast speed!

After such changes are completed.

The light of the purple ball quickly converged.

Complex lines and patterns all shrink inward at the same moment.

——They finally turned into a round purple gemstone slightly larger than a thumb.

After holding the purple gem in his hand, he looked at Brand who was watching on the side.

Celine raised the gem in her hand and said meaningfully:

"It stands to reason that for items in the simulated world, part of the [space coordinates] should coincide with yours.

But why didn’t the [space coordinates] of the piece of ore you just embodied coincide with yours a few minutes ago?

Does it come from somewhere other than the simulated world?

Sacrifice ceremony? "

Hearing this, Brand opened his mouth, and then gradually felt guilty and could not speak.

He suddenly recalled that his sister Celine seemed not to allow him to perform such dangerous things as [Sacrifice Ceremony] in the simulated world!

——He took the initiative to deliver it to the door this time!

Just when she thought of this, Celine reached out her right hand to pinch his cheek and said helplessly:

"Can't you worry less? No matter what happens, you have to let me watch from the side!"

Feeling the "punishment of weakness" from his sister Celine, Brand said with some embarrassment:

"Not next time!"

After a while, at the [Sacrificial Ceremony] site on Frost Star.

After carefully checking all the items traded and the surrounding environment.

Celine then looked through Brand's experimental records of the past few days and checked the magic images of the entire transaction process with Viriana.

Looking at the magic images, when all the magic items on Viriana were activated, Celine analyzed:

"An average-level intermediate necromancer, with simple means and seemingly lacking the necessary understanding of space?

Trans-continental communication actually only used such a simple protective means... How naive!"

At the end, Celine's tone was accompanied by a hint of disdain.

Then, under Brand's somewhat dazed gaze, Celine activated the portable space teleportation device and connected it to the [Space Teleportation Array] of the Imperial Capital.

As Celine's magic power revived and operated, the purple gem that had previously recorded the [Space Coordinates] also shone brightly.

Soon, when Brand sensed a faint "space gate" in the simulated world, a square water mirror slowly unfolded in front of them.

When Brand stared, he saw the laboratory where Ms. Viriana was before!

At this moment, the white-haired Ms. Viriana was sitting in front of a laboratory table, eating the [Dawn Fruit] traded from him with big mouthfuls, looking very happy.

——This lady was unaware of their observation and gaze!

When Brand was somewhat surprised by his sister Celine's amazing means.

While adjusting the perspective and carefully checking the various locations in the laboratory where Viriana was, Celine said:

"So you saw it? This is the possible consequence of random cross-continental communication!

After having specific [space coordinates], if the target location does not have any space-based protection and interference means.

Then we can use space means to conduct long-distance observations in the area near the [space coordinates].

If necessary, we can even open the space door and go there in person!

So you must be careful in the future.

Before your strength is not strong enough and your knowledge is not sufficient, don't explore the outer continent at will!"

Looking at Ms. Viriana, who was not as serious as before and even a little silly under their peeping.

Brand nodded with a heavy heart.

——He was indeed a little careless before!


Then again, even if the other party got the [space coordinates], it seems that they can only find Frost Star?

In this case, it seems that there is no danger?

At least the problem should not be too big!

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