Great Nobleman

Chapter 1159 The Land of Eternal Night!

Because I know that my previous actions were not sufficiently prepared.

Therefore, Brand suspended his plan to continue the sacrificial ceremony and communicate more about the existence of the outer continent.

Instead, he and his sister Celine made various arrangements at the [Sacrifice Ceremony] venue on Frost Star.

Three days later, the layout was completed.

Although this wild area is no different from the past.

But in fact, the space in the nearby area has been locked by the [Space Teleportation Array] underground in the Imperial Mansion!

After some inspection, Celine said:

“It’s pretty much what it is now, if you want to continue researching, just do it.

With these arrangements, once any external space means wants to do something, we can immediately launch a counterattack.

And once something goes wrong and the situation gets out of control, you know what to do, right? "

Brand responded:

"Stop the [Sacrifice Ceremony] immediately, and I, the outside world, will immediately put on a ring that can disrupt the space.

Because part of the [space coordinates] of the simulated world coincides with my body.

So as long as this part of the coordinates changes, it is equivalent to the [space coordinates] of all places in the entire simulated world changing.

In this way, the other party can't do anything else. "

Celine nodded and said:

"Yes, that's what it is.

In fact, it is okay for your external body to directly leave its original position, but the distance cannot be too short.

For masters in the space field, if the change in [space coordinates] is not obvious enough, it will not have enough interference.

In addition, when you get a response from [Sacrifice Ceremony] again, please remember to contact me as soon as possible.

I will be outside to assist and prevent unexpected situations from happening, you must remember this. "

Brand nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Celine thought of another thing and said:

"By the way, now that we are ready to try to communicate and explore outside the continent.

Then the drawing of Chenhua Castle's [Space Teleportation Array] should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

You can give me some more space materials later, and I will start working on this matter. "

Hearing this, Brand said doubtfully:

"Isn't the one in the imperial capital enough?"

Celine shook her head and explained:

"That's not true.

The teleportation array in the imperial capital has a high degree of completion, and it is definitely sufficient for use.

But since you want to explore outside the continent, it’s best to do it in the Morning Flower Collar.

In this way, we can cover up any big news.

After all, there is such a long distance between Chenhualing and the Imperial Capital.

To exert power from such a distance, the energy consumption of the teleportation circle is not low.

This is a waste! "

After hearing this explanation, Brand suddenly understood!

——Sister Celine is trying to save money!

Then, he suggested:

"How about we still use the [Space Teleportation Array] in the Imperial Capital first?

After I become a magister and have free hands, can we draw the Morning Flower Castle together? "

Celine shook her head again and said:

"No need to bother, you are all practicing, and I also want to draw some high-end rune arrays recently to hone my skills.

[Large Space Teleportation Array] This level is almost perfect. "

Seeing what Celine said, Brand no longer objected.

After sending his sister Celine away, she returned to the [Sacrifice Ceremony] experimental site on Frost Planet.

Because everything was ready, Brand went straight to start a new round of [Sacrifice Ritual] experiments.

Considering that it might not be easy to get a response for a while.

In his spare time, Brand took out an empty video screen from his magic pocket and prepared to kill some time.

After some operation with the remote control.

Ms. Viriana's laboratory appeared on the empty screen in front of her.

What makes Brand a little regretful is:

At this time, there is no one inside the laboratory.

After keeping the blank screen running, Brand sat down on a chair nearby.

He took out a history book that recorded the "Land of Eternal Night" that he had exchanged with Ms. Veriana before and started reading.

This book was written by a powerful gray elf adventurer. In addition to telling history, it also records many secrets.

It is different from the [Forest of Eternal Night] where the night elves in Farnes continent live.

The so-called "Land of Eternal Night" is actually a country established in Rios continent by powerful undead professionals who led their forces.

Judging from the description in the book, [The Kingdom of Eternal Night] has existed in the Rios continent for a very long time, and it has been the super overlord that has remained standing in the entire Rios continent for many years!

Its area even exceeds that of the Human Alliance in their Farnes Continent.

Only the Human Alliance of Farnes Continent, the Orc Empire to the north, the snowy mountains to the east and a small half of the Elf Forest can rival the land of the Kingdom of Eternal Night.

What is worth mentioning is:

After reading the book in his hand, Brand found that [Land of Eternal Night] was quite messy.

The entire book tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and destruction of various forces within the Kingdom of Eternal Night amid conflicts and wars.

From this point of view, the so-called "Land of Eternal Night" is more like an overall name.

This is similar to the Orc tribe's [Orc Empire], in which the various forces within it work independently.

Driven by various interests, conflicts and wars always exist, and even break out very frequently.

After reading, Brand realized that there should be a shortage of species and resources in Rios Continent.

Brand saw more than once in the book that powerful forces such as the Undead Mage started a war for a resource that he did not care about at all.

In addition, many conflicts broke out because they were fighting for some land that was not polluted by the breath of the undead and could breed life!

Based on these situations, Brand felt that the "list of tradable items" that would be shown to Ms. Viriana in a few days might be lowered by several levels.

This should prevent Ms. Viriana from being greedy for money and then having thoughts that she shouldn't have, and finally destroying herself by hitting the stone with the egg.

Mr. Brand, who has always loved peace, still didn't want to meet Viriana's female soldier Go.

He was already past the age of liking to fight and kill!

He poured himself a cup of hot tea and took a sip.

Brand leaned back in the recliner and continued reading with the book.

Although the Rios continent lacks resources, it does not hinder the strength of the [Eternal Night Kingdom].

This history book just records the defeat of the [Eternal Night Kingdom] in the previous era on the Farnes continent!

- In the last continental war on the Farnes continent, the various races on the continent united to fight against the [Undead Empire], which was actually fighting against the [Eternal Night Kingdom] behind the [Undead Empire]!

- [Eternal Night Kingdom] fought against the entire Farnes continent!

After reading the content describing the last continental war with relish.

Some subsequent explanatory content attracted Brand's attention:

Since that war, the large-scale transmission means to the Farnes continent have been jointly restricted by the various races on the Farnes continent.

In addition, there is a "secret force" that continuously monitors the entire Farnes continent.

Therefore, the [Eternal Night Kingdom] can only "smuggle" to the Farnes continent in a small area through means such as [sacrifice ceremony].

After carefully checking these contents,

Brand recalled the reminder given by Grandpa Ernst when Bergman Kingdom opened the inter-continental portal.

——His Grandpa Ernst seemed to be a member of this "secret force"!

After further reading the follow-up content.

Brand made a new discovery:

The time when [Sacrificial Ceremony] was created seemed to be a long time ago.

At the same time, according to the various descriptions in the book, [Sacrificial Ceremony] seemed to be able to "call" only to Rios Continent!

After reaching this conclusion.

Brand was stunned for a moment!

——He had previously thought that the sacrificial ceremony was completely random and could communicate with many places!

After stopping for a while and checking the description of the book word by word, Brand finally confirmed this fact.

This can also be said to have both good and bad sides.

The bad side is that he can only communicate with Rios Continent.

And the good side...

Mr. Canderus, who had communicated with him before, should obviously also be from Rios Continent!

He felt that he might try to entrust friends from Rios Continent to help him find Mr. Canderus's traces in the future.

Even though several years have passed, when Brand recalled his brief time with the rich and generous gentleman, he was suddenly filled with aftertaste!

——If only it could happen again!

While imagining beautifully, Brand continued to read.

Soon, he discovered something that concerned him again:

Because the Rios continent is relatively barren, the large forces of the [Eternal Night Kingdom] have been trying to explore outside the continent.

Therefore, over the years, they have explored not only the Faens continent, but also other places where intelligent life exists!

——Will there be the Fantim continent where the demons are located?

Continue reading with expectation.

What disappointed Brand was that:

For the places he was curious about, the book only briefly mentioned one or two sentences.

This made Brand's curiosity a little difficult to suppress.

——Maybe he can exchange relevant information with Ms. Viriana later?

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