Great Nobleman

Chapter 1160 All this is really regrettable!

The morning flowers lead to the south, and the city of winter is bathed in winter.

Andy and Finn rode their horses slowly along the wide and smooth commercial street.

Unique and gorgeous architectural layout, neat and lush cold-resistant plants, [cold-warming fire lanterns] everywhere, elves and men and women, numerous pedestrians and vendors, and occasional hawkers.

All this speaks of the prosperity of this city.

After glancing around, Andy sighed:

“When I first came here a year ago, there was only a bare snow-capped mountain here.

Brand built the city so quickly. "

Hearing this, Finn, who was also looking around, responded casually:

"It goes without saying how wealthy the Morning Flower Collar is. From the first time the empire conducted sea trade with the Elf Forest to now, our Chesil family has paid a large amount of commercial taxes.

I think you and other families should be the same.

This does not include the rent of the port shops, the various industries of Chenhualing itself, such as the [Blooming Flowers and Clear Dew] produced by the library.

In addition, hasn’t Free Iris been holding auctions in many places recently to sell Fairy Forest products?

That time and again, the prices were astronomical.

As long as these magic gold coins are invested in territory construction, is there anything strange about quickly building one or two cities? "

After casting his gaze towards an elf who was playing music not far away nearby.

Andy nodded and said:

“You are right, but this can be considered the normal behavior of several Linhai lords in the empire.

Like we can only drink soup on one side...

Of course, this soup is also thirst-quenching and delicious! "

At the end of the sentence, Andy couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

——As a close ally of the North Holland family, the Claude family has also gained a lot during this time!

After turning his head to look at Andy, Finn also smiled and said:

“After all, the nobles of the Empire Linhai have paid a lot.

At the same time, they also have strong strength, background, and connections to support this family business.

So they should eat meat!

But it has to be said that Brand is the only new noble among them, and the other existing Linhai lords are all veteran nobles of the empire.

Our family was originally planning to support Brand in many aspects, sharing risks and pressures, and checking for deficiencies.

But in the end, we did almost nothing, just drank soup with the morning flower collar!

Even the support from the Holland family only gradually entered the scene after the construction of Morning Flower Port was completed. "

Andy smiled and said:

"Okay, let's not talk about Brand's enviable things."

After looking up at the rising sun, Andy continued:

“We’ve almost seen [Mudong City] now, let’s continue heading north.

Along the way we will also pass by the [Huaxin City] under construction as well as some inns and small towns.

If we walked slowly along the way, we might not be able to reach Fanhua Bay until night.

I want to go as soon as possible to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Flower Bay, which is famous in the Empire and even the Elf Forest! "

After hearing Andy talk about Blossom Bay, Finn suddenly pointed to the fountain square not far away and said with a smile:

"Look over there, that's exactly the beautiful view of Fanhua Bay you want to see!"

Wait for Andy to look in the direction of Finn's finger.

I saw a large painting placed next to an elf painter.

At dawn, in the dim sunlight.

The huge bay with dreamy flowers in full bloom is blown by the breeze.

In the center of the bay, a magnificent white castle stands tall.

A statue of a god-like lady with hazy wings on her back, covered in flowers and glow, holding a bright blue crystal ball in her hand, is located at the highest point of the castle.

What made Andy frown a little was:

This sacred sculpture, which is the core of the painting at first glance, has only a rough outline in most places except for the pair of wings.

I can see her beauty and divinity, but I can't see it clearly!

——This seems to be an unfinished painting?

At this time, Finn suddenly smiled and said:

""The Flowery Lady I've Never Met"?

Good name!

Coupled with this elf painter who has no idea how to start, this scene with a hint of regret makes me want to sing a song! "

With that said, Finn took out his beloved little harp, and a melodious tune was played quickly and resounded around him!

When people around him looked at him in surprise, Andy, who had long been tired of hearing it, couldn't help but want to rub his ears!

Of course, he didn't complain or ridicule as usual.

Under Finn's confused look, Andy suddenly jumped off his horse and walked through the crowd.

Get close to the elf painter and communicate with him.

When Finn also dismounted and slowly approached.

Just listen to the elf say:

“It is said that when the wind first rose, this [Flower Lady] spread her wings of wind.

The extended warm storm drove away the coldness of the entire Blossom Bay.

At that time, [Lady Flowers] was not blocked by anything, and she could be seen from every position in the bay.

It's just that because the wind element is too dense, it can't be seen clearly from a distance.

At the same time, because she was facing north, she could only see the back and sides.

But now, [Ms. Flowers] can no longer be seen in Fanhua Bay.

The buildings of Morning Flower Castle block the view of the outside world.

This incident makes many people feel a little regretful and regretful.

That's how I got the idea.

Of course, I also borrowed some magical images from the first [Wind Rising Day] of Morning Flower Territory.

In addition, I actually tried to complete the appearance details of [Ms. Flower].

But no matter how I tried, I always felt that it was a little bit off.

So in the end it was left blank. ”

Andy nodded in agreement and said:

“This does sound quite regrettable.

But from an artistic point of view, all this is more empathetic now.

For example, I am deeply attracted by this regret.

I don’t know how the [Ms. Flower] who helped everyone dispel the severe cold lived after living in Morning Flower Castle? Has she been bullied by the Lord of Morning Flower? ”

Hearing this, the elf painter couldn’t help but smile and said:

“Sir, you have a rich imagination!

But it was not [Ms. Flower] who dispelled the severe cold in Flower Bay, but the noble Lord of Morning Flower.

Don’t get this wrong! ”

Andy said leisurely:

“Art, it always has to be slightly processed based on reality! "

On the side, listening to Andy talking to the elf painter, Finn curled his lips unconsciously.

He didn't believe that Andy, a guy who had no artistic talent at all, would really feel any empathy.

-In his opinion, Andy was just pretending!

Thinking like this, Finn, who claimed to be an artist, interjected:

"Master painter of the elves, do you have any intention of selling this beautiful painting of yours? I am willing to buy it at a high price!"


After a little episode, Andy and Finn reunited with their respective followers and continued to head north.

In the afternoon, Brand learned about Andy and Finn's arrival from Rowling, and then went out to greet them happily.

After a chat, he learned that they wanted to visit the [Lady of Flowers].

Brand also took them directly to the place where he usually practiced.

Immediately afterwards, Andy's pupils shrank slightly and his emotions began to fluctuate violently.

And Finn said with regret:

"My beautiful imagination is shattered!

All this is really regrettable!

The sacred Lady of Flowers is still no match for the corruption of money! "

Uncertainly, he followed the two people's gaze and saw the Lady of Flowers, who was wearing gorgeous clothes and happily admiring the dazzling Heart of Wind in the treasure house.

Brand blinked in confusion.

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