Great Nobleman

Chapter 1169 The

Next, the two sides officially entered the topic.

Each other puts out the items they want to exchange and chooses to value each other.

The situation is similar to last time:

Viriana was once again easily manipulated by Brand!

Because other things were already boasted last time, Brand focused on "introducing" his shield this time!

If you have to say it, this [Venus Shield], which Brand temporarily gave a good name to, although it is indeed a bit more advanced than the equipment traded last time, the actual extent is very limited.

In comparison, the materials used for this shield are better than the last equipment.

In addition, he also used the [Secret Method of Forging Weapons] of the Bruns Empire, and he also drew an additional runic circle on the shield.

--this is all!

For Brand, it's still very affordable.

Of course, cost is one thing, actual value is another!

The ultimate forging process assisted by the simulated world, the high-end secrets of forging weapons at the empire level, and the rune formations hand-drawn by the master of rune formations.

The combination of the three, this shield is not comparable to the work of ordinary forging masters.

In addition, the materials used are not low-end, so it is no problem to say that it is marketable and priceless!

Therefore, Brand was very confident, and Viriana was speechless.

I can only show a pitiful look like "I want it, but I can't afford it."

After secretly admiring Veriana's embarrassment with satisfied eyes.

Brand, who knew she had nothing more to offer, also spoke in a helpless tone at the right moment:

“Well, for the sake of our continued cooperation in the future.

I still agreed to this transaction. "

As soon as these words came out, Viriana's face suddenly showed excitement.

At this moment, she felt that the gentleman opposite named Bernard was so handsome!

Although the whole body is wrapped tightly.

But that generous spirit, gentle voice, and gentlemanly conversation kept touching Viriana's heart!

I was just about to say something to say thank you.

Brand suddenly said again:

“In exchange, I hope that in subsequent transactions, you can allow me to gain the knowledge of sea-going ship construction that I want, the more high-end the better.

I hope you pay special attention to this.

If it satisfies me, I have more advanced equipment that I can trade.

You can look forward to it a little bit. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Viriana patted her chest and solemnly promised:

"Mr. Bernard, please don't worry. Even if you want to rob it, I will get what you want!"

It can be seen that Viriana is very determined.

Next, the two parties conducted the transaction according to the agreed content, and agreed to conduct the next transaction one month later.

This cross-continental exchange also ended successfully.

After classifying the various harvests and purifying the items that needed to be purified, Brand also began to continue studying the construction of sea ships.

As for the sacrificial ceremony, Brand has found a new way to relieve his boredom, so Brand is ready to take a break for a while.

This afternoon, the inner area of ​​Chenhua Castle.

On the south side of [Twin Towers Square], there is a lakeside pavilion named [Crescent Lake] by Brand.

Brand took the time to come and discuss with several big men what was about to begin: the maintenance and development of maritime routes!

Mr. Mesa explained while distributing information:

“The empire has reached an agreement with the senior leaders of the Morning Frost Elf yesterday.

One month from today, we will officially start cleaning up the sea routes again, and then we will start the site selection and construction of military floating islands.

For this cleaning mission, the Morning Frost Elves will provide more maritime warships, while we will provide more manpower, high-end combat power, and advanced military weapons.

In addition, the first military floating island will be built in the center of the waterway.

At that time, the Morning Frost Elves will provide the construction plan for the military floating island, while we will assist and bear more material expenses and expenses. "

After looking at the [Cooperation Plan] in my hand.

Master Claude nodded and said:

"It's very reasonable. Our contributions are basically balanced, but how will we arrange the garrison in the future?

Has this been discussed? "

Mr. Mesa said:

“Because it’s still early days, we haven’t discussed anything so long-term yet.

However, we communicated our preliminary ideas in advance.

Specifically, there are currently three options.

The first is that all military floating islands are jointly garrisoned by our two sides.

The second is to garrison large floating islands together and garrison troops separately on small floating islands.

The third is to divide the area from the center of the waterway, and each has its own jurisdiction. Only the floating islands in the center of the waterway are jointly garrisoned by us. "

Hearing this, Mr. Cecil thought:

“In fact, all three options don’t matter, the most important thing is the more detailed distribution of benefits.

When the construction of maritime military floating islands is completed, we will definitely not use them solely for patrolling and maintaining stability.

When we returned from the Elf Forest before, we specially explored the seabed areas along the route.

At that time, we had already discovered many resources and even prototypes of resource points in the sea area.

Not only the minerals under the earth's veins, but also various special environments are being created on the seabed due to the influence of the Tidal Year of the Endless Sea.

Many special environments have the tendency to become underwater natural medicinal gardens.

You can simply understand those places as "forests" under the sea.

These 'forests' are giving birth to a variety of valuable things, including but not limited to various magical plants and water resources, and they also attract many ocean monsters.

As long as we don’t ask for too much, we can continue to reap benefits from these places! "

Upon hearing this, Mr. Romien smiled and said:

"I have long guessed that after the Year of Tides, the resources on the seabed will not be less than those on land, and now it seems that is indeed the case!"

Mr. Holland said:

"I heard in the library: There seem to be many marine resource points being gradually created in the waters of the Morning Flower Territory?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to Brand.

At this time, Brand had put the information aside. He was holding something that looked like a remote control in his hand, controlling a half-human-high ship model that was moving slowly on the Crescent Lake.

After noticing everyone's gazes, Brand temporarily stopped what he was doing, looked away from the lake, nodded in response:

"It's true, but for the time being, the resource points we discovered are just prototypes.

They still need a lot of time to mature and will not bring benefits for a while. "

Mr. Cecil said:

“It has only been about two years since the Year of Tides has completely ended.

Even with the catalytic effect of tidal magic, the birth of resources always requires a process.

But looking at it from another perspective, this is actually a good thing.

After all, none of us are quite ready yet.

Among other things, the research and construction of sea-going ships obviously needs to be accelerated.

I think we might be able to shorten the rest time of the shipyard craftsmen and speed up the progress.

As long as we promise huge profits, I don't think they will have any objection. "

Mr. Romien nodded and said:

"It makes sense. I agree. I will notify you soon!"

At this time, after hearing all this, he expressed regret for what happened to the craftsmen next.

Brand turned his attention back to the lake.

As he continued to operate the remote control, the boat model on the lake began to move precariously again.

This lake is diluted and blended by the by-products of the Magic Spring. It has richer water elements than the Endless Sea and is a natural testing ground for ships.

Because I happened to come over today to talk about things, Brand was also going to experiment with the research results of these days.

Not long after, I looked at the ship model because it was going too fast.

After a sharp turn, it was overturned by the active elements, causing a large wave of waves on the lake.

Brand feels that shipbuilding is really a challenging career!

At this time, Mr. Holland, who was watching the process, smiled and joked:

"Although this toy of yours is very exquisite, it seems a little too fancy to be useful?"

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