Great Nobleman

Chapter 1170 Don’t blame me for bullying the weak!

Brand ignored the joke of Master Holland.

He manipulated the controller and activated the power device of the boat model.

The boat slowly swam to the shore in an upside-down posture.

Finally, Brand held the side of the boat and brought it to the pavilion and placed it on the table.

He saw several masters looking at him curiously.

While using magic to disperse the water stains, Brand briefly explained the "boat capsizing accident" that had just happened:

"[Crescent Lake] is different from ordinary rivers and lakes in China.

The concentration of water elements here is very high. During the voyage, the [element interference effect] on this small boat will be very severe.

As the speed increases, this interference will be further intensified.

So from the performance just shown, it is actually very good!"

Hearing this, Master Romien reached out and fiddled with the sail of the ship model, and asked with some doubts:

"You can just draw some rune arrays for it, and it won't be a big deal for you, right?"

Brand shook his head and said:

"The stronger the basic performance, the higher the upper limit of the ship.

It is certainly not impossible to draw rune arrays to strengthen it, and it is indeed not a big deal for me.

But if its basic performance can be higher and stronger, after being strengthened by the rune array, it It can have stronger performance.

So I plan to go back and make a better one, and then draw the rune array to strengthen it. "

Hearing this idea, Master Robert looked at the exquisite model in front of him and said helplessly:

"You are really a guy.

Now that you are getting richer and richer, your requirements for toys are getting higher and higher, right?

This thing is so exquisite, it doesn't look like a cheap thing, right?"

Master Cheshire said:

"It is indeed very exquisite, and there seems to be a complex cabin structure inside the ship.

In addition, it seems that all parts of the hull are not made of ordinary materials, at least there is a special coating on the surface, which seems to be some paint made of various elemental resources?"

After touching the hull with his hand and feeling it carefully, Master Cheshire suddenly widened his eyes and said:

"This seems to be a paint made of high-level water resources? Brand, are you so extravagant?"

As soon as this came out, everyone else became surprised!

After taking a look at the exaggerated reactions of several masters,

Brand waved his hand and said:

"It's just a few high-level resources. The ship is so small and not much is used. Don't make such a fuss.

Let's talk about business first.

Because of the shortage of manpower, I and the members of the library are not available.

So for the next cleaning task and the construction of the floating island military base, we in the Morning Flower Territory will only contribute funds.

This matter still depends more on the master and several uncles."

Master Holland nodded and said:

"I know you want to focus on cultivation, and the affairs of the Morning Flower Territory are relatively numerous.

So we have excluded you from the list of combatants. When the time comes, you will always have various supplies in the port, so that we can quickly replenish them when we return."

Brand nodded and said:

"It's a small matter."

After discussing the subsequent actions.

Master Claude suddenly asked curiously:

"By the way, Brand, I heard Andy say that you seem to have to concentrate on training until you become a mage?

How long will it take you to reach the threshold for promotion?

Based on Andy's training speed, it should take about three years.

You should be much faster than him, right?"

As soon as this was said, everyone looked over curiously.

Brand also carefully sensed his current situation for the first time in a long time.

Elemental affinity has not been actually tested for a while, so Brand is not very clear now.

But as for mental power, three months seems to be about the same?

According to the observation some time ago:

The time it takes for elemental affinity to reach the threshold should not be much slower than mental power.

So at most four months later, he should be able to step on the threshold for promotion to a mage.

After a careful perception and confirmation of this fact,

Brand responded modestly:

"About two or three years, I'm actually not much faster than Andy and Finn now.

Although my mental strength is not far behind, my elemental affinity is still a bit behind."

Hearing this, several masters nodded in understanding.

Compared with Andy and Finn, Brand is more talented.

But after all, due to various things such as war, territory management, and playing, his training time was delayed.

So in the eyes of several masters, this time is about what they expected.

At this time, Brand suddenly recalled that Andy and Finn seemed to have been playing around and slacking off in training recently.

After hesitating for a moment, he recalled that these two guys would occasionally come to him to show off, making him extremely envious.

Brand said seriously:

"By the way, I think Uncle Claude and Uncle Cheshire should take care of Andy and Finn.

As far as I know, they have been playing nearby for almost two months and have never stopped to practice.

If they can work harder, they may try to become a magician at about the same time as me.

If they are lucky, they may be able to become a magician before me!"

After hearing what Brand said, everyone looked at Master Cheshire and Master Claude meaningfully.

Although Claude and the Cheshire family concealed the "duel" from the outside world.

But as close allies, this matter obviously could not be hidden from them!

In other words:

These two guys should not be able to control Andy and Finn now!

When the other masters all put on a look of watching a good show, what surprised them was:

Facing the eyes of the crowd, Master Claude nodded calmly and agreed:

"You are right, I will go to discipline him next.

After resting for so long, Andy really should concentrate."

Master Cheshire also said:

"The same goes for Finn, I will go to discipline him in a while."

Then, after chatting for a while, everyone left.

The next day, a piece of news reached the ears of several masters and Brand.

——Andy and Finn were lectured by the two masters, Claude and Chesil, and are now ready to go back and practice!

When the other masters were surprised and Brand looked relieved.

On a luxurious carriage heading south quickly.

Andy, who had been practicing for days and looked tired, sighed:

"Brand really found a good excuse for us. We don't have to act like before."

Hearing this, Finn, who was also tired and in a similar state to Andy, fed himself a sip of medicinal wine, and then responded:

"That's right, but how likely do you think it is that Brand will need two to three years to step on the threshold of promotion?"

Andy shook his head without thinking and said:

"There must be some water. Brand is a guy who never hesitates to show the virtue of humility.

According to the information of our family wizard.

Judging from the mental power he showed when fighting in the former Mosal Kingdom some time ago.

At least a few months, at most a year, his mental power will step on the threshold.

I didn't get detailed information about the elemental affinity.

However All along, Brand has neglected the cultivation of elemental affinity.

So it will take him a long time to reach the threshold in this field.

Of course, considering this guy's talent, I think one and a half years is enough for Brand to make up for his shortcomings!

Plus the time required for subsequent promotion.

Conservatively speaking, in two years, he will probably become a mage directly, rather than the so-called promotion threshold. "

Hearing this, Finn took another sip of medicinal wine and said with extreme imbalance in his heart:

"I heard from Janice:

Although Brand is devoted to cultivation, he also leaves plenty of rest time every day, occasionally handles territory affairs, and seems to be addicted to sea ship toys recently!

But even so, his cultivation speed is still terrifying to the extreme!"

After taking out a bottle of alchemy potion and drinking it to refresh himself.

Andy looked at Finn and said seriously:

"No matter what, two years from now, I will definitely step on the threshold and try to get promoted.

Brand will be surpassed by me if he is a little careless!

If you don't want to be laughed at by me, you'd better not slack off at all."

As soon as the voice fell, Finn responded expressionlessly:

"You should worry more about yourself.

I can tell you with certainty:

It won't take two years for me to step on the threshold.

My target is Brand, and you are not even in my sight now!"

Andy said disdainfully:

"Then wait and see!

After becoming a magician, I will throw the white glove at you as soon as possible.

When the time comes, you'd better hide tightly and don't let me find you.

Otherwise, don't blame me for bullying the weak!"

Finn sneered:


In that case, I hope you can still maintain your current confidence when my glove hits you in the face!"


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