Great Nobleman

Chapter 1200: Morning Flower's Amber II small sailboat Morning Dew Rose!

Chapter 1200 Morning Flower Territory·Amber II·Small Sailboat·Morning Dew Rose!

Because of the ridicule of Yersin and the other two, the faces of the four masters were extremely ugly.

And after the provocation, Yersin and the other two slipped away without staying in place, and ran away all of a sudden.

Then, the four masters ignored the three annoying guys, they slowed down their pace, and discussed and thought with each other.

Master Robert said with an uncertain expression:

"Naik, I am a little confused about the situation now.

What does Yersin mean by that?"

Master Romien frowned and analyzed:

"The core of our plan is to use the employment agreement of the shipbuilding master Caterina as a bargaining chip to kill Brand for a large sum of wealth.

The premise of all this is Brand's high demand for shipbuilding masters.

And if Brand already has a shipbuilding master who is not inferior to Master Caterina.

Then our plan will be difficult to implement."

Master Claude was surprised and said:

"You mean, Brand secretly recruited a shipbuilding master to build a ship for him, but he has never revealed it to the outside world?

So Yersin said that our plan is useless to Brand?"

Master Holland nodded and said:

"The ship has been built, almost, we will know when we go over and take a look."

After communicating in agreement, several masters sped up.

Not long after, they arrived at the dock of the bay in Morning Flower Castle.

Looking around, he saw that in addition to the servants delivering supplies to the dock, Brand, Yersin, Andy, Finn and a group of ladies.

Some guests invited to witness the engagement ceremony also gathered here waiting.

Among them were the master Katrina and a group of apprentices they hired.

In addition, there were the director of the Imperial Weapons Department, Sanders Daher and a group of members of the Weapons Department.

At this time, they were gathered together and talking happily.

After looking at Brand who was surrounded by the ladies, and Yersin and the other two who were chatting on the edge and occasionally looking at them.

The four masters looked at each other, and then approached Sanders, Katrina and others to ask.

Soon, Sanders smiled and explained the current situation:

"It's like this, Viscount Brand is going to conduct a sailing test on his new ship.

Because some of the equipment above was purchased from our weapons department, we came to see if they work properly in the actual sailing.

And Master Caterina was invited by Viscount Brand to witness it together."

As soon as the voice fell, the old elf smiled and said:

"I am actually very curious about what the ship carefully built by Mr. Brand looks like.

It is said that it seems to be a brand new model different from the existing ship type."

Listening to Sanders and the old elf's explanations.

The four masters just felt puzzled.

-Why do they feel that everyone knows a little inside information, but they know nothing?

Looking up and looking around, they found that there was only a Silver Phoenix and a few small boats with oars on the entire dock.

Master Holland asked in confusion:

"Since it is a trial run of the new ship, where is the ship? Why are you all waiting here?"

Speaking of this question, Sanders said:

"The ship is still in the dock at the western port. Mr. Brand is having someone launch the ship into the water. I think someone will bring the ship over in a while."

After learning the origin.

The four masters looked at each other and finally decided to go directly to Brand to ask about the situation.

When they approached Brand, they found that Brand suddenly put out an empty screen.

After some operation, the picture quickly appeared on the empty screen:

A dark brown wide deck at the front of a ship, with endless dark blue sea on the left, right and front of the deck.

When several masters were a little confused.

One by one, the ladies gathered around Brand happily, and Brand took out a small, exquisite and familiar remote control.

Then, the view of the ship in the empty screen suddenly began to move forward and turn.

Outside the deck, the deep blue sea with the warm wind flower floating on it kept retreating.

Right in front of the ship, a majestic castle gradually entered the screen.

Several masters saw at a glance that this was Morning Flower Castle!

After seeing all this and reacting for a while, several masters gradually realized that this empty screen should be connected to the perspective of a ship.

And this ship is approaching Morning Flower Castle.

So is this ship the so-called "new ship"?

While thinking, looking at the small remote control in Brand's hand, Master Holland suddenly said:

"I remember that Brand used such a remote control to control the ship models on the Crescent Lake before?"

As soon as this was said, the other three masters also quickly recalled it.

Master Robert was a little surprised and said:

"You mean Brand is using the remote control in his hand to remotely control the ship in the picture?"

When Master Holland was about to nod.

On the screen of the empty screen, the speed of the ship has increased to a certain level.

On the south side of Morning Flower Castle, the sea entrance connecting to the bay inside the castle is already in sight.

Several masters could not help but turn their eyes to the front, where the sea entrance of the inner bay had already opened.

The most powerful master Holland had already sensed that a huge object was approaching quickly.

Soon, a ship with a bright red hull as transparent as amber, a bright silver galaxy flowing inside, and a mysterious color reflected on the sea surface came into everyone's sight.

On the huge white sail, the [Morning Dew Rose] with bright red roses blooming, petals trembling with the sail, and dewdrops flowing lightly was lifelike.

As it approached at a high speed, the deep blue sea seemed to have taken the initiative to make way for it, without causing any extra waves.

The sea breeze was not harsh, and there was no sign of the sail being blown too much.

It was as if in the process of moving forward quickly, all kinds of resistance that the ship should face disappeared inexplicably.

And it is worth mentioning that:

This is not the work of absolute power such as the magic field.

If you have the elemental vision of a mage, you can easily find that the elements of nature have formed a complex resonance with various parts of this ship.

As the ship moved forward, dense elements were moving around it in an extremely complex and regular manner.

It was this wonderful movement of elements that caused the current result.

After some observation, Master Claude opened his mouth repeatedly and finally uttered a nonsense:

"This ship seems a little unusual!"

When the four masters were speechless and didn't know what expression they should use to face this beautiful ship that had come close to them.

The ladies were already discussing excitedly around Brand!

"Isn't its prototype [Amber Type II]? Why did the hull turn bright red?"

"Amber can also be red, don't make a fuss!"

"What are these things flowing inside the hull? It's like a galaxy! It seems like there is magic running?"

"Just treat it as a decoration."

"The sail is so big [Morning Dew Rose] dynamic picture, so according to the naming method of the Silver Phoenix, its name should be [Morning Dew Rose]?"

"It's really worthy of being the wise Chris!"

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