Great Nobleman

Chapter 1201 Now there is a problem: this ship belongs to Brand, not us!

Under Brand's control, the gangway of the "Morning Dew Rose" was gradually lowered.

Then, he smiled and waved loudly to everyone at the dock:

"Let's go for a walk on the sea!"

Saying this, Brand took the lead on board the boat, and the ladies quickly followed.

Members of the Arms Department, Master Katrina and others followed closely behind.

Under the surging crowd, several elders followed the crowd calmly onto the deck of the ship and began to observe the situation.

Not long after.

On the sea near Fanhua Bay.

After feeling the stability of the deck under my feet, I looked at the sea passing by at high speed, the gentle sea breeze, and the fast-moving natural elements.

The elders looked at each other, and they were gradually shocked!

Although they were laymen, they had been observing for a while, and there were many warships from the Empire and the Elf Forest for comparison.

Even if they didn't look at Katrina and the members of the Arms Department who were looking around with surprised expressions not far away, they could still come to the conclusion:

This is a war-class ship, a real war-class ship!

Mr. Holland said:

"Of all the ocean ships I have come into contact with, not even the warships of the Empire and the Elf Forest gave me this strange feeling.

It is like an ocean monster that has reached a special harmonious relationship with the surrounding environment and elements. It not only eliminates many negative effects of navigation, but even feels like a fish in water and benefits from it. "

Mr. Claude followed and said:

"I think it is not an ordinary war-class ship. Even within the classification of war-class ships, it should be at the forefront!"

Mr. Romien thought:

“These things are actually not the focus right now.

The most important thing is still:

Since the [Morning Dew Rose] was built independently by the Morning Flower Leader.

So how much does it cost? How long does it take to build?

Are there any particularly rare and precious resources used? Is there a possibility of mass construction? "

After asking questions repeatedly and pausing for a moment, Mr. Romien gradually became excited and said:

“If the Morning Flower Territory can build such warships in large quantities.

So in the future, whether we develop maritime routes or further explore the endless sea, the biggest obstacles to both will be directly cleared.

The next thing we have to do is to train soldiers who can control ships to fight at sea, and equip the ships with some war weapons.

These two things are obviously not difficult problems to solve!

The former just takes time for them to learn and become proficient.

As for the latter, we only need to slightly modify the high-end long-range warfare weapons used on land and then install them. "

Hearing this, Mr. Robert nodded and said:

“Naik is right.

In addition, I think since Brand can build the first one, there is a high probability that it will be no problem to build more.

Even if this ship uses precious resources that are difficult to collect, it is still possible to lower the grade of materials and choose to mass-produce a warship with slightly worse performance than this [Morning Dew Rose].

It has such headroom in its performance.

But now the biggest problem is:

This ship belongs to Brand, not us!

How do we get Brand to give us the boat? "

As soon as the last words came out, the faces of several elders suddenly became a little ugly, even Mr. Holland was no exception.

At this point, they obviously don't still think that their original plan to use Katrina to seduce Brand has any chance of success.

With such a high-end war-class ship built, it is very likely that Brand has more than one master-level high-end craftsman!

And they are probably even more powerful than Master Katrina!

With this idea, the elders no longer bothered with their original plans.

Instead, he focused on how to obtain ships from Brand and then use them for various matters at sea.

Mr. Holland thought:

“This is a war-class ship after all, and I don’t think Brand will have any thoughts of selling it to anyone in the short term.

We might just have to discuss the leasing situation with Brand.

In addition, under the current situation, the situation of maritime routes has basically stabilized.

Compared with warships, we actually have a greater demand for commercial sea-going ships.

Of course, I'm talking about high-end commercial ships, not the kind of [trial models] that break after a few uses. "

Mr. Romien said helplessly:

"When the trial voyage is over, let's go to Brand to inquire about the situation in detail.

Morning Flower Collar also requires commercial ships.

Since they already have the ability to build such high-end warships, they obviously will not be unable to build lower-grade high-end commercial ships.

When the number of ships meets the demand of Morning Flower Ling, Brand will definitely not mind leasing or selling the excess commercial ships.

With our relationship, it should be no problem to seize the opportunity.

In addition, if he encounters any difficulties, we can actually find a way to help him.

In this way, he should be more gentle on us. "

Hearing this, Master Claude sighed:

"Now it looks like that's all we can do."

At this time, the four elders were all in complicated moods.

Not long ago, they were eager to punish Brand, a greedy and stingy guy.

But after just a short while, the roles played by both parties were reversed.

They instead began to think of ways to get Brand to show mercy.

This is really an unpredictable and ever-changing world!

After making up their mind, the senior men relaxed their minds and began to observe and appreciate the design of the "Morning Dew Rose" like everyone else.

I have to say that Brand's taste is still very good.

Not to mention the appearance, the interior three-story cabin has now been decorated.

Moreover, the ship is also equipped with many sublimated war crossbows, protective barriers, detection arrays, and even [White Elf Fish Explorer]!

After some observation, in addition to these things that were on the surface, several elders had a vague feeling that this ship should have some hidden methods.

All in all, although this ship is very beautiful, it also hides a shocking murderous intention!

After going around and around, the senior men finally sat down lazily on the soft seats in the viewing cabin on the first floor below the deck.

Although looking towards the hull from the outside, one can only see the bright red hull with bright silver stars flowing through it.

But in this viewing cabin, their sight could pass through the transparent glass-like walls on the left and right sides and directly see the rapidly receding sea outside.

After admiring it for a while, he tentatively opened the cabinet at hand. Mr. Holland was a little surprised to find that there was actually a freezer inside.

– It’s supposed to be used to store food and drinks!

But it's a pity that this place is now empty.

Brand probably hasn't had time to store the food inside yet.

After a moment of regret, Mr. Holland took out the two bottles of wine he had brought with him from his magic pocket, and then took out a cup to pour for himself and his three friends, and took a sip together.

Then, looking at the scenery of Flower Bay outside, Mr. Holland gradually sighed:

"This ship is really not bumpy at all. If you don't feel it carefully, it's just like sitting in a seaside tavern in the port.

Moreover, the scenery outside is still changing. Now I am a little envious of Brand. "

As soon as these words came out, the other three elders nodded in agreement.

——The sailing experience on [Morning Dew Rose] is indeed excellent!

After chatting for a while, the elders watched the scenery outside change, and finally stopped next to the dock in the port.

Master Claude said doubtfully:

"This seems to be the new dock at the port. Is the trial trial over?"

Hearing this, Mr. Holander's eyes glanced left and right leisurely.

After sweeping all the way to the shore on the side of the ship, I saw the door of the dock warehouse being slowly opened.

His eyes suddenly widened and he stared intently at the five huge ships placed neatly inside the warehouse, with bright brown and transparent hulls and sails of the same color!

His thoughts tumbled, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Mr. Holland realized a fact:

[Morning Dew Rose] is not all!

Brand still has something to hide!

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