Great Nobleman

Chapter 1202 They are not hunters, but lambs waiting to be slaughtered without knowing it!

The new dock at the port.

While driving the magic force field, he asked the elemental army to transport the ships in the warehouse.

Brand also introduced to the several masters who had just come to ask questions with confusion and shock on their faces:

"You are asking about these ships.

Different from the previous [Amber Type II] warships, these five are the next-level [Amber Type I] commercial ships.

We named them [Amber No. 1] to [Amber No. 5] respectively.

They were also built by our North Holland family.

They are loaded with commercial ship equipment purchased from the Weapon Department and have undergone simple overall enhancement.

In the near future, this type of ship will be the main force for commercial trade between our Morning Flower Territory and the Forest of Elves."

As soon as these words came out, he looked at the five ships that had landed on the sea next to him.

Master Holland suddenly grasped the key point and asked:

"Have you started mass production of these commercial [Amber Type 1] ships now?"

Brand nodded and said:

"Yes, that's true.

If the craftsmen build them normally, it will take about four months to half a year to complete an [Amber Type 1] ship on a production line.

However, this time, because the library members used the magic force field to participate, the time spent was shortened a lot.

The earliest one here started construction more than three months ago, which was about the time you left last time.

The construction time of the other four ships will be a little later."

After explaining this, Brand smiled and said:

"Since you came here to ask, I think you are interested in these [Amber Type 1], right?

In the future, when the number of [Amber Type 1] reaches a certain scale and is enough for our Morning Flower Territory to use.

We will indeed consider leasing or even selling the excess ships.

If you need them, you can also book them from us at that time.

Of course, if you need them recently, we in Morning Flower Territory can also sacrifice some of our interests and provide you with ships earlier.

But correspondingly, the leasing and selling prices of ships will be more expensive, I hope you understand this."

Looking at Brand's face, he began to show an increasingly mercenary smile while talking.

The four masters were helpless.

It is obvious that Brand had sharpened his knife long ago, waiting for them to come and be slaughtered!

Recalling the previous engagement process, they were still thinking about avoiding provoking Brand.

But now it seems that Brand was probably thinking about avoiding provoking them at the time, so he delayed the existence of these ships until now!

-They are not hunters, but lambs waiting to be slaughtered without knowing it!

——Next, they will stretch their necks to let the hunters cut them!

As they approached the ship, Master Romien put his arm around Brand's shoulders affectionately and said with a smile:

"Brand, the Romien family and the North Holland family are not only close allies, but also in-laws.

My daughter Chris is one of your future wives!

So for this [Amber Type 1], I think you should give me a bigger discount!"

As soon as the words fell, Master Robert echoed, and Master Holland also emphasized his identity as a father in a serious manner.

Although Master Claude was not related to Brand, he also asked Brand directly what he wanted.

——He helped pick all the stars in the sky!

Seeing this, Brand also spread his hands leisurely and said:

"Since father and several uncles are interested in [Amber Type 1], I will of course give an appropriate discount.

Recently, in order to expand the production line of ships, we have actually been recruiting capable shipbuilding craftsmen.

I think that Master Caterina and his apprentices are quite good. I wonder if father and several uncles have any intention of giving them up.

If so, I can give a little discount on the basis of the original discount."

Hearing this, several masters exchanged glances.

Finally, Master Romien stood up and nodded with a smile:

"Okay, if the performance of [Amber Type 1] can meet our requirements, we can also transfer the employment agreement of Master Caterina and his apprentice to you, let them work for you and expand the production line of ships."

After nodding with satisfaction, Brand said again:

"In addition, there is the problem of the old dock.

Although the old dock's shipbuilding capacity is not very good, its ability to make commercial ship equipment is barely enough.

You can also see that because the craftsmen are busy building ships, they have no time to do other things.

So we The marine equipment of [Amber Type 1] is purchased from the Ordnance Department.

Based on this situation, I think we can directly transform the old dock to provide marine equipment specifically for the ships made by the new dock and strengthen the ships as a whole.

What do you think? "

After these words came out, after several masters exchanged glances, Master Romien spoke again:

"We need to discuss this with others first, but if you can provide us with ships as soon as possible, I think there should be no problem. "

Brand smiled and nodded:

"Then it's settled!"

Originally, Brand had prepared a lot of words to "fight" with several masters.

But they simply admitted defeat and accepted reality this time.

Although Brand had no sense of accomplishment because of his opponent's vulnerability.

But considering that he had to go out to play tomorrow, Brand was in an unusually good mood now.

Next, after testing the five [Amber Type 1] loaded with ship equipment.

Brand discussed with several masters about the subsequent trade in the Elf Forest, the employment agreement of Master Caterina and others, the selling price and rental price of [Amber Type 1], and other miscellaneous matters.

Afterwards, Brand drove the [Morning Dew Rose] back to the castle with everyone, and then directed the servants to load various supplies on board.

The ladies also went to prepare their luggage and then chose rooms on the ship.

The next morning.

Brand said goodbye to several masters, Yersin, Andy and others with a smile on his face.

Surrounded by a group of beautifully dressed ladies, they walked onto the deck of the Morning Dew Rose with laughter.

Soon, as the power system of the ship began to operate, the Morning Dew Rose also started quickly.

Soon they left the inner bay of Morning Flower Castle.

On the other side, watching the ship disappear from sight, the smiles on the faces of several masters disappeared instantly.

After a short moment of silence, Master Robert said with an unhappy face:

"This feeling of frustration is really annoying!"

Master Claude frowned and agreed:

"That's right, I feel my mood has suffered a huge impact even though I was being slaughtered!"

Master Romien shook his head and said:

"Okay, okay, go back.

We still have to see the guests off later. It's okay for Brand to go out to play, but he actually asked us to help him deal with his aftermath!

What a hateful guy!"

Watching the four masters walk away cursing.

On the side, Yersin frowned and said:

"It's good to buy a high-end merchant ship like [Amber No. 1] now.

After buying it, it's only a matter of time before you get your money back!

These old guys are taking advantage of it now.

It's really shameful to take advantage of their age to this extent!"

Andy crossed his arms and said disdainfully:

"After all, they are old and no longer have the ambitions they had when they were young.

So they can only plot secretly and argue with each other. Forgive them."

Finn shook his head and said:

"Just ignore them, so as not to affect your mood."

After saying this, Finn pointed to the Silver Phoenix moored nearby and suggested:

"There's nothing else to do, let's rent the Silver Phoenix out for a walk later. How about the circle?

This time, I actually want to go to the sea to play, fish and so on.

I was busy practicing before, and I really want to take a break this time. ”

Yersen nodded and said:

“Okay, before going back to prepare for the promotion, I just want to relax for a few days.

But we'd better not run too far, it would be bad if we hit the Naga. ”

Hearing Yersen's words, Andy couldn't help but smile and said:

“It's okay if we hit it, the Silver Phoenix is ​​a war-class ship, equipped with sublimated rune arrays and war weapons, the worst case is to fight with the Naga. ”

Finn scratched his head and said:

“Although that's what I said, those things are not cheap to use, it would be bad if we lose money. ”

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