Great Nobleman

Chapter 1204 We are attacking a siren's lair!

[Morning Dew Rose] The observation cabin on the first floor below ground.

Quiet environment, soothing music.

Watching the huge waves silently passing by on the left and right sides of the cabin and outside the transparent wall.

Ivy frowned and said:

"Have we encountered enemies so early today? It was calm just now. This should be the ship attacking again, right?"

After glancing at the wind and waves outside, Chris sipped the juice and joked:

"The lord's ship is so beautiful. I wouldn't be surprised if a sea race came with an army to rob it one day.

But how many times has your library used the sublimation crossbow lavishly?

Can you occasionally consider our hard work to earn wealth for the lord?"

Hearing this, Janice, who was sitting on the side with her long legs and a lazy face, responded leisurely:

"The [Morning Dew Rose] is the owner's exclusive vehicle. Except for the harpoon crossbow on the deck, there is no attack method below sublimation.

This is necessary to maintain the majesty of the Lord of Morning Flower.

The most After that, if you have any opinions, you can go to the owner to raise them and see if the owner will install cheaper war weapons on his vehicle. "

Hearing this, Ivy shook her head and said:

"Impossible, Brand will only think about installing more expensive weapons on his ship."

While chatting, the cabin broadcast was suddenly turned on, and Brand's cheerful voice came:

"Ladies, I found a small island right in front of the ship.

Next, I will use the Knight Golem to explore it. If you want to become a remote controller of the Knight Golem, please come to the deck to find me as soon as possible to sign up. "

As soon as these words came out, Chris lifted her long hair, smiled and stood up and said:

"It seems that I can show you the methods of a senior adventurer!"

When the ladies who received the broadcast gathered on the deck.

On the deck, Brand looked at the front of the ship.

-Under the vision of telescope, an island was already vaguely visible!

After taking out the sea chart and taking a look, and carefully observing the sea water next to it.

Brand gradually said with some surprise:

"The temperature of the sea water is rising, and the elements are becoming more active.

The warm current sea area we want to go to seems to have turned here."

Celine, with purple eyes flashing, said:

"In addition, there seems to be some kind of change here. There is basically no trace of magic beasts, just like a land owned by someone."

Hisali smiled and said:

"Who cares? Let's go and take a look, won't we know?"

As they were talking, ladies dressed in cool clothes came to the deck and laughed, and looked at the island getting closer and closer with Brand and others.

And then, Melcher's voice suddenly came over:

"Master, the exploration array has found many more traces of sirens in front, much more than before.

I suspect there is a siren's nest in front."

Siren's nest?

After a moment of surprise.

At the location of the island in front of the field of vision, eight breaths equivalent to the great knight appeared under the sea.

When Brand looked over intently, he saw that in the field of vision of telescope, under the sea.

Eight burly [sea sirens] were leading teams of sirens holding long forks and wearing scale leather armor to approach them.

——The murderous look clearly showed that they were coming with ill intentions!

Seeing this scene, Brand became excited instead.

He said:

"Those who want to operate the crossbow cannons, please sign up with me. We will have a tug-of-war with the sirens at sea next!"

As soon as the voice fell, Melcher said again:

"The underwater sirens have launched a long-range attack on us. The barrier has been opened. Please fight back!"


At about the same time, at the dock of Morning Flower Harbor.

After saying goodbye to Yersin and others, several masters took their men to the deck of the Golden Wheat Field and then issued the order to set off.

Then, the ship started, and five [Amber Type 1] and twenty-four [Trial Type 1] and [Trial Type 2] surrounded it.

The warships of the elves followed closely behind.

Because the materials for building the floating island military base have been replenished, they will go to the sea route today to continue the construction of the floating island military base.

After sailing for a distance, they looked back at the increasingly smaller Flower Bay.

Master Holland thought about it, and finally took out the air screen and sent a communication request to Brand.

With their departure, the maritime military force in the empire's waters will be reduced by half.

Although the Morning Flower Castle still has the guards and some library members staying to monitor the northern waters at all times.

But after all, Brand is gone as the backbone, and the entire Morning Flower Territory no longer has the same combat power as the Great Knight.

If there is a large-scale attack by the marine race, the risk is obviously still there.

Thinking of this, Master Holland is ready to remind Brand to pay attention to the situation in the Morning Flower Castle, and to teleport back as soon as possible if there is anything wrong.

Soon, the communication was connected, and a picture appeared on the air screen:

In a luxurious cabin, with a slightly shaking perspective, Catherine appeared in the center of the screen and greeted him:

"Good day, master."

At the same time, Brand's excited voice rang in his ears like background music:

"Keep the speed and turn left!"

"Fire on the starboard side!"

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Avoid that guy's long-range attack!"


Listening to Brand’s voice and looking at Catherine on the screen, Master Holland couldn’t help but ask curiously:

“What are you doing? A naval battle?”

Turning his head to look at Brand standing next to him and commanding everyone.

He looked at the people sitting in several rows below, operating the ship’s equipment.

Finally, after looking at the scenery outside the cockpit.

Catherine retracted her gaze and responded:

“We are attacking a sea monster’s nest!”

At this moment, under Brand’s command.

The [Morning Dew Rose], which has already set up a barrier, is sailing and fighting around the island.

The number of mermaid sea monsters at the same level as the Great Knight has dropped from the original eight to the current six.

At this moment, they are leading their subordinates to chase and intercept the [Morning Dew Rose] from all directions.

Because long-range strikes have little effect, the sirens are trying to close the distance to destroy the ship or board the ship to fight.

Under the power of the sirens, huge waves and storms are rising around the island.

Under the sea, long-range strikes against the ship came one after another!

However, the [Morning Dew Rose] rode the wind and waves all the way, moving forward at a high speed.

Behind the ship, a series of dense water arrows and water spears that failed to hit the target broke through the sea surface and went straight up to the sky!

After observing the surrounding situation, they looked at a sea monster in the distance in front of them, leading the team to pull out the interception line.

Brand said:

"Main gun ready!"

When the distance was about the same, Brand raised his right hand and waved forward, shouting:


As the voice fell, the hull shook violently.

In the sight, a circular twisted storm visible to the naked eye exploded in front of the ship!

As the ship continued to move forward, the storm spread all the way from the top and sides of the ship.

At the same time, a bright white beam of light condensed with rich ice elements shot out from the bow.

Accurately hit the mermaid sea monster blocking the front, and froze a large area around it into ice!

The sky was overcast, and snowflakes fell!

——Primary Great Magic·Ice Giant Kill!

Inside the slightly bumpy ship, Brand's voice was calm and powerful:

"Turn right, free fire on the starboard side! Prepare to speed up and shake off the enemy."

As soon as these words came out, with the cooperation of everyone, the [Morning Dew Rose] turned right.

During this process, more than ten portholes on the right side of the hull opened and closed one after another.

One after another, the sublimated level of attack shot out and shot towards the pursuers behind.

After a round of artillery fire, the [Morning Dew Rose] did not stop.

They distanced themselves from the pursuers and prepared for the next round of artillery fire!

And now that the three sea sirens and many ordinary and elite sea sirens have lost their voices.

Even if this is their nest, the sirens can't help but start to waver!

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