Great Nobleman

Chapter 1205 Who doesn’t want to kill the enemy with just the movement of their mouth?

On the deck of the Golden Rye.

Looking at the empty screen, Catherine shared the cockpit of the "Morning Rose" and the fierce naval battle perspective.

Mr. Robert gradually sighed and said:

"The Kraken's long-range attack method, even if it hits, can't break through the sublimated protective barrier of [Morning Dew Rose].

And if they want to get close to the battle, the speed and dexterity of the [Morning Rose] completely surpass the Kraken, so they can only eat ashes from behind!

This is really sad to think about! "

"It's more than that!"

He pointed at the huge waves and storm passing behind him outside the cockpit window.

Master Claude thought:

“I didn’t even notice during the last trial voyage. The hull of the [Morning Dew Rose] seemed to have a special method.

After this method is activated, the abnormal environment around the ship can be calmed down. This is why the ship always remains stable in extremely harsh environments.

Judging from the previous performance of the Morning Dew Rose.

Even if several sea monsters join forces to set off an elemental tsunami, which is equivalent to a sublimation spell, it can directly crash through it, and the cost is only a slight bump in the ship.

I think it should be at least a high-level sublimation, or even a powerful rune array at the extreme sublimation level! "

Hearing this, Mr. Holander rubbed his chin with one hand and thought:

"This is not surprising. Brand and Celine are already very accomplished in the study of runes.

In comparison, I am more concerned about what will happen to the Golden Wheatfield at our feet facing such a powerful Kraken.

From beginning to end, Brand and the others achieved their current results purely by relying on the "Morning Dew Rose".

To put it another way, if a team of ordinary people who are familiar with ship operations are sent to the Morning Dew Rose, the results should be similar.

And if we don't take action and just let the current crew of the Golden Wheat Field deal with these sea monsters, can they get similar results? "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, Master Claude shook his head and said:

“I think it shouldn’t be possible.

You also know that our Golden Wheat Field has indeed reached a war-level level.

But its foundation is relatively poor after all. It is made of high-grade materials and Brand's rune array to make it war-grade.

Not to mention anything else, from the perspective of speed alone, the speed at which we sailed at full speed was almost the same as the speed of the Kraken that Brand and the others faced.

The Kraken also has means to hinder the movement of ships. Our Golden Wheatfield cannot cut through the waves like the Morning Dew Rose.

So if we relied solely on the power of the ships, I am afraid that these sea monsters would have touched the edge of our ships not long after the war started. "

After hearing this analysis, Mr. Holland, who had similar views, helplessly spread his hands and said:

"I now have the frustration of spending a lot of money but only building a prototype."

Mr. Romien shook his head and comforted:

“It’s not that Golden Wheat Field is bad, but Brand’s Morning Dew Rose is too powerful.

In addition, as a medium-sized warship, our Golden Wheat Field actually has advantages that the Morning Dew Rose cannot match.

In a real naval battle, there should be many small warships around us as frigates.

And we are in the center, ruthlessly suppressing the enemy with extremely strong firepower and defense! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Robert frowned and said:

“The defense should be about the same.

But the problem is: our firepower may not be stronger than Brand's [Morning Dew Rose].

Our strongest attack method should be the [Mingguang Heavy Crossbow] purchased from the Secret Society of the Light Sect, but only the attack of more than a dozen [Mingguang Heavy Crossbow] can reach the threshold of great magic!

Brand's giant ice crossbow can directly achieve this level of attack.

You know, Brand has more than one giant ice-killing crossbow! "

After looking at the picture a few more times, Mr. Romien suggested:

"How about we also strengthen the attack methods of the Golden Wheat Field?

Brand's ice-killing crossbow seems to have been exchanged from the Arms Department. Let's go back to the Arms Department and ask. "

Mr. Holland shook his head and said:

"Forget it, this thing is mostly used as a decoration.

If I encounter a Kraken of this magnitude, I can kill it with a few arrows and save money! "

As soon as this was said, everyone thought it was indeed true.

But I heard Brand's continuous, high-spirited, and extremely excited commanding voice inside the empty screen.

Looking at the fierce and bloody naval battle scene in the picture, several elders felt sour in their hearts!

——Who doesn’t want to kill the enemy with just a move of his mouth like Brand?

When the chat between several elders became more and more full of envy and jealousy.

The main cannon of the Morning Dew Rose has been charged again, and the arrows are cocked!

Under Brand's command, the Morning Dew Rose suddenly turned and made a 180-degree turn on the sea!

The moment the bow of the ship sweeps across a chasing sea monster in the distance behind!

——The main gun-the extremely ice giant killing crossbow roared suddenly!

Under the impact of the main gun fire, the turn of the Morning Dew Rose stopped momentarily, and then moved back slightly with gentle vibrations.

At the same time, a beam of bright white ice shot out from the bow of the ship.

In an instant, it spans a long distance and freezes the Kraken at the target location, the surrounding Kraken warriors and the endless sea into solid ice!

While another iceberg was forming, the sky was already overcast and the snowflakes were falling bigger and bigger!

Immediately afterwards, Brand's exciting and steady voice resounded in the cockpit of the ship:

“The fourth one, we have killed half of them now!

Next we need to close the distance and get closer before they run away! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Mel, who was responsible for investigating the overall situation, said:

"Master, the sirens on the periphery have now begun to evacuate in small groups.

In addition, since the beginning, many Kraken warriors seem to have been consciously slowing down the pace of pursuit and keeping a distance from us.

I'm afraid they will start escaping soon! "

After hearing this, he turned around and glanced at the enemy distribution map detected by the nearby exploration array.

Brand's eyes quickly looked towards the front of the ship.

At this moment, because of the exit of the fourth sea monster.

The remaining four sea monsters and their subordinates also stopped pursuing.

——They seemed to be discussing something.

After taking one last look at the island on the left, Brand waved his right hand forward and said loudly:

"In that case, let's move forward!

We lean directly towards them! "

As these words fell, the ladies strictly carried out Brand's instructions.

The next moment, the ship that had been stationary for a short time accelerated forward.

Under such actions, the Krakens began to panic visibly in the area where the ship was facing.

When ordinary sea monsters and elite sea monsters began to retreat crazily because of their inner cowardice.

The four sea monsters were quickly infected by this frightening atmosphere.

Facing the bright red ships getting closer and closer, a feeling of timidity suddenly rose!

The next moment, they turned around, charged, and fled with their men in all directions!

After glancing at the escaping sea monsters, Brand issued new instructions:

"Everyone is free to fire, focusing on those sea monsters that want to get close to the island.

There should be our trophies over there. I'll just kill the ignorant guy.

In addition, from now on, we will continue to sail around the island and continue to eliminate the surrounding sea monsters! "

Next, under Brand's instructions.

As the bright red Morning Dew Rose sailed quickly around the island, the portholes on both sides of the ship opened and closed again and again, and the light of elemental crossbows and crossbow guns continued to burst out.

Under the heavy and terrifying blow, the panicked sea monsters abandoned their armor and fled far away from the island.

Not long after, under the investigation of the probing array, in addition to a small number of sea monsters hiding inside the island and deep in the underwater cave, they did not dare to show up.

There was no trace of the Kraken in the surrounding waters.

As a result, the artillery fire from the Morning Dew Rose gradually ceased.

After taking one last glance at the gradually calm sea.

Brand announced loudly with a smile on his face:

"Dear ladies!

In the battle against the brutal sea monster, we achieved a brilliant victory!

I think there should be a big cheer at this moment! "

Upon hearing this, the ladies who were already very excited stood up and cheered around Brand!

After a while, they turned their attention back to the island and the four icebergs floating around the island.

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