Ye Cheng paused for a while, then said, "Then, Dad, do you know which companies they are?"

"Hehe, I don't know about that. My friend just mentioned it. He didn't know that Zhiqi Technology Company was my company before, and I didn't ask in detail." Ye Guo said.

Ye Cheng secretly said it was a pity, if he could know which ones they were, that would be great.

However, it is certainly not bad to be able to get this news in advance.

"Thank you dad for telling me the news," he said.

"What? At this point, do you still want to survive? Your company has no money, right? If they make a claim, your company should have no money to compensate, right?"

Ye Cheng curled his lips: "Then dad, you give me money, help me pay?"

"Don't even think about it." Ye Guo said immediately, he wished that Ye Cheng's company would not be able to continue.

"Then stop talking, let's go here." Ye Cheng said angrily: "Dad, you called me to hurt me, right?"

"Hey, why did I hurt you?"

At this time, a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone: "You haven't hurt Xiaocheng yet? Obviously you are, and you know how to deal with your son every day."

When Ye Cheng heard it, the memory in his mind aroused his thoughts.

That was his mother in this world.

At this time, his mother's voice came over there again, probably because she was close to the microphone, and she could hear it clearly.

"Xiao Cheng, don't worry, just do your thing with peace of mind, mom will always support you."

Ye Cheng pursed his lips, then smiled and said, "Thank you, Mom."

The mother's surprised voice came from over there: "You stupid brain, you still know how to say thank you to your mother?"

Ye Cheng was speechless, how did the original owner get along with his parents?

"Okay Mom, let's stop here first, I'm still working."

"Well, don't tire yourself out. Even if the company can't continue, there is still your father's company. Don't be afraid."

Ye Guo's voice came: "In total, he can ruin my company, right?"

"If you don't spoil your son, who will you spoil?"

Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling amused, and finally said: "I'll hang up first, bye."

Putting down the phone, his eyes suddenly sank.

He now knows very well that the company is really going to face a crisis.

It will take at least 40 days for the raw materials he purchased to arrive, and production can only start after the arrival of the goods.

However, the deadline for the delivery of the first batch of goods is at the end of this month.

According to the contract, the delivery is once a month, but today is September 15th, and there are still 15 days left before the delivery time!

Once the fifteen days came, they couldn't deliver the goods, and the fact of breach of contract was established, and those mobile phone manufacturers would naturally sue their company.

It is almost obvious that their company will lose the lawsuit, and they will first have to return the original deposit at that time. As for their claim amount, no matter how small it is, it will probably not be less than two million soft sister coins.

After all, he took 130 million US dollars, a total of more than 800 million soft sister coins.

Even if not all mobile phone manufacturers decide to claim compensation from their company, it is estimated that there will be at least three or four billion soft sister coins.

This is equivalent to him borrowing their soft sister coins worth 300 to 400 million yuan for a month!

And the most critical problem is that Ye Cheng has spent all their deposit now!

Now there are only tens of millions of soft sister coins left.

At that time, he won't even be able to refund the deposit, and the other party will be able to charge him with another crime.


He frowned deeply, lost in thought.

However, soon, his eyes lit up.

He has already thought of a way!

However, he didn't know that the camera of the all-in-one computer in front of him had been turned on from the very beginning.

Then, his computer suddenly beeped twice, bringing him back to his senses.

He was a little puzzled, why had he never heard the two beeps?

Could his computer still make this sound automatically?

In particular, the computer screen was turned off, and he did not operate at all!

"What the hell?"

He stared at the computer, and the next moment, the computer screen turned on automatically, which shocked him.

"Damn it? Did he really see the hell?!"

He didn't even move the mouse, and the computer turned on automatically?

However, at the next moment, a pop-up window appeared in front of him.

"Master, it's me, I'm Xiaobai!" 』

Seeing the words on it, Ye Cheng froze for a moment, and then remembered.

In his computer, there is also an artificial retarded person.

He was about to type helplessly, but at this moment, the pop-up window changed again.

"Master, you can talk without typing! 』

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

Can talk without typing?

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "Xiao... Xiaobai?"

"I'm here, master. 』The words on the pop-up window changed again.

Ye Cheng was shocked, this intelligence can actually understand what he said?


He suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked, "Can you tell what I'm doing?"

"That's right, the master's computer has a camera, of course Xiaobai can see what the master is doing. 』

"My question is, can you tell what I'm doing?" Ye Cheng repeated his question.

When he started typing just now, Xiaobai actually told him not to type, which obviously distinguished what he was going to do.

This surprised him.

"of course! Of course Xiaobai can see what the master is doing, so the master should not underestimate Xiaobai. 』

"Then... what about me?" Ye Cheng waved his hand.

"Master is waving his hand. 』

"What about this?"

Ye Cheng put his palms together.

"Master puts his hands together... this should be... the girl is praying?" 』

Ye Cheng's face darkened immediately.

"What girl!"

"Oh, I'm sorry master, Xiaobai won't do it next time. 』

Looking at the words on it, Ye Cheng was not angry.

On the contrary, Ye Cheng felt inconceivable that Xiaobai was able to tell jokes. At the same time, he was even more shocked because he confirmed that Xiaobai could really distinguish his own movements.

If this kind of recognition technology is taken out, I am afraid it will cause a revolution in artificial intelligence.

However, he is still a little puzzled at this moment. A few days ago, he was an artificially retarded Xiaobai, how could he become so intelligent today?

However, just when he was about to ask, Xiaobai asked first.

"Master, I noticed that you seem to be in trouble, can you tell Xiaobai?" Xiaobai may be able to help you solve your problems! 』

Ye Cheng was taken aback.

Xiaobai wants to help him solve his problems?

Didn't it have to learn before?

Now this is a return from school?

Do you even understand the legal issues?

Curious, he said, "Okay, then I'll tell you and see what you will do."

"it is good! 』

Afterwards, Ye Cheng told Xiaobai what happened to him today.

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