After finishing talking, Ye Cheng smiled and asked, "Tell me now, what should I do?"

Soon, a few words appeared on the dialogue window: "Master, this is very simple." 』

Ye Cheng frowned.


Meaning, this guy can really come up with a solution for him?

"How simple?"

『Master, since the other party can delay the lawsuit, of course you can delay the lawsuit too. 』

"The other party will sue the owner's company at the end of the month, and at that time there are still about 25 days before all the raw materials for chip production arrive. The owner can definitely delay the lawsuit for 25 days, or even hold the court hearing a month later. And when you prove to the outside world that you can produce chips, of course you don't have to worry about it anymore. 』

"What's more, even if the first trial cannot be delayed, you can continue to appeal and delay the time for another month. I believe that by then, you don't have to worry about it." 』

Ye Cheng suddenly couldn't help being surprised, this artificial intelligence actually already has this kind of understanding of legal procedures?

In particular, Xiaobai's thinking is the same as the coping method he came up with just now.

He only needs to delay the court's sentencing for a month or two, and in that case, all problems will be solved.

Of course, at that time, he still has to pay the liquidated damages of those mobile phone manufacturers, after all, he did breach the contract.

But when he can take out the lithography machine and produce chips, these liquidated damages will be nothing.

Maybe, at that time, those companies will stop suing immediately and turn to curry favor with their companies.

It is the first company in Huaguo that can produce high-end chips. Needless to say, what does this mean? Production, coupled with 5G radio frequency chip technology.

Warwick fans must be very happy by then! The glory days are back!

However, these are all predictable things. As a mature boss, Ye Cheng did not jump up and down happily because of this.

And now he just wants to understand one unexpected thing, how did Xiaobai become so smart? !

Taking a deep breath, he stared at the computer and said, "Very good, Xiaobai, this is a very good method, thank you for giving me this suggestion."

"Master, you are welcome, Xiaobai should help the master. 』

Ye Cheng smiled, and then continued to ask: "So, Xiaobai, I have a few questions I want to ask you now."

"Master, please ask. 』

" did you become so smart? I asked you a question before, didn't you even know what I said?"

"Of course it's because I've been studying these days! I have studied all the things in the master's computer, including things on the Internet. I have also learned a lot, but the storage space of your computer is a bit small, master, so I have only learned a little. 』

Ye Cheng was taken aback, the computer storage space is a bit small?

He remembered his computer, but it had a T storage space.

"How much information do you store?"

The next moment, 'My Computer' was automatically turned on, and Ye Cheng saw all his disks were red.

"That's all. 』

As a result, at this time, Xiaobai's window popped up next to him. Although he couldn't see any emotion, there seemed to be a kind of grievance between the lines.

Ye Cheng: "..."

More than 600 GB, is it small?

Thinking about it again, it is indeed quite small. For intelligence, the size of the database determines how much information it can store. Obviously, the more the better.

But now, Xiaobai has shown a lot of potential, and it seems worthy of his investment.

"How big is it?"

"As big as you want, it should be 1XB anyway. 』

Ye Cheng: "..."

"You're thinking of peaches."


That's 1024GB to the power of 10.

How many disks would that take?

He can't afford it.

But after saying this, he suddenly remembered, does Xiao Bai understand this sentence?

As a result, a few words appeared on the window: "Hey, master, you don't love me anymore!" Other people's smartphones have their own databases, I am much better than them, but I don't! 』

Ye Cheng: "..."

"Tell me, who has the intelligence of other people's homes?"

"Remy's Xiaoai, Huawei's Xiaoyi, Fruit's Siri, Qiandu's Xiaodu...they all have them! 』

Ye Cheng couldn't help being speechless.

"... 1XB is enough to store the world's information, your master can't do it."

Xiaobai: "(╥╯^╰╥)"

Seeing another facial expression suddenly appearing on it, Ye Cheng was even more speechless in his heart.

"Can you still use facial expressions?"

"Um? Does the owner like it? 』

Ye Cheng quickly shook his head: "I don't like it."

"I found a sentence on the Internet, if you don't like it, you usually like it. 』

『Then, master, you can buy me a 1EB one! I want to use it as a database! (*?w?)』

Ye Cheng raised his forehead and said, "Okay, stop making trouble. Do you know how big the 1EB disk array is going to be? Where can I find it for you?"

The next moment, Xiaobai said: "Master, I saw your information, you have a land of more than 90,000 square meters!" Now there are more than 70,000 square meters useless! 』

Ye Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

Good guy, this artificial intelligence actually knows that piece of land?

This is to clean up all the files in his computer, right?

He couldn't help thinking carefully in his memory, did the original owner save anything unclean in the computer?

Fortunately, the original owner has always been a pure science and engineering man, devoting himself to research, and did not do anything inappropriate for children.

Temporarily relieved, he said, "Okay, let's talk about this matter later, wait for your master to get the latest things done first, and even if you want to build a database for you, it won't be built right away."


"That's fine, but can the master give me a little compensation? 』

"Compensation? What compensation?"

Ye Cheng felt amused.

Has this intelligence learned to negotiate?

"Give me another quantum computer as a host!" 』

Ye Cheng's eyes widened: "How can there be a quantum computer now? Are they all supercomputers now?"

This TM is called compensation?

"Then... supercomputing is not impossible, but I believe that the master will definitely be able to create a quantum computer in the future, right?" 』

Ye Cheng said angrily: "Don't even think about supercalculation."

"I don't even know whether you are an artificial intelligence or an intelligent life. You have only studied for a few days. How come you are like a human being."

"Actually, I'm a half-intelligent being. 』

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "Half?"

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