"Yes, master, so as long as the master can give me a quantum computer, I can become a real intelligent life, and then I can help the master with more things!" 』

"Why do you go around and go back to the problem of quantum computers?"

"Anyway, master, you can help me get a quantum computer. 』

Ye Cheng is very suspicious now, is this guy cheating on him.

Give it a quantum computer, and it can become intelligent life?


"I won't lie to Master. 』

"Then tell me, what is the difference between half an intelligent life and a real intelligent life?"

"I have no idea. 』

"I don't know?" Ye Cheng frowned: "Sure enough, you are thinking about quantum computers, right?!"

"really do not know! I haven't become a real intelligent life yet, so of course I don't know the difference between a real intelligent life and me. 』

Ye Cheng shook his head helplessly, what's the difference between asking and not asking?

"Then what is your role as a half intelligent life?"

"Well... I can do a lot. 』

"Then tell me, what are the effects?"

"I still need to learn. 』

Ye Cheng: "??"


"Ah, ah, master, don't worry, I have many functions, but I also need to learn slowly. All problems stem from my lack of learning. The reason why I can chat with you so smoothly now is because All I save is the data about conversations on your planet, Master. If you give me more storage space, I can learn useful knowledge! 』

Ye Cheng pouted, he thought this guy was very powerful now.

Perhaps, it can be a lawyer?

After thinking about it, he suddenly clapped his hands.

By the way, there is a question, why didn't he think of it just now?

So he immediately asked, "By the way, do you have feelings?"

This is probably a question that every human being will be curious about.

Smart, do you have your own feelings?

When he was having a conversation with Xiaobai, he always felt that it seemed to have its own thoughts. If so, does it also have its own feelings?

But Xiaobai seemed to be stunned for a while, and after a while, he gave a reply: "Emotions? I don't know, probably not. 』

"you have not?"

Ye Cheng was taken aback.

"should not. 』

"Then why do I feel that you have your own independent thinking? If you have thoughts, you should have feelings."

"As a half-intelligent life, I certainly have my own mind! But there is no emotion, and the emotion is relatively more complicated, as it should be. 』

"Then... okay." Ye Cheng shook his head.

Thoughts and feelings, it seems, really cannot be generalized.

"Then if you become a real intelligent life, will you have it?"

"do not know. 』

Well, I don't know when I ask three questions.

Ye Cheng gave up the urge to continue asking, thought for a while, and then said: "I can't figure out the matter of quantum computers for you now, but if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely do it for you."

He himself is quite curious about what an intelligent life is like.

However, in the system mall, the price of quantum computer technology is as high as 100 million credits. Just by selling 5G radio frequency chips, he has to sell 100 billion pieces!

There is no need to think about it at all. Even if everyone in the world changes their mobile phones every year, it will take more than ten years. After more than ten years, they may all be replaced with 6G radio frequency chips.

Therefore, I still have to continue to expand the channels for earning points.

"Then master, you can buy me some storage space first!" ’ Xiaobai begged again at this time.

Of course, Ye Cheng had no reason to refuse this small request: "Okay, no problem, arrange it right away."

"Thank you master! 』

Ye Cheng smiled, and suddenly asked again: "By the way, you should be able to control the computer to talk, right? Why don't you talk?"

"Because I still don't know what kind of voice the master likes! 』

Ye Cheng was stunned: "Why do you care if I like it or not? It's fine to have a normal voice. You guys can't have your own gender, right?"

"What gender does the master want me to be? 』

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, it was of course a woman...

It's just that he didn't say this, and finally said: "Don't mess around, be normal."

"Oh, okay. 』

Ye Cheng shook his head, the first time he had a conversation with an artificial intelligence with its own thoughts, he really felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, you can study by yourself, I will continue to work."

"Okay, master. 』


Seeing this facial expression, Ye Cheng was a little dumbfounded.

Then he also started his own work: making phone calls.

Now that he has learned the inside information that those companies are going to sue in advance, as the owner of the company, he naturally wants to open the curtains and have a good chat with those companies.

Everything has to be fought for.

So, he played on the phone for more than two hours.

Finally put down the phone, he picked up the water glass, took a big sip, relieved his dry throat, and then shook his head.

The result of this phone call was not very satisfactory.

However, he found out the attitudes of those companies through clichés.

On Huawei's side, he called Xu Yun. Xu Yun said that they did not intend to sue them, but only asked them to return their payment as soon as possible if they really couldn't deliver the goods. The deadline was not specified, it should be It is flexible, which made Ye Cheng feel relieved. Huawei is still more kind. If Huawei wants to sue, think about the title of Longgang Invincible, and you will know the result.

And Remy, he contacted the person in charge who came to sign the contract at the beginning, but after a few words, it was replaced by Rebus himself talking to him on the phone, which surprised him a lot, but When Rebs chatted with him, he also talked a lot, revealing that Micron would not make trouble, which also made Ye Cheng feel a little relaxed.

Of course, Rebs always hinted at one thing inside and outside the words, that is, if their company can't support it, he is willing to help, but there must be a price.

This made Ye Cheng complain that these people regard their company as a sweet momo.

As for the other companies, some said they would not sue, and some did not say so, but they decided to sue. They remained indifferent to his persuasion, which made Ye Cheng feel helpless.

But there is no way, the other party insists on suing, and it is impossible for him to stop it.

At that time, it depends on your own ability.

However, after this round of phone calls, Ye Cheng felt completely confident.

Everything, just wait for next month, see the outcome.



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