"Yes, President."

Hearing the president's words, the Secretary of State nodded quickly, thinking in his heart that he had to chat with the director of the National Security Agency.

That guy should be responsible for this matter, what does it have to do with him.

It's just that thinking about it, he still finds it hard to believe how the other party managed to make their hackers so powerless.

However, on the FBI side, there should be more master hackers than the National Security Agency, right?

"Oh, by the way, Mr. President, there is one more thing."

Suddenly mentioning the FBI, the Secretary of State suddenly remembered something, and said: "Our people in China have received a piece of news about a new battery technology."

"What new battery technology?"

"Lithium air battery, it seems to be rumored that Huaguo people developed this battery."

He frowned: "It's Huaguo again, and it's a new technology. What's the use of this technology?"

"Uh... the energy storage capacity is about ten times stronger than that of existing batteries. For the army, once this kind of battery appears, it can greatly improve the performance of many equipment."

When the word 'army' was mentioned, the president immediately couldn't sit still: "You mean, once this kind of thing appears in China, it can improve the strength of their army?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." The Secretary of State said: "But the key question is whether the Chinese people have really developed this kind of thing. Our assessment of this possibility is only 3%, and we are still continuing to investigate."

"This matter must be investigated thoroughly! It is as important as the lithography machine problem!"

"Yes, President!"


The game of great powers is not that simple. Any decision made by the two sides is not a matter of one sentence.

Beijing's intentional show of weakness made the United States feel that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. Zhiqi became the center of the game between the two sides, and both sides also had their own thoughts.

For a moment, the situation fell into tranquility as if entering the eye of a typhoon.

However, the attitude of the United States towards Huaguo has not changed. They do not believe that Huaguo can really keep up with them in terms of chips.

Of course, on the surface, the two sides temporarily stopped all kinds of targeting, but secretly, the two sides still have their own movements.

magic capital.

Ye Cheng returned to the original rented house.

Entering the house, a drone flew in.

"Welcome home, Master."

A familiar voice came from the drone.

Ye Cheng raised his head, glanced at it, and said amusedly, "Do you think it's useful for you to mess with this?"

"It's fun!" Xiaobai's voice sounded.

Ye Cheng shook his head.

Last time Xiaobai asked him to buy such a drone for it, and then gave him a modification plan.

The first is to add a speaker so that it can speak, and the second is to change to a stronger signal receiving component so that it can achieve more stable ultra-remote control.

Ever since, the drone has become what it is now.

Xiaobai had a great time playing. After all, it can only stay in the electronic device, the computer cannot be moved, and the mobile phone can only run with people. It cannot realize this kind of free and easy perspective.

And the drone apparently got its little wish.

If the battery life of civilian drones is not very strong, and there is no dedicated ground remote control station to achieve longer-distance remote control operations, otherwise it may allow drones to fly all over the city.

"Okay, stop playing. Didn't you say that it was invaded by many people at the same time? What's the matter now?"

Ye Cheng asked.

That's why he came back here.

"Yeah! It's still the same Americans, but there are a lot more people."

"How much more?"

"About twice as many, I checked 78 people who are attacking at the same time, all trying to hack into your phone."

"So many people?! My phone?" Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised, his phone was working fine just now, but Xiaobai told him that there are seventy-eight hackers trying to hack into it?

"Well, but your mobile phone is the Hongmeng system, they can't be as convenient as hacking into the window and Android systems, and it's easier for me."

Only then did Ye Cheng relax a little, and looked at the Huawei M40P+ in his hand, the Hongmeng system.

Domestic products are safe.

By the way, there is also Xiaobai.

"Well, Xiaobai is really amazing." He boasted with a smile.

"Hmph! Of course!" Xiaobai said triumphantly, while chatting with Ye Cheng, while resisting the intrusion of those people, it was not pressure at all.

"Master, in fact, I can be even more powerful. As long as I hack back, they will not be able to continue to control the computer like last time."

Ye Cheng thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, counterattack back, and give them a warning so that they don't try to invade us again, otherwise, we will publish some of their secret documents."

"Ah? Master, don't you want it?"

Xiao Bai said in a low voice.

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "Why?"

"I want to play with them more! It's hard to have some fun."

Then the music played in the computer.

"How invincible is~how lonely~"

"How invincible is~how empty~"

Ye Cheng: "..."

He pinched the center of his eyebrows, personally, he hoped that it would be done once and for all.

But if it's for Xiaobai's sake, it seems to be fine.

If you put him in Xiaobai, apart from talking to him and playing with drones, it seems really lonely.

However, didn't Xiaobai say at the beginning that it only has thoughts and no emotions?

How does it feel like it has feelings now?

Ye Cheng temporarily let go of the doubts in his heart, and asked: "Then can you guarantee that they will not succeed?"

"Of course!" Xiao Bai heard Ye Cheng say this, and immediately promised: "Absolutely let them fail every time! This is very simple for me."

Seeing what Xiaobai said, Ye Cheng thought about it again, and said: "That's fine, I leave it to you. You can play with them as long as you want."

"Okay!" Xiaobai immediately shouted happily: "Thank you, master!"

The drone that had been flying over Ye Cheng's head rolled happily in the air, and then landed next to Ye Cheng. After a distance, it shook for a while, as if rubbing against Ye Cheng.

Looking at this scene, Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel amused.

As Xiaobai learns more and more, he can now feel more and more that Xiaobai is an independent individual, and the current anthropomorphic movements reflect this well.

"Okay, you can play by yourself, remember, just don't go too far."

"Yeah! Good!" Xiaobai said happily.

And Ye Cheng's order also shows that on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, such a group of people will fall into doubts about life.


In a room full of computers, a group of hackers who seemed tall to outsiders were frowning.

"The opponent's defense is too strict, and there is no loophole at all!"

"How many people are there?"

"Is the cell phone of Elder Hua Guo on the opposite side?"

They complained endlessly, feeling that this was an impossible task.

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