In the room where the sound of keyboard tapping was heard frequently, a group of official computer experts from the United States entered a series of codes.

There are seventy-eight of them this time, and almost all of them are considered top hackers.

But just like last time, they still had nothing to do.

The hacker of the National Security Agency, who had already experienced it once, felt depressed besides depression.

I thought they had few people last time, so they should not be afraid if they found someone from the FBI this time, right?

As a result, the opponent still defended rigorously, without any mistakes.

You know, as long as only one of them completes the intrusion and implants the Trojan horse, they can successfully steal all the data in less than a cup of coffee.

However, it was this "1" breakthrough that made them unable to achieve it.

"Come on, kids, I believe you, it will work!"

A leader-like person walked up and down the aisle, cheering up the hackers.

"Hua people's computer technology is not as scary as you imagined! Come on!"

Others just want to say, "Come and try?"

But this is an order from their superiors, and they can only continue to bite the bullet and do useless work.

Shift the perspective to the virtual level.

A stream of data, in the form of radio waves, traveled from one side of the Pacific Ocean to the other in an instant, was received by the signal tower, and then came to Ye Cheng's rental house and entered his mobile phone.

But when these data streams were about to drill into the storage inside, they encountered a resistance.

It was a human figure formed by a stream of data, and it seemed that the figure was very graceful.

This is Xiaobai.

It looks at the streams of data that it wants to invade, and the two arms that are also composed of data streams can scatter these data streams with a single tap, and occasionally create many clones to shoot together.

"It always feels like this, or is it a little less interesting?"

Xiaobai, who thought it was fun at first, couldn't help having such an idea at this time.

"Well... let's have some fun then."

So under its operation, the data that originally represented the data in the phone's storage suddenly changed.

It ended up being something completely different from the original.

Afterwards, Xiaobai glanced at another data stream that was about to attack, and did not choose to break it up, but stepped aside, allowing this data stream to enter the changed storage data.

Soon, the data flow began to take root in it, and gradually spread, and then, a string of data separated from it and returned along the original route.

Xiaobai watched the data flow leave, and the mouth formed by the data flow grinned, and then separated a clone, and quickly followed it.

Almost instantly, it arrived at the FBI headquarters in the United States.

Following the underground lines, it came to the room, and finally entered a hacker's computer.

The hacker was stunned for a moment, seeing a downloading progress bar appearing on it, and then a surprise appeared on his face.

"I hacked in! I succeeded!"

His shouting immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Someone finally made it? !

Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally succeeded, it was simply too tortured.

Afterwards, their aggrieved feeling was liberated.

The opponent is not particularly awesome, they have been broken by them.

And the leader also ran over quickly, saw the download progress bar above, laughed and said: "Okay! Well done! I will help you apply for rewards from your superiors then!"

"Thank you!" the man thanked gratefully, full of joy.

The leader continued to shout: "Others, continue to work hard and cover this brother!"

Everyone immediately cheered up to cover the 'successful' colleague.

And they didn't know that the red light was flickering slightly in the monitoring head of the room, and a virtual life was laughing at them silently.

That's it, a few minutes later.

"Done!" the hacker yelled.

"Call work!" The leader also issued an order.

The hackers in the room began to operate the computers, and their intrusion receded like a tide.

The hacker packaged the downloaded data, stored it in a USB flash drive, and handed it to the leader.

They can't even read the things inside, after all, it involves related secrets.

"Okay, everyone, take a good rest. I will report to my superiors now, and I will ask for credit for everyone."

The leader waved his hand and left immediately.

Soon this USB flash drive appeared in the hands of senior officials of the National Security Agency.

The high-level officials contacted the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of State quickly came over with a happy expression on his face, and said, "Okay, let's open it and have a look."

The executive nodded, inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and began to check.

However, what makes them puzzled is, why are there so many files that cannot be opened?

All are broken?

But soon, they finally found a file, everything in it could be opened, and they were all videos.

It's just that there are too many videos.

They clicked on the first video.

Music plays from the computer.

"Shua! Wait for the lights to stare... It's like sunlight piercing the night; the dawn quietly crosses the sky..."

Secretary of State, High Level: "..."

"That Chinese man, still watching this kind of cartoon?"

"Maybe... After all, the people below said that these were all downloaded from his mobile phone."

"Watch the next video."


Opened the next video.

"Gourd baby, gourd baby..."


"That Huaguo person is so...childlike?"

"Next video."


The Secretary of State and the top management were stunned.

The higher-ups subconsciously turned off the sound.

But the two old men couldn't help but stare at it.

Blonde with big waves, wasp waist and fat buttocks.

Veins appeared on the Secretary of State's forehead: "Next."

The high-level executive quickly turned it off, thinking in his heart, and downloaded this video later, which is very poking at his XP.

In this way, they watched the videos one by one.

But there were too many videos, so they finally chose to find some more people to watch together.

However, all the videos have been watched, and all other files have been searched, and there is nothing.

Except for cartoons and movies that are not suitable for children.

They couldn't help thinking, could it be that the owner of the Huaguo business that stirred up the turmoil in their American country is this kind of person?

Ye Cheng never expected that his reputation on this side of the Pacific would be damaged.

Until finally, they found a text.

When I opened it, it was written in Chinese.

"Is the video good? I have more! 』

As soon as they translated, they finally learned the meaning, and immediately realized that they were all being tricked.


Curses dedicated to the English department resounded in the building.

Until the end, their computer went black.

A kaomoji appeared again.


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