
Time passed quickly.

It's the end of the month.

"Are they starting again? All right, whatever you want, do whatever you want."

Ye Cheng just heard Xiaobai say that the gang in the United States wanted to hack into his mobile phone and computer again, so he couldn't figure it out.

Why don't those people in the United States give up?

It's been a month, how come it's not over yet.

It was better before, once a week, and since he let Xiaobai play by himself that day, it has become once every three days, and now it has directly become once a day.

It just gave him a feeling that Americans seem to have an indomitable spirit.

He didn't know how Xiaobai got those hacker mentality.

Once or twice is failure, lack of ability, three or four times is humiliation.

This is no longer just a mission, but a matter of face.

So the two sides went back and forth, separated by thousands of kilometers every day, through the invisible electromagnetic waves, fighting without gunpowder.

Even the US Cyber ​​Warfare Command was alarmed.

The Cyber ​​Warfare Command already belongs to the US military department.

But Xiaobai is still strong. After all, it only needs to protect the information of Ye Cheng and a few high-level officials. With its ability, it is not afraid of many people.

However, taking this opportunity, it still asked Ye Cheng for 'funding'.

"Master, there are more than one hundred of them now, and I feel that my computing power is not enough. When will you change me to a more powerful host?"

Its tone is full of pathetic feeling.

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback: "Is your computing power not enough?"


"There are too many of them, and each technology is very good."

Ye Cheng frowned involuntarily.

Doesn't this mean that if there are more people on the other side, Xiaobai can't handle it anymore, and his information will have to be taken away by Miguo?

It seems that he has to transfer all relevant information as soon as possible.

He thought for a while and said, "I'll buy you a better host at that time."

The main thing is to improve the computing power. The current host only has three CPUs, which seems insufficient right now.

Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Xiaobai suddenly became extremely excited.

I didn't expect the trick of 'requiring funds' to work quite well.

First tell the other party that he is very powerful, and then ask the master for money.

This trick really worked, it remembered.

"Thank you, master! But, can I design it myself? I want to design the configuration myself."

Ye Cheng was taken aback, then nodded with a smile: "Of course it's the best."

"Okay! Thank you, master!" Xiao Bai shouted excitedly.

Ye Cheng nodded and said no more.

After a while, there was a knock on the office door, and Wang Shen walked in.

"Boss, it's time for the interview."

Ye Cheng nodded: "Okay, I'll go now."

It has been a week since the first interview to recruit his assistant, and now it's the second interview, so naturally it's time for him to interview in person.

"Oh, by the way, that Xu Xin...has she tried it for the first time?"

"That must have passed." Wang Shen said with a smile: "We all think she is the best performer."

Ye Cheng: "..."

"Okay then, I'm going for an interview."

No way, what else can I say?

You can't back down.

He opened the door of the office and walked towards the meeting room.

Wang Shen also followed him.

And Ye Cheng inevitably saw the ten interviewees in the company headquarters.

He saw Xu Xin at a glance.

Compared with her wearing ordinary clothes at the beginning, today she is dressed in a suit and trousers, and black high-heeled shoes under her feet, which looks quite capable.

Of course Xu Xin saw him, smiled at him, then lowered her head, maintaining an appearance of being a stranger to him.

Ye Cheng shook his head, averted his eyes, and entered the meeting room.

No more nonsense, the interview begins.

What he values ​​is personal ability, whether he can arrange the company's administrative affairs properly in the future, so that he doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

So the questions he asks are also contextualized.

One person passed quickly, and the sixth person was Xu Xin.

She came in from the outside with a solemn look on her face, and she didn't pretend to be acquainted with Ye Cheng, just like a pure interviewer.

Apparently she herself hadn't thought of relying on connections to win the position.

This made Ye Cheng have no reason to screen her out.

After the questions and answers, Xu Xin's answers were smooth and excellent.

As expected of a person who worked as an assistant to the president in the head office of ICBC.

Finally, at the end, Ye Cheng no longer asked professional questions, but asked a question that is very common in interviews: "The last question, I am very curious, why did you choose my company, the assistant to the president of ICBC?" Are you dissatisfied with your work?"

Xu Xin smiled slightly, probably already had the answer, so without too much hesitation, he replied: "My father is engaged in scientific research, so I have been interested in scientific research since I was a child, but for some reason, Let me choose the direction of business administration."

"Because of this reason, I have always wanted to work in an advanced technology company, but there was no good choice in the past, until the emergence of Zhiqi."

"I want to witness with my own eyes how Zhiqi will break through the heavy blockades of foreign countries, and how Mr. Ye will lead Zhiqi to fulfill what he once said."

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows: "What did I say?"

"Within ten years, let Xiaotong go bankrupt."

Ye Cheng couldn't help laughing: "I said it was a joke, do you believe it?"

"Believe it or not."


"Mr. Ye said that, no matter what, he will move towards that goal in the future, right? Then, let's wait and see."

Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Then thank you, well, your interview is over, go back and wait for news."

"Okay." Xu Xin nodded, got up gracefully, and left the office.

Ye Cheng shook his head, flipped through the seventh person's resume, and prepared for the next person's interview.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Master, am I still your cutest Xiaobai?"

"of course."

"But why did you find a woman?"

"...that's my assistant, and you have no entity, so you can't help me manage the company's administrative affairs."

"I can make a phone call."

"You...forget it."

Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling ashamed, he still couldn't forget what Xiaobai said when he asked him to call last time.

"Hey, master doesn't like me anymore, hey."

Ye Cheng was a little helpless, but suddenly his mind moved.

"Xiaobai, don't you already have your own feelings now?"

Recently, Xiaobai seems to have feelings more and more, and now he seems to be jealous.

This made him wonder if it already had feelings.

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