Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 356: There Are Many Shady Secrets, But Humanity Gathers The Crowd (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 356: Many shady stories, humanity gathers the crowd (Wish you good health!)

The light rises.

Wait until the Great Master of Sutras - Xuandu leaves.

The Grand Pure One incarnates his gaze on the entire Human Race.

Suddenly he let out a long sigh: "The nations are in conflict, rituals and music have collapsed, and the princes only know how to enjoy themselves and compete for hegemony, but do not see the suffering of the world. My 'ruling by doing nothing' can guarantee the cultivation of people's strength and the restoration of development after troubled times!"

The shape of the body changes immediately, which is called "Ji'er"

Li Er entered the Zhou Dynasty, met with doctors, entered the Imperial Academy, and then studied extensively, understood the source of rituals and music, and understood the purpose of morality.

Then he wrote "Tao Te Ching".

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi's actions instantly detonated chaos.

"Tao Te Ching, what a Tao Te Ching, The Grand Pure One Lao'zi, he was willing to leave such a direct passage to Grand Dao for Human Race, even though the foundation of Taoism is this passage of Human Race, The Grand Pure One Lao'zi His decisiveness cannot be underestimated.”

The Western Buddhist Kingdom, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the minister of the Mahavira Palace.

Amitabha couldn't help but praise.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi, Heavenly Lord of Dao and its Virtues - Taishang, standing behind him is Pangu who opened up the Great Primordial World.

Now it is even more transcendent than Heavenly Dao, and only represents his own will.


He never expected it.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi actually put "Tao Te Ching" into words.

To know.

As the Heavenly Lord of Dao and its Virtues - Taishang.

"Tao Te Ching" combines infinite vastness and greatness. If someone can really understand "Tao Te Ching", it will be an unparalleled opportunity.


After all, Amitabha is also a transcendent existence from Heavenly Dao.

Naturally, I vaguely grasped some of the context.

Just like he did with the Heaven Mending Stone.


This was a tactful gesture of goodwill.

Palace of Empress Wa.

Nuwa looked at Zhou Chen who was sitting aside. She was also very shocked that The Grand Pure One Lao'zi made such an action.

Zhou Chen smiled and shook his head.

He was not surprised by what The Grand Pure One Lao'zi did.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi is indeed releasing his kindness.

Lao'zi now.

It was obvious that he was just sitting in the Zhou Dynasty, and had no intention of traveling around the country or lobbying the princes.

Qi Luck doesn’t even have any intention of disrupting the world.

have to say.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi can indeed see very clearly.


Zhou Chen's purpose in evolving the current world to this point is also to help Nuwa perfect humanity.

The main goal of Lord of Dao is still to gather people.

Although the endless world is already in its early stages.

But after all, it has not developed in a meaningful way.

The inevitable evolution of the contention of a hundred schools of thought is to achieve this goal.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi naturally saw this purpose clearly.

Now that I have written "Tao Te Ching", I still just sit back and watch the passage of time, not paying attention to worldly affairs and not getting involved in the situation.

It can be said that both the sales were good and the work was done.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

the other side.

The Grand Pure One Lao'zi puts his "Tao Te Ching" on the map.

It is equivalent to throwing bricks and lining up.

The entry requirements were instantly raised.

It also provides a guarantee for the quality of Baijia theory.

Zhou Chen——explained clearly to his wife.

Nuwa is naturally easy to see through.

I instantly understood the true meaning.

Zhou Chen's eyes turned.

Now that Lao'zi has presented "Tao Te Ching".

Naturally, they cannot show weakness.


Zhou Chen then sent a message to Zhen Yuan'zi.

Hearing Zhou Chen's arrangement.

Zhen Yuan'zi suddenly had many thoughts.

"Old friend, you have finally seen the moonlight when the clouds clear. You must cherish this hard-won opportunity and no longer suffer from this Samsara~"!

Zhen Yuan'zi had to sigh.

The old friend he was talking about was, of course, Old Ancestor Hongyun.

At the time of the Great Primordial.

He had already been sent into Samsara through this old friend.


His old friend eventually rejoined Samsara because of his good old friend issues.


He personally sent Zhen Yuan'zi into Samsara every time.

Zhen Yuan'zi naturally hopes that his old friend can get rid of such hardship as soon as possible.

And now.

The obvious is also an opportunity.


This is what he fought for from the emperor.

Having experienced so much suffering from Samsara.

This Hongyun guy should be able to perform well in the robbery.

His eyes fell on another country——Lu.

Zou Yi, State of Lu.

A son was born in the Kong family.

When he was born, there were thousands of auspicious energy and thousands of rays of light.

His head was filled with fresh air. A scroll of scrolls was unfolded, and the divine writings were flowing around, as clear as water.

It was Zhen Yuan'zi who went to Cang Jie, who suppressed the human world, to get a little bit of humanity.

It is precisely so that my old friend can do his best when a hundred schools of thought contend.

at this time.

The spirit of humanity is naturally a great blessing to the newly born Human Race.

It can be said.

Inspired by this.

This person will have a good understanding of the ethics of heaven and earth, the economics of governing a country, poetry, etiquette, strategies, and the emperor's mind.

The people in the Kong family naturally knew that this son was extraordinary.

And on this day.

His name has also been decided.

His name is Qiu and his courtesy name is Zhongni.

'."Husband, since it is a hundred schools of thought contending, Human Race should also make some contribution."

Zhou Chen nodded.

"As it should be!"

Nuwa's mind moved slightly, and then she summoned Shennong, one of the three emperors.

"The earth is home to all things, Shennong, please go there and pass on your ideas as the foundation of Human Race."

Shennong bowed slightly.

When Shennong joins this Tribulation of Reckoning, he can naturally get a Karmic Merit. This is naturally very beneficial to him, and he naturally has to thank his empress.

In the Palace of Purple Firmament.

Hongjun raised his head slightly.

Hao Tian's true spirit has been sent to the Blue Star Realm by him and reincarnated into Zhang Bairen.

In the evolution of the world, he has become the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court, representing his Heavenly Dao acting in the Blue Star Realm.


It seems obviously not enough now.

Think of this.

Hongjun's eyes became misty again.

He grabbed it from nothingness in his hand.

Then there was an innate treasure that he grabbed out of nothingness.

It was the Bell of Primordial Chaos that he threw into the unknown.


There is also a Purple Qi of Grandmist in it.

Hongjun's gaze penetrates Bell of Primordial Chaos.

Sensing the slightest trace of true spirit fluctuations above, he sighed.

"After all, you are only one step away from reaching the Saint realm. Since it has not been assimilated and dissipated yet, it would be a pity for you to waste endless time like this."

"Reverse time and space!"

Hongjun had a thought.

Around him, his eyes began to trace back the long river of time and space.

The endless war of Witches & Demons began to unfold before him.

Scene after scene flies upside down.

Until the fall of Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

At that moment.

Hongjun's hand suddenly passed through the long river.

Bell of Primordial Chaos.

Eastern Emperor Taiyi's true soul, which was originally very bleak and could disappear at any time, exudes brilliance.

Immediately he snapped his fingers.

The true spirits of Bell of Primordial Chaos and Eastern Emperor Taiyi have all disappeared!.

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