Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 357 Extradition Again, The Love Of Gay Friends (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 357 Extradition again, the love of gay friends (Wish you good health!)

Time continues to pass.

Blue Star Realm.

This year.

Confucius was just nineteen.

Ji invited all the nobles to the banquet.

The Ji family is a prominent family here, with a noble status, profound cultivation, great power, and high strength.

Confucius was a young man, but he was fond of learning, erudite and knowledgeable, and he was also famous among the princes.

The pavilions and buildings are high, and the rammed earth platforms are high.

However, Confucius was turned away by Yang Hu, a retainer of the Ji family.

Confucius is still a good man.

Although he was expelled by Yang Hu, he didn't have any bad intentions. He just looked sad and could only secretly lament the behavior of his retainers.

I felt angry, but had to leave.

Confucius was about to go back.

Suddenly, someone from behind said: "Young man, why did you endure such a tone and leave? Aren't you also a noble?"

Confucius was startled and turned around suddenly, only to find a Taoist wearing dark robes behind him.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that the other party had no ill intentions, Confucius naturally had the courage to ask.

The person who came was naturally Zhen Yuan'zi.


It's just his projection in the Blue Star Realm.

Zhen Yuan'zi glanced at Confucius and immediately smiled and said: "I am your friend, so naturally I am here to extradite you.

Among the many 440 Tribulation of Reckoning, the current number of knots can be said to be the smallest in power.

In order for this friend of mine to escape from Samsara's calamity, understand the cause of his past life, and return to his true colors, it can be said that he really put a lot of effort into it.

Now is indeed an opportunity.

Zhen Yuan'zi knew in his heart that his friend Old Ancestor Hongyun had been reincarnated many times.

The mystery of the fetus has never been revealed before.


According to his character.

Soon the whole life will end completely.

He didn't even reach the realm of immortality.


It's different now.

He had obtained the Emperor's permission.

This time, I can solve the mystery of the womb.

Confucius turned his eyes.

"Listen to this, this Taoist is my friend from unknown life, and now he comes to save me. I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity.

Although he is young, eager to learn, and knowledgeable, he has never encountered such a thing now.

For a moment, I didn't know what expression to make.

He didn't know what to do.

Zhen Yuan'zi knows how to do it.

Don't wait for Kongqiu's reaction.

Zhen Yuan'zi just pointed his finger.

Then a red gourd flew out of his hand.

It is the Nine-nine Soul Gourd that Old Ancestor Hongyun got from the gourd vine.

At this moment.

A little bit of Jiujiu Chaos Qi slowly floated out from the gourd.

“Best Quality Innate Spirit Treasure!”

"The embryo born from the spiritual roots of chaos and the essence of the Nine-Nine Chaos Qi. Back then, I obtained the spirit treasure of that incredible existence by browsing the Book of Earth for a few days."

"He is the Old Ancestor Hongyun who gave up his seat and made himself responsible for the great consequences!"

Confucius' eyes turned to Zhen Yuan'zi.

At this moment.

With the help of Zhen Yuan'zi.

Confucius finally understood the cause of his previous life and learned his true face.

"In my previous life, I was Hongyun. In this life, I am Kongqiu, my old friend Zhen Yuan'zi. I... I'm really sorry for you!"

Confucius let out a long sigh, and various scenes from the past flashed before his eyes.

Zhen Yuan'zi was also excited.

Old Ancestor Hongyun has gone through the calamity of Samsara and eliminated a lot of karma. Now his true spirit is clear and he naturally knows the cause and effect.

The two reminisced about the past.

Just a few words of conversation, it was like going back to the time when the two of them walked arm in arm during the Great Primordial era.

"I really didn't expect that the Great Primordial was broken in the end. Brother Zhen Yuan'zi became the Earthly Dao Saint. Nothing in the world is amazing. Good Fortune's tricks are indeed true.

Zhen Yuan'zi nodded slightly.

Several Tribulations of Reckoning were dazzling even the saints like them who were in trouble.

It's natural for Hongyun, Samsara's old friend of all calamities, to think this way.


None of this matters.

What matters is what your friend will do next.

"My friend, (bcaa) now that you have regained your former glory, what are you going to do next?"

Confucius's eyes sparkled.

"Don't worry, my friend, you have done so many things for me, I will naturally not let you down and my friendship!"

Confucius knew the past and present lives.

Naturally, I am very grateful to Zhen Yuan'zi for what he did.

Whether it was protecting his true spirit or trying to extradite him to escape danger.

He kept this friendship in mind.

For the Great Emperor who has now become the number one person in Chaos.

Confucius only had awe in his heart.

"The Emperor has great magical power and turned the Tribulation of Reckoning into a small tribulation. Now it is clear that he wants all schools to discuss their ways and have a big collision of ideas. I should be the pioneer."

He just spoke.

The breath turns, and a deep and inexplicable aura ripples out of the body, which is difficult to describe in words, and there is a humanistic atmosphere flying around.

This scene made Zhen Yuan'zi's projection slightly stunned.

"It is wrong to act with good intentions. Samsara, after so many lives, what I want to pursue is "busy"!"

Confucius at this time.

Although his appearance is young, his eyes are profound, and the recovery of his true spirit has given him the vicissitudes of life.

Although he was dressed very simply, it could no longer hide the aura on his body.

"What I pursue is Confucianism and Taoism!"

Hear Confucius' words.

Zhen Yuan'zi truly believed that this old friend indeed had the attitude of a sage.

He seemed to have seen the sage era opened by his old friend.

And this time.

Zhen Yuan'zi suddenly felt a little bit behind the scenes.

He recalled the enigmatic eyes of the Great Emperor in the North Pole Palace.

Could it be.

Is this all planned by the Emperor?

If it weren’t for Samsara’s thousands of experiences like this.

Maybe my friend doesn't have such an awareness.

Rao is Zhen Yuan'zi has become Earthly Dao Celestial Venerable.

I still had a little cold sweat involuntarily.

For the Great Emperor, he could only admire and look up to him even more.

And at this moment.

A ridiculous idea suddenly came to his mind.

The contention of a hundred schools of thought clearly brought about an era of sages.

But is the emperor’s purpose just to enrich humanity?

Are there any other purposes that have not been stated?


The thought was just a fleeting thought.

Of course, what the emperor did was not something they could guess.

If the emperor didn't say it.

That can only be because they have not reached the corresponding strength!

Naturally, Confucius didn't know that his friend was already in a daze for a moment.

For what Zhen Yuan'zi did.

Confucius now fully understood the sincerity of his good friend.

All of a sudden.

The friendship between the two finally sublimated again. .

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