Great Primordial: I Am Heavenly Emperor Ziwei

Chapter 374 Buddhism’S Journey Eastward, Bodhidharma (Wish You Good Health!)

Chapter 374 Buddhism’s journey eastwards, Bodhidharma (Wish you good health!)

Ever since Sakyamuni Mani became a Buddha, Bodhi felt that Buddhism had shown signs of prosperity on Blue Star.

Especially after Sakyamuni Muni became the Buddha.

This sign is becoming more and more obvious.


This opportunity is also very easy to find.

All the time.

The way of a hundred schools of thought is the mainstream in this world.

Since their Buddhism entered the world, they have always kept a low profile and bided their time. They just made a small fuss in this remote country of Tianzhu.

The world has not yet witnessed this unparalleled Dharma in the hands of their Buddhists.


What needs to be done now is to spread the concept of Buddhism to the East.

And the best person who can accomplish this has to be himself.

Not even Sakyamuni Muni, who had just attained the path of Buddhahood.

Although because Ying Zheng set foot on the ancient road to the starry sky, some of the disciples from the Hundred Schools also followed.

Some of the disciples have benefited and should have entered a state of seclusion.

There should still be some among them who are not satisfied with the current situation.

These people should become obstacles for their Dharma to travel eastward.

In order not to ruin this opportunity.

Bodhi is most at ease only if he goes there by himself.


Naturally, he cannot walk in this world in his current posture.

The Buddha's light rises from Bodhi's body.

In the blink of an eye, he no longer looked like a Taoist.

At this time, he changed his appearance and became the son of Buddha again.

"Namo Amitabha, the monk named Titama."

Bodhi incarnates as Bodhidharma.

He even plans to walk towards the eastern land step by step.

His fundamental purpose this time was to make the Buddha appear to the world and show the fundamental mystery of Buddhism.

If you directly use the appearance of ancient Buddha, it will not be able to penetrate deeply into people's hearts.

So Bodhi very wisely reopened the vest.

have to say.

Although Zhǔntí has ​​various behaviors that are not consistent with his identity.

But when it comes to promoting Buddhism, this attitude is indeed admirable.

Bodhidharma also does not use his Saint's means.

Like an ordinary monk, he took one step at a time and laid his bed facing the east with the Lotus Flower.

Start from home.

Along the way.

Bodhidharma showed the attitude of a Saint who "points directly to the human heart and becomes a Buddha by seeing one's nature".

First, he thoroughly expounded the Buddhist principles of the six schools of form, formlessness, concentration, wisdom, moral conduct, non-attainment and tranquility in the local area, turning the entire West into a Buddhist land.


Only use Buddhism to show the mystery.

Along the way, he successively accepted five disciples: Huike, Sengcan, Daoxin, Hongren and Huineng.

And his various behaviors.

All turned into anecdotes and reached the ears of the Eastern monks.

What Bodhidharma showed was nothing short of a miracle.

Such an obvious approach.

Naturally, Bodhidharma's invincible image has been established.

Bodhidharma has not yet come to the East.

The influence of Buddhism has already arrived here early.

Is this a sign of the prosperity of Buddhism?

Many people who observe in secret have sensed the infinite mystery contained in Buddhism.

This potential has been completely created.

"I really didn't expect that I would encounter Buddhism so soon in this life. If Buddhism wants to prosper, it depends on whether I agree or not."

It was no one else who said this.

It is Hongyun's reincarnation of Confucius.

"We, the Confucians, will stand up to resist this trend."

Not to mention the differences in ideas between Buddhism and Confucianism.

He himself has a grudge relationship with the Two Saints of the West...

Original words.

Facing the Zhǔntí Buddha Mother who exists at the Saint level, he has no chance at all.


Because of Emperor Zhou Chen.

Saint's combat power is very limited here.

because of this.

He has the power to fight.

Heard the words of an old friend.

Zhen Yuan'zi strongly agrees.

Naturally, Confucius could not see that Bodhidharma was the avatar of Zhǔntí Buddha Mother.

All this was told to his old friend by this Earthly Dao Saint.

"With your current strength, I'm afraid you are no match for Damo."

Confucius' heart was also very firm.

"I don't intend to destroy Bodhidharma in one battle. I will try my best. Even if Bodhidharma can win in the end, what I hope to see is true Buddhism, not false Buddhism."

Confucius snorted coldly.

The emergence of the power of faith has indeed increased the prosperity of Buddhism.


With this opportunity given by the emperor.

He also makes his voice heard.

Even Buddhism is destined to flourish.

He also wants Buddhism to pay the price it deserves.

Feeling the determination in my old friend's heart.

Zhen Yuan'zi was very pleased.

The old celebrity Hongyun finally became principled.

at this moment.

He was very grateful to Emperor Zhou Chen.

Have such a mind.

His old friend is destined to shine brightly in this life.


Bodhidharma crossed the river with a reed and finally set foot on the land of the East.

In an instant.

The situation changes.

among the disciples.

Who can compete with Bodhidharma?

Facing the menacing Bodhidharma.

Someone has already challenged me!

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