Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 188 [Six Black Holes And Six Statues]

Over the fairy court, Yunxiao stood in the void, with the Purple Qi of Grandmist floating quietly above her head.

Karmic Merit is still condensing and has not yet been completed. Half a quarter of an hour later, Karmic Merit is condensing.


A large amount of Karmic Merit turned into a thick black-yellow light and sank into Yunxiao's body, causing her power to skyrocket and rise steadily.

Golden Immortal of the Great Way in the middle, Golden Immortal of the Great Way in the late stage, Golden Immortal of the Great Way peak, Pseudo Saint... In the end, it suddenly broke through some kind of bottleneck and reached a whole new level.

This level is the highest and most noble, superior to all living beings. It is the realm of prove the Dao!

Because Yunxiao used Purple Qi of Grandmist to be promoted to prove the Dao level, he can be called Saint of Heavenly Dao!


A terrifying aura rose up and spread throughout the Great Primordial.

"I've seen Saint!"

All the spirits of the Great Primordial were swept away by the holy power, and they all knelt on the ground and saluted in the direction of Yunxiao, with extremely respectful expressions on their faces.

Even Zhu Long, Jiu Ying and other powerful men from the Immortal Court were saluting Yunxiao.

Of course, they were not influenced by Shengwei. With Chu Yang here, what does a mere Shengwei count as 20?

They saluted because Yunxiao was a disciple of Chu Yang and a member of the Immortal Court. They sincerely congratulated her for proving the Dao Sanctified.

In the future, Immortal Court will have two prove the Dao strong men, and its power will increase a lot. As the senior officials of Immortal Court, Zhu Long and others are naturally happy.

"With Saint in charge, Immortal Court is able to protect itself, and the matter of going outside the Great Primordial to improve its strength can be put on the agenda.

Chu Yang also had a smile on his face and looked at Yunxiao with satisfaction.

Half a day passed, Yunxiao's aura stabilized, and the Heavenly Dao Karmic Merit was also consumed.

She looked back at Chu Yang and the others, jumped up, and the next moment her body exploded, turning into six large black holes.

The six black holes cover an area of ​​more than hundreds of millions of kilometers and are suspended in mid-air, blocking out the sky and the sun. The light in this space dims and is swallowed up.

"elder sister?"

"What's wrong with Sister Exalted Master? Why did it burst suddenly?"

Qiong Xiao was stunned when she saw this, and Bixiao hugged Chu Yang's thigh, feeling like she was about to cry.

The three sisters have a deep love for each other, but they don't want Yunxiao to die, especially in front of them. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Zhu Long, Suiren Clan and others were also stunned. They never expected that Yunxiao would explode just after proving the Dao Sanctified.

"Don't worry, Yunxiao is fine, she is just transforming into Samsara."

Chu Yang touched Qiong Xiao's little head, smiled lightly and said, "Just keep reading."


As soon as Chu Yang finished speaking, large black gas filled the six black holes, transforming into six statues.

The statue in front of the first black hole is Chu Yang. He has his hands behind his back and has a calm expression. He is both handsome and powerful.

This is humane!

Chu Yang is the Holy Father of the Human Race, so there is no problem in using him as a statue of humanity.

The statue in front of the second black hole is still Chu Yang, but it has more coercion and the aura of a superior than the humane statue. This is Heavenly Dao!

The statue in front of the third black hole is Old Ancestor Ming He. He is holding the Era Slaughterer & Ceaseless Pain swords, his eyes are like lightning, and his fighting spirit is like crazy. This is the path of Shura!

The statue in front of the fourth black hole looks like the dead Eastern Emperor Taiyi. His face is hideous, terrifying, and ugly. This is the way of the beast!

The statue in front of the fifth black hole is Emperor Jun, a prisoner who was hated by countless people and hung in the Fairy Headquarters.

His green face has fangs, his eyes are red, and there are barbs all over his body. He is extremely terrifying. Those who are timid will probably be frightened to death if they see him. This is the path of hungry ghosts!

The statue in front of the last black hole is also Emperor Jun. This time his aura is gloomy, full of death, full of malice and sin. This is the hell!


When these six statues appeared, the divine light in the sky flashed and the glow spread across the sky. Yunxiao's figure gradually appeared, and finally became complete.

When Qiongxiao and Bixiao saw their sister reappearing, they breathed a sigh of relief and let go of their worries.

"Six Paths of Samsara, done!"

Yunxiao said loudly, his voice resounding throughout the Great Primordial and surrounding the ears of every living thing.

Of course, these words are not mainly spoken to the living, but to the souls wandering the Great Primordial.


As if they had gained a qualification, the souls all over the Great Primordial heard Yunxiao's words, and all of them stopped being confused and woke up briefly.

They sensed that the huge black hole suspended in mid-air had a strong attraction for them if they entered it.


Many souls followed their physical instincts and rushed toward the Six Samsara Road. Before entering Samsara Road, they bowed respectfully and gratefully to Yunxiao: "Thank you, empress!"

Yunxiao founded Six Paths of Samsara so that the souls wandering the Great Primordial could have a home and be reincarnated into Samsara and have life again.

This is a great kindness to the Great Primordial endless soul [unrepented of the grace of re-creation.

Therefore, every soul, even a heinous person, is grateful to Yunxiao at this moment.

Yunxiao smiled and nodded towards them, indicating that he had accepted the gift.

Subsequently, those souls began to enter the six Samsara paths.

Those who have meritorious service to Heavenly Dao can join Heavenly Dao. After reincarnation, they will have outstanding qualifications and have the opportunity to become a strong person.

Those who were good during life and did not do evil can enter the human world. After reincarnation, they will be safe for the whole life. They may not be rich or famous, but they can live in peace and contentment and have the opportunity to become strong in the future.

Those who were warlike during their lifetime can enter the Shura path.

As for those who have done many evil things in life and are prone to killing, they will enter the animal realm and in the future they will become chickens, ducks and other animals for people to eat and drink.

If the person is a great treacherous person and has more than 100,000 dead creatures on his hands, he will enter the realm of hungry ghosts.

If the sin goes to a higher level, then you will go to hell. 580

This kind of person needs to go through the torture of Eighteen Layers of Hell and cannot be reincarnated as Samsara for eternity.

There are only two endings for them, one is to die in endless torture, the other is to live in endless torture and then continue to be tortured.

It can be said to be very cruel, this is Heavenly Dao's punishment for them.

What Yunxiao has to do is to judge before many souls enter the six Samsara roads, to see who should enter the Heavenly Dao, who should enter the human realm, and who should enter the hell realm.

But the Great Primordial has accumulated so many souls over countless years that it can be called boundless.

Yunxiao processed one batch, and the next batch arrived immediately, and he couldn't finish processing it.

"It seems that establishing Six Paths of Samsara is not a simple matter."

Yunxiao smiled bitterly. Although he got his wish and became a strong man who proved the Dao, the workload was a bit heavy. Just processing the souls currently wandering in the Great Primordial would probably take hundreds of millions of years.

And as time goes by, new soul bodies will be born.

In other words, there is a high probability that Yunxiao will continue to work until there is no Tribulation of Reckoning and Six Paths of Samsara collapses.

But this is her job, otherwise it would be so easy to get the second largest Karmic Merit since the creation of Opening Heavens?

"Come here, find two races close to the soul body to help Yunxiao."

Chu Yang couldn't help but frowned when he saw this situation, but he quickly thought of a way and gave instructions to his men. .

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