Great Primordial: My Martial Arts Have Mutated!

Chapter 189 [Nuotaurumamian Assists Yunxiao]

"Yes, Celestial Venerable.

Zhu Long, Kunpeng and others accepted the order, resigned and left.

Half a day later, they came with two strange races, one with a man with a bull head and a man with a horse face.

Both of them look very fierce, but there is a trace of compassion in their eyes, showing that they are kind-hearted people by nature.

"Celestial Venerable, these two races are bull-headed and horse-faced, and are naturally close to the soul."

Zhu Long came to Chu Yang and reported respectfully.

Chu Yang glanced at the tauren and the horse-faced man casually, and said: "It's okay, let them help Yunxiao deal with the soul body, she will be exhausted.


Zhu Long nodded, turned around and shouted to the two tribes of ox-headed and horse-faced people: "Why don't you come forward to help Goddess Yunxiao?"

"Yes, sir."

After receiving the order, the bull-headed and horse-faced men responded quickly, their faces full of excitement.

Originally, the two tribes were just small roles in the Immortal Court, and existed like transparent people. Unexpectedly, they were now appreciated by big shots and had the opportunity to work under the new Saint of the Immortal Court. This was like pie in the sky.

If you are lucky, maybe the two tribes of the Ox-headed Horse-faced people will soar into the sky and become a thousand or ten thousand times more powerful than before!

Thinking of this, the heads of the two tribes of the Niutou and Horsemen hurriedly brought their tribesmen to work next to Yunxiao, for fear that the job would be robbed.

The things that the two tribes do are mainly divided into the following. The first is to maintain order. People who jump in line are wanted in any world. There are always some souls who are impatient or want to jump in line because of their strength and rush to reincarnate.

For such people, Yunxiao's approach is to release a divine thunder to kill them directly.

However, Minotaur Horse Face and the others were not that powerful, so they could only use scolding to make the restless souls line up.

"Go and create a batch of Law Treasure targeting the soul."

Seeing this, Chu Yang told Zhu Long, Six Paths of Samsara is an important place in the Immortal Court, how can we allow these guys to be so unbridled?

Chu Yang wants to use practical actions to make the restless souls be more honest. If they are still restless after being punished, then just wait for death. Anyway, there are so many Great Primordial souls, and they just need to consume a batch.

"Follow the Celestial Venerable Order."

Zhu Long accepted the order and resigned, but this time he did not come up quickly.

Although Law Treasure for the soul can be developed, it will take a long time and cannot be achieved overnight.

The second thing that Ngau Tau Horse Noodles has to do is to maintain order, but not the order of queuing, but the order of entering the Six Samsara Road.

Some evil people see that they are about to enter the animal realm, and they must not be happy in their hearts. They have to enter the Heavenly Dao.

So when we came to the Six Great Samsara Road, the evil people suddenly arose and rushed towards Heavenly Dao, trying to enter Heavenly Dao and become a master.


A thunderbolt appeared out of thin air and struck the villain before he entered Heavenly Dao. He was beaten to death and lost the qualification to be reincarnated as Samsara.

The person who took action was Chu Yang. He hated that kind of people the most. If he did something, he would be punished. Otherwise, wouldn't it be unfair to Heavenly Dao?

Evil people have done evil things, maybe killed thousands of living beings, and yet they still try to reincarnate in the Heavenly Dao?

Haha, Chu Yang sneered, he will never allow such people to succeed. Those who should enter Guang Sheng Dao will enter Guang Sheng Dao.

It's a pity that with endless souls, there are always some people who want to use their brains. It is impossible for Chu Yang to keep an eye on such people all the time. They are not worthy.

Chu Yang pondered for a long time and then said: "Nearly four thousand Golden Immortal of the Great Way in Immortal Court will take turns starting from today. Each group of hundreds will guard the six Samsara Roads for ten thousand years.

"The same goes for Pseudo Saint, the fairy court. One person guards it for ten thousand years."


No one dared to disobey Chu Yang's orders. Kunpeng, Jiuying [Fire-Destroying Evil God] Wei Jian and others all respectfully accepted orders.

This is also a good thing for them. Guarding the Six Paths of Samsara is obtained by Heavenly Dao Karmic Merit.

Although it is not much, the advantage is that the water flow is long and thin, and you can get it continuously, which is very comfortable.

"In addition, some of Xianting's resources will be allocated to the two tribes of ox-headed and horse-faced tribes to increase their strength as quickly as possible."

After a pause, Chu Yang continued.

The Six Paths of Samsara is special. It is the world of the dead. Many living beings will feel uncomfortable entering it, and their cultivation will even regress after staying there for a long time.

The situation of the Taurus and Horseface tribes is just the opposite. Entering Six Paths of Samsara is like a duck in water.

In this case, of course, we need to make the two races stronger to help Yunxiao.


Kunpeng, Cang Jie, Suiren Clan and other senior officials of Xianting responded in unison.

"Thank you Celestial Venerable for the reward."

“I will never forget Celestial Venerable’s kindness and kindness. I won’t hesitate to go up to Daoshan or go down to the volcano in the future!”

The two tribesmen of the ox-headed and horse-faced tribe who were helping Yunxiao work turned red when they heard this, and their moods were ups and downs. Their gratitude to Chu Yang was as gushing as the water of a spring river.

Originally, the two clans were just little transparent, and the strongest one was just the Golden Immortal. Now with Chu Yang's order, the resources of the Immortal Court are tilted, and there may be hope for the emergence of a strong Golden Immortal of the Great Way.

This is a super kindness, and the two tribes are of course extremely grateful for it. They almost regard Chu Yang as the holy father of the two tribes.

It's a pity that Chu Yang is not willing to be the holy father with a bull head and a horse face. They are too Tiantian.

The two tribes had no choice but to turn their gratitude to Chu Yang into motivation to work, and worked harder to maintain the order of Six Paths of Samsara and help Yunxiao reduce his burden.

Thank you Exalted Master for your help. "

Yunxiao saluted Chu Yang, and she was very grateful to him.

Seeing that he was too tired, he sent his subordinates to help, and also decided to specially prepare a batch of Soul-specific Law Treasures to support him. Where can he find such an Exalted Master?

"Unfortunately, although Exalted Master tried his best to help, my burden has not been reduced at all.

Yunxiao felt a little helpless.

The biggest problem in Six Paths of Samsara is not to maintain the order of the queue, nor to prevent souls from trying to forcefully enter Heavenly Dao or the human path, but to determine which group of the six paths of Samsara the soul should enter.

Those who have done meritorious deeds to the Heavenly Dao during their lifetime will enter the Heavenly Dao, those who are kind will enter the human realm, those who are warlike (those who love money) will enter the Shura realm, and those who are evil will enter the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm, or the hell realm.

But this kind of judgment requires at least the Golden Immortal of the Great Way. The Year of the Ox Head and Horse cannot help at all, so Yunxiao can only come.

Moreover, the Great Primordial soul body is endless, even if all the nearly four thousand Golden Immortals of the Great Way are mobilized, it will not be enough.

So Yunxiao is really tired. He can be said to be the most tired Saint. He doesn't even have a moment to rest. One breath may delay the reincarnation of millions of people, Samsara.

Yunxiao has a kind heart, how can she bear to delay the reincarnation of Samsara? Moreover, if Heavenly Dao is not satisfied with accumulating too many souls in the Great Primordial, her Sanctified foundation will be shaken, and she may fall to the holy position.

Both in public and private life, Yunxiao has to work every moment, arranging endless soul reincarnations, so she is very tired.


Heavenly Dao felt Yunxiao's hard work and dropped an object. The golden light shone with billions of rays of light. It looked like a treasure at a glance.

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