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“Snap la

With the helicopter liftoff, one sound after another came from the air.

“You’re here waiting for Xun’s return.”

Sitting on the helicopter, Hui Hui looked at the group of generals under the helicopter and said lightly.

It’s not that I won’t come back, I’m afraid of a yarn???

Besides, with his own force, it is estimated that it is not a problem to directly rampage in the zombie group, not to mention that he is now going for the purpose of peace talks.

And he didn’t go to the north alone, and the nearly 100 helicopters behind him were not decorations, but they were all full of heavily armed Daqin soldiers.

If the talks really collapse, he is also sure to return to this territory north of the Yangtze River.


With the rapid flight of the helicopter, it soon reached the Yangtze River.

Just as Winhui’s helicopter team passed the Yangtze River, a group of soldiers stationed here on the road below the Yangtze River looked solemnly at the helicopter team in the sky.

If they read correctly, the helicopter convoy must have flown from that place to the south.

The place in the south is not the territory of the Dragon Kingdom now, it belonged to the zombies before, and now it belongs to the mysterious force that does not know what kind of force it is.

So this team of nearly 100 helicopters is obviously from the southern forces.

Just as they were deciding whether to shoot down the helicopter team in the sky, suddenly the helicopter team in the sky was landing rapidly, targeting their military camp.

“All alert!”

The commander in the barracks looked at the helicopter getting closer and closer to the ground and roared directly.

He didn’t know what the force on the opposite side had sent so many helicopters for, but he could make it clear that if the opposite side really wanted to break in directly, they really did not recommend using the anti-aircraft guns sitting in their camp.

Along with the rapid recovery of all the territory south of the Yangtze River, the weapons in the barracks were also taken back.

The place where they were stationed was the border area of the two forces, so it was not surprising that they had anti-aircraft guns, and it was not surprising that such a relatively lethal weapon.

Now the other party not only did not break through, but directly landed here with them, which really made him a little confused.

However, he can clearly know that no matter what the purpose of the other side is, in short, he needs to be vigilant now.

What if the other party really has impure motives? What if there really is some conspiracy?

So this necessary vigilance is still needed.

Just as they were alert, a lazy voice came from inside the helicopter that landed on the ground.

“You don’t have to be so vigilant, I’m not malicious.”

Winglow’s lazy voice came down from the helicopter.

“Tread, tread.”

With a burst of footsteps, Yinghui soon appeared in front of the soldiers stationed in this barracks.

In this barracks, the soldier saw a man in a black ancient robe.

And they felt a wave of pressure on this man in a black ancient robe, as if they were facing the pressure of a fierce beast, as if the feeling that this beast would rush towards them at any time.

At the same time, behind this pressure, twisting the endless sense of majesty, they seemed to be facing an ancient emperor, and they had an urge to kneel.

“Guys, as for where I’m from, I think you all know.”

When Hui Hui saw that the eyes of all the soldiers were on him, he took the opportunity to smile lightly.

As for the pressure and sense of majesty just now, he leaked it, after all, the only way to make them listen to themselves carefully was to use some small means.

Fortunately, this small means of moving yourself is very good, and now basically the soldiers in this barracks are already watching themselves.

“This unknown being, I don’t know what you came to our Dragon Kingdom for?”

The first to react was the commander of this military camp, who took a deep breath and looked at Huan Hui with a solemn face.

No matter what the sense of majesty and pressure was just now, now he wanted to know what this strange being wanted to do when he came to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom?

If it is really something unexpected about the Dragon Kingdom, then even if he is shattered, he will have to stop it.

“Haha, don’t be so nervous.”

Hui Hui looked at the nervous soldier and said with a faint smile.

“Connect me to your chief, and say that the supreme governor on the south side of the Yangtze River is coming to meet the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom.”

Hui Hui looked at the nervous soldier and said calmly.

Since he is going to prepare for peace, he must be upright.

So she decided to prepare to pass on her words to the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom through these soldiers stationed in the Yangtze River, through the words of their commanders, so that he could understand his intentions.


The commander of this military camp in the Dragon Kingdom couldn’t help but swallow his saliva when he heard Hui Hui’s words.

Originally, he thought that this guy in black ancient robes was just a general-level guy, after all, he was followed by a team of helicopters, and the helicopter was full of familiar ancient soldiers.

But what he never expected was that the guy in black ancient robe in front of him was actually the supreme commander opposite, which really surprised him.

But as the highest commander of this military camp, he quickly reacted and immediately ran to the telephone and quickly dialed the phone.

“That’s right, everything is true.”


Hui Hui listened to the words of the soldier who dialed the phone in the distance, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile slightly.

He knew his intentions, and the other party’s commander was already clear.

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