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“Sir, our commander will be here soon, please be patient.”

The captains of this soldier who finished dialing immediately said respectfully to Huan Hui.

Although she didn’t know what the other party’s supreme commander was doing in the Dragon Kingdom, since the other party dared to just carry a few hundred soldiers, then there must be something important, otherwise the other party’s supreme commander would not have come in person.

The guy who can bear the captain of the soldier, he still has this bit of thinking.

“It’s okay, I’ll wait a minute.”

Winhui said indifferently after hearing the other party’s words.


After hearing Yinghui’s answer, the soldier commander of this barracks couldn’t help but exhale deeply in his heart.

He was afraid that the other party would be impatient, after all, the other party was the supreme commander of the southern forces, and he personally came to visit the Dragon Country, but no one with a high position came, which was indeed a little impossible for the Dragon Kingdom of the State of Etiquette.

Fortunately, the other party does not mind this matter.


“Boom, boom, boom!”

After waiting for about ten minutes, a small black shadow appeared in the distant sky, and as it got closer and closer, there was a burst of airplanes.

“Here it is.”

The fierce man who was closing his eyes opened his eyes and said softly.

After a while, a middle-aged man in military uniform stepped down from the plane, and as soon as he got off the plane, he saw Winhui, who had been waiting for a long time, and instantly quickened his pace and walked in the direction of Winhui.

“I’m sorry to keep Your Excellency waiting.”

The middle-aged man in military uniform stretched out his right hand and prepared to shake hands.


Winhui also stretched out his right hand and shook it, indicating that he didn’t mind.

“Then Your Excellency is going to prepare to go to the capital of our Dragon Kingdom for a conversation?”

The middle-aged man in military uniform looked at Huan Hui and couldn’t help but ask.

He was also a little confused by the sudden arrival of the commander of the southern power.

It stands to reason that the forces of the Che side occupy a large area of territory that originally belonged to the Dragon Country, and they should also know that the current Dragon Country must clean up the mysterious forces in the south.

The middle-aged man in military uniform must know this, and he believed that the other party must have known.

However, this meeting, the supreme governor of the other party went to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom alone as if to discuss something, which really puzzled him, but as a country of etiquette, the Dragon Kingdom still came to greet Huanhui.

That’s why I asked, if I really want to discuss things, then go to the capital of the Dragon Kingdom to discuss things with the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom.

“With this intention, then this general, let’s set off immediately.”

Huan Hui listened to the words of the middle-aged man in military uniform in front of him, and couldn’t help but say lightly.

His original intention was to discuss things with the highest governor on the other side, and since he wanted to discuss things, he must discuss things with the other party’s supreme governor, then he must go to the other party’s national capital.

“Okay, then please follow me as I lead Your Excellency to the capital of my Dragon Kingdom.”

The middle-aged man in military uniform said politely to Huan Hui.

“Let’s go.”

Winhui got directly on his helicopter and waved at the man below.

“Let’s go.”

The general from the Dragon Kingdom looked at the guy who had already boarded the plane, and could only shake his head helplessly in response.

Looking at the other side like this, I really came to talk with them.


With Winhui, he followed the plane in front of him and flew through one city after another. Soon, their group arrived at the capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

As soon as Hui stepped off the plane, he saw the supreme officer of the Dragon Kingdom standing on the runway to greet him.

As for why it can be determined that it is the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom? Since the highest commander of the enemy side has come here, then it is certain that the supreme commander of the Dragon Kingdom must come to greet him, and the other party is standing in the front as soon as he stands, there is no doubt that it is the supreme commander.

“Hello Your Excellency, I am the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom welcomes your arrival.”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at Huan Hui and couldn’t help but say calmly.

Until he figured out his intentions, he would definitely not show any expression.

After all, facing this existence that occupies half of the territory belonging to the Dragon Kingdom, he will not have a good face.

“Then let’s go, go find a quiet place to discuss, my intentions for coming here.”

Hui Hui didn’t care about the other party’s martial arts training expression. Just said what I came here for.

I came here for peace talks, not to waste time at this airport.

“Then Your Excellency, follow me.”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom took a deep look at Hui Hui and said with a wave of his hand.

“You guys stay here.”

Huan Hui looked at the Daqin soldiers behind him and also waved his hand and ordered.

Your own life is in danger, but you don’t have to worry, then these guys who were pulled over to support the scene can stay here quietly, if you go with yourself, there may be some conflicts, so it’s best to let them stay here.


The hundreds of Daqin soldiers on the airport said loudly.

It caused a burst of gazes from the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom.

“Your Excellency, tell me your purpose!”

After passing through one door after another, the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom said calmly to Hui Hui who followed behind in a secret room.

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