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“My purpose is to come to peace talks.”

Facing the words of the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom, Huan Hui calmly told his intentions.

“Peace talks?”

Even the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom, who had experienced strong winds and waves, was shocked by Hui Hui’s words.

“Anything, but peace talks can’t! Listening to your words, presumably you are also a Chinese people, and you naturally know what the unified territory and the divided territory mean to the Dragon Kingdom. Therefore, I can never agree to this topic of peace talks, and I can never agree to it! ”

In the face of Hui Hui’s words, the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom said categorically.

“Well, it seems that if you don’t come out with something, you won’t believe my intentions.”

Huan Hui looked at the firm Supreme Governor of the Dragon Kingdom and couldn’t help but feel helpless.

Although he knew that as long as he said such a topic, the other party’s attitude would definitely be like this, but he also felt helpless.

“You must be very strange about my origin and the group of ancient soldiers under my command.”

Huan Hui looked at the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom with a serious face, and couldn’t help but start talking about the topic.

“As for my real name, Yinghui, the winner of Yingzheng.”

“My truest identity is the second son of Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng.”

Hui Hui looked at the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom who looked skeptical and began to tell his origins.

“Of course, the Qin Shi Huang I am talking about is not the Qin Shi Huang in your history, and presumably the Qin Emperor in the history of your world does not have a son named Hui Hui.”

Huan Hui looked at the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom and said faintly.

“Presumably you are questioning me in your heart now, but what I said is true, and you have not heard the next words wrong, everything is true.”

Winhui said calmly.

“I come from another parallel world, and my real identity is the second son of Qin Shi Huang. The group of soldiers wearing ancient armor under my command are the bloodthirsty Qin army in history. ”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at Huan Hui suspiciously as he listened to his words, and couldn’t help but feel a burst of surprise.

“The son of Qin Shi Huang from a parallel world. Those nearly 3 million soldiers are all those invincible Qin troops in history. ”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom couldn’t help but say in his heart.


Huan Hui looked at the top Chinese governor who was thinking, and couldn’t help but wave his hand. In an instant, a light door appeared on the left side of the table.

“If you are bold enough, you can come in, I believe you will understand everything that happened, and likewise for what I just said, you will understand how much is true and how much is false.”

Huan Hui walked directly into the light gate, and when he was about to step in, he calmly said to the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom.



The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at Hui Hui, who had already stepped into the light gate, and couldn’t help but echo these two words in his heart.

The scene that just happened is undoubtedly challenging his nerves and challenging his cognition.

Another world, the son of Qin Shi Huang???

“Get in.”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom sat on the table and thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said.

Since the other party dares to show this means like a legendary immortal god so openly, then what else is he afraid of?

Even if he falls in the other party’s so-called place of seeing everything, the Dragon Kingdom, which has not seen his figure and news for a long time, believes that he will soon be able to select an existence to replace him, and his disappearance does not have any deep impact on the entire Dragon Country.

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at the mythical light gate in front of him and directly stepped into it with one foot.


With a whirlwinding sensation, the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom arrived at a strange place in an instant.

“Where is this?”

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at the golden palace where he was, and couldn’t help but feel a trace of doubt.

After stepping into the gate of light, he came to this golden hall.

“Here you are.”

Winglow’s voice came from above.

The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom subconsciously looked up.


What did he see? He saw the existence of the one who stepped in earlier, said to be Qin Shi Huang’s second son, sitting on a dragon chair that looked like an ancient time.

Resplendent hall, dragon chair.

These two words constantly echoed in the heart of the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom.

“Let’s go, take you to understand everything that happened and the purpose of my coming to you for peace talks.”

Hui Hui slowly stepped down from the dragon chair and looked at the supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom who was standing in place at a loss, and said calmly.


The supreme governor of the Dragon Kingdom looked at Hui Hui, who had already walked out of the palace gate, and after hesitating for a while, he decided to follow.

Everything here made him feel very strange, and even he already had a conjecture in his heart, but it made him feel very unrealistic, and quickly shook this untimely conjecture out of his mind. So if he wanted to figure out what all this was about, he could only climb up and follow this second son of Qin Shi Huang to understand everything here…

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