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“It’s not good, it’s not good!”

The supreme leader of Sichuan Country, who was resting, was woken up by the ruling minister.

“What’s going on?!”

The supreme leader of the Sichuan Kingdom looked at the panicked ruling minister with a look of displeasure on his face.

He slept well, and as a result, just as he was sleeping well, he was woken up by this damn ruling minister.

He swore that if the other party did not give a reasonable explanation, he would definitely throw the ruling minister at the door of the base to let him feel the horror of which zombies and share a little pressure on the soldiers.

“Chief, it’s not easy to pull!”

“The army that we paid attention to wearing the ancient armor of the Eastern Dragon Kingdom before has already landed on our Sichuan Country!”

The ruling minister said in a panic.


“They’ve landed on our soil?!”

The confused leader of the Sichuan Kingdom suddenly became stupid, he looked at the ruling minister with a panicked face, and really hoped that today was an April Fool’s Day.

It seems that those soldiers wearing the ancient armor of the Dragon Kingdom were still in that Dragon Country a month ago, right?

How come it’s only been a month? But it went straight to their homeland???

“If that’s the case, isn’t that a great opportunity? Then let’s quickly gather the soldiers and kill all the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who have logged into our homeland!” ”

After hearing the words of the ruling minister, the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom said murderously.

In his opinion, this is completely a great opportunity, with his gaze, he can naturally see that those soldiers wearing the ancient armor of the Dragon Kingdom are the trump cards among some trump cards. If they left all these soldiers here, I believe that the arch-rival Dragon Kingdom would definitely be sad for a while.

As for why those soldiers appeared in the mainland of their Sichuan country, he would not wonder what time it was, as long as the countries with a little idea would definitely send soldiers to countries all over the world to investigate the situation. So as to prepare for future actions.

Even he had the idea of sending soldiers to other countries to investigate the situation, of course, just to think about it. After all, now they have just returned to the ground from the underground base, and they have just gained a foothold on the ground, but he believes that it is still possible to fight against those zombies who are like fools with those heroic Sichuan soldiers.

“Chief, you can’t do it!”

The ruling minister said bitterly.

“Why can’t it be done? I ask you! Could it be that the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who arrived in our Sichuan Kingdom could all be defeated by one enemy??? ”

“Or do they have millions of them????”

The great leader of the Chuan Kingdom, he glared at the ruling minister and said dissatisfied.

With one enemy and a hundred, it will definitely not exist, at most, the ace force in the special forces may be able to achieve one enemy ten, and the troops with one enemy ten are already very remarkable, but after arriving in the mainland of other Sichuan countries, let alone even if it is one enemy ten, even if it is really one enemy and a hundred they can easily destroy them.

“Great leader, the number of Dragon Kingdom soldiers who arrived in our Sichuan Kingdom is huge, so large that we can’t even imagine it.”

The ruling minister recalled the scene he saw in the satellite surveillance in the morning, and he still feels his legs trembling.

“What the hell are you talking about?!”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom looked at the ruling minister whose legs were trembling and said angrily.

Even if you are afraid, you have to say it, you have not said this all the time, what the hell?

“Great Leader Qiyu, they have reached our country with up to a million soldiers!”

The ruling minister swallowed his saliva and said tremblingly.

“What, soldiers up to a million?”

When the president of Sichuan was angry, he froze when he heard the news.

He looked at the trembling ruling minister and for the first time hoped that the ruling minister was lying to him. Although he had lied to him in the past, this time he hoped that the ruling minister was really deceiving him.

“The leader really didn’t pay attention to the sea in the past few days, the group of soldiers of the Dragon Country came to our Sichuan Country with a ship across the sea, and the soldiers who came to our Sichuan Country were as high as one million, and the port they arrived at was directly occupied by them, and it is estimated that they are now attacking the mainland of our Sichuan Country.”

Obviously, the words of the ruling minister directly shattered the last glimmer of hope in the heart of the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom.

“An army of millions…”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom couldn’t help but collapse in his chair and said to himself.

He couldn’t imagine what it would be like for up to a million enemy troops to wreak havoc on their own homeland, but the only thing that was certain was that when those million-strong armies were raging on their homeland, they would definitely occupy all the territory they could occupy and plunder all the resources they could.

“How many soldiers can we still move in Sichuan Country now? Is there confidence to defeat the enemy? Even if you can’t defeat them, you can resist them. ”

The leader of the Chuan Kingdom looked at the ruling minister and said solemnly.

“Well, to the leader, it is clear that our current soldiers cannot resist the enemy army at all.”

The ruling minister said helplessly.

After listening to the helpless words of the ruling minister, the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom sat on the chair and pondered for a while, then suddenly stood up and said resolutely.

“With all the soldiers at our disposal, we will take back the nuclear weapons bases and missile bases, and only by taking back those bases can we eliminate those soldiers who are raging on our homeland!”

After listening to the words of the head of the Sichuan Kingdom, the ruling minister couldn’t help but nod.

He had to admit that this was the only way to fight the threat of a million enemy troops now.

At the same time, while the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom was discussing with the ruling minister, Huan Hui led the Daqin army to occupy one city after another.

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