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With a gunshot, Winhui instantly felt a sense of fear.

His eyes became terrifying, and his eyes were full of murderous aura when he looked at the guy with a gun on the building.

“Bring the bow and arrows.”

Winhui said calmly.


The guards on the side immediately took a bow and arrow from some soldiers behind him and handed it to Huan Hui.

At the same time, he looked at a guy on that floor, his eyes full of anger.

This damn guy actually dared to use this kind of dark weapon to sneak up on His Majesty, if it weren’t for His Majesty’s relatively profound skills, I’m afraid His Majesty would have fallen here on the spot.


Winhui looked at the guy hiding inside the building and smiled disdainfully.

Sneaked up on himself, and actually dared to escape? Is it true that this emperor of himself is for nothing?

Hui Hui directly aimed at the window where the middle-aged man had just attacked him.


With a boom, the arrow that was shot by Winhui exploded directly in that window.

If it was an ordinary arrow, it would not have such great power, but Hui Hui attached his own internal force to that sword. It is precisely the arrow that is shot that is blessed with some inland power, which will have the same power as armor-breaking bullets.

“Brush brush brush…”

Without hearing the screams, Winhui directly shot arrow after arrow.


Finally, when Winhui fired the sixth arrow, there was a scream from inside the building.

“When you occupy this country next, whether it is a zombie or not, as long as it is everything you see that can be moved, you will kill me!”

Winhui ordered calmly.

In particular, if you dare to kill yourself, then you really don’t blame yourself.

Although he said that he had long known that basically everyone in the homes of ordinary people in this Sichuan country had a gun, he knew that only after experiencing it would he have become more profound about this idea.

“Even if you slaughter the city, it’s not impossible.”

Yinghui’s eyes instantly became dangerous, looked at the window that he shot into ruins, and said resentfully.

If you want to recover the entire Sichuan country, then you can only use strong means, after all, the guys in the entire Sichuan country are armed with guns, and their hearts can be said to be higher than the sky, and if you want them to completely surrender to you, do not use some special means, it is estimated that they will not succeed.


The general beside Hui Hui was Zhang Handan, and he said respectfully after hearing Hui Hui’s order.

Although he knew that His Majesty’s order was a little brutal, he also knew that perhaps only this cruel order could better clean up the country.

He has not spent half a year in this world in vain, he has also heard about this Sichuan country, and he completely agrees with the existence of this kind of unpreventable dark weapon in the homes of almost everyone, and only some cruel means can make them completely surrender.

What’s more, just now that guy actually dared to come and assassinate their Majesty, if it weren’t for their Majesty’s profound skills, I’m afraid they would have fallen here by now, if His Majesty fell here, then what are these soldiers still doing here? What’s the use of not even protecting the emperor?


“The tank corps bombs a wave first.”

Standing in the middle of the city, looking at the dark city, Yinghui said directly to the orders of several generals beside him.

Since they chose to take this devastating action, then they had to act, which was nothing more than tank shells, and they did not lack this thing, and they came with at least hundreds of thousands of shells.

The ships with shells alone had dozens of ships.

Since there is no shortage of this thing, then there is no need to save so much.


After receiving the order of Winhui, the tank corps immediately drove all those tanks in the rear and bombarded directly on the city that was still intact.

After the tank turned the barrel red, the tanks of the tank corps finally stopped firing

“All-out attack, life or death!”

Hui Hui looked at the ruined city and ordered directly.


The dozens of generals beside him responded respectfully.

“You hurry up and slaughter all the guys in the building in front of me, whether they are alive or dead.”

Yue Buqun mounted his war horse and aimed at his former disciples and began to order.

Compared to other subordinates, he still likes to command his own disciples the most, so whenever there is a task, he will usually send these apprentices to complete it. One is to rest assured, and the other is to promote them.


After receiving Yue Buqun’s order, the guys said one by one, and then immediately commanded the soldiers under their command to charge towards a building in the distance.

In an instant, the city, which had been reduced to ruins, became a little angry after being all focused on by the hundreds of thousands of troops who followed Hui Hui.

For the Daqin soldiers, they only need to kill everything they see in front of them, whether it is those humans who have become zombies, or those who have become survivors, they only need to directly swing a knife.

“This is the price for daring to assassinate me, is it bad to accept the fate of being ruled? Choose the most extreme way. ”

Huan Hui rode on his horse in the middle of the city, listening to the faint screams in his ears, and said lightly.

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