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At the same time, the generals of Daqin, who were attacking in other directions, also let go of their hands and feet after receiving orders from Hui Hui.

Seriously, they are also very angry with the guys in this city who shoot cold at them from time to time, and a group of scum also dare to do something to them, afraid that they don’t know how to write dead words.

But as the generals of Daqin, they naturally know that the population is still quite important to Daqin at present, so for those survivors who dare to kill their soldiers, they are just killing the attackers, and they did not kill the other survivors, but now it is good, and their majesty directly gave them orders.

Direct all-out attack, if there is resistance encountered, directly kill without amnesty, if it really does not work, directly slaughter the city!

So God knows how happy they are when they know that the survivors don’t have to put up with it anymore.

“Kill kill kill!”

One after another, the generals gave orders one after another, they want to meet His Majesty at the capital of Sichuan Country, it doesn’t matter if His Majesty arrives in the capital of the whole country later, but these guys who are also generals can’t be late, each of them wants to be the first to arrive in the capital of Sichuan Country.

After the generals of Daqin gave the order, the survivors in those cities suddenly found that the enemies, who had been a little fearful, instantly became cruel.

“Pass this news to the chief, my place has been occupied by the enemy.”

Inside a small base, a guy in military uniform ordered the apparently high-tech guy behind him.


After receiving the order from the man in military uniform, the guy engaged in scientific research immediately said in fear.

The middle-aged man in military uniform listened to the gunfire outside, and couldn’t help but start pondering.

He is a general of the original Sichuan Kingdom, after the arrival of the apocalyptic world, his vigilance as a soldier can immediately go to the street and directly stop some of the so-called zombies who are receiving orders to destroy those infected so-called zombies, and directly use his rank as a general to let them follow him, and those soldiers who were stopped by this general, after seeing his rank, thought for a moment or chose to go with him.

Soon the doomsday virus broke out silently, but the soldiers in his group who had intercepted before directly stood up in a building, and directly used those soldiers to successfully build a small city and establish a small shelter when the zombie virus spread around the world. And in the past few months, he finally contacted the head of Chuan Country.

However, just a few days ago, the leader of the Sichuan Kingdom issued an order to small shelters like him throughout the country, that is, to intercept those guys wearing the ancient armor of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

Before he could ask why, the opposite side was already hanging. But his duty as a soldier still allowed him to choose to obey the orders of the most chief.

But just now, his small shelter encountered a group of soldiers wearing the ancient armor of the Dragon Kingdom that the leader had ordered.

When he wanted to intercept, he was beaten by the opponent and could only defend, and this defense was directly collapsed by the opponent’s tank corps after several rounds of shelling.

So he immediately went to the contact building inside the shelter to inform the chief of the news and let him understand that he had fallen here, and to prepare the chief for his occupation.

“Okay, okay.”

The scientist who was using the radio said in fear to the strong man in military uniform who was contemplating.

“Okay, then you can go too.”

After hearing the results he wanted, the middle-aged man in military uniform directly took out a pistol from his arms and fired a direct shot at the feared scientific researcher.

Since they are about to fall here, will this scientific researcher who hates him on weekdays surrender to the so-called soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom because of this hatred? Know that sometimes hatred can cause everything.

In order to avoid enhancing the strength of the enemy, he directly shot this guy.


The feared researcher fell to the ground stiffly, he could not have imagined that this middle-aged man in military uniform would kill him so decisively, you must know that a guy engaged in scientific research like him is already a very precious type in this doomsday world.

It’s a pity that he didn’t figure it out until he died.


The middle-aged man in military uniform, listening to the louder and louder cannon sound outside and the screams of those soldiers, directly shot himself sharply at the temple with a gun.


After a while, the door of this room was directly kicked open by a Daqin soldier.

He looked at the two guys who fell to the ground, and the guys who were already obviously dead or suicidal directly ignored.

After searching the house for a while, after making sure that there was no living person, he left the room directly.

After all, his work is very busy, and it is impossible to keep looking at this room, anyway, he is sure that there are no living people.

At the same time, many, many things are happening in shelters like this throughout the land of the entire Kawakuni.

After all, the more than three million Daqin troops were scattered throughout the Sichuan Kingdom, and basically hundreds of thousands of troops were distributed in every direction, and hundreds of thousands of troops included not only heavy armored cavalry, but also those tank regiments.

Therefore, those small shelters in the local Sichuan country were directly wiped out after encountering hundreds of thousands of troops without even having a chance to resist.


“Their sacrifices are worth it.”

The leader of the Sichuan Kingdom said silently after hearing the news.

He never expected that the enemy’s offensive would be so ferocious, but this fierce attack also made him more determined to take back the military bases occupied by zombies, and he decided to use all the missiles and final weapons inside, and he wanted to use all those weapons on those soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom who dared to invade their Sichuan Country.

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