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“The Mummy Dragon Emperor…”

A hint of bragging flashed in Yinghui’s eyes.

What does the Dragon Emperor of this world say? It simply seems to have some mental retardation, and this plot setting is too special to fuck, Qin Shi Huang Dragon Emperor, as a Chinese person of the Eight Classics, turned into a dragon at least a Chinese real dragon, what is the result of becoming a three-headed evil dragon in the West?

Therefore, when Winhui was originally released in this movie, it can be said that what he learned in his life turned into a bad review.

But now that he has arrived in this world, there is a little bit of that, he is strictly a descendant of Qin Shi Huang who belongs to the Eight Classics, and is also the son of Qin Shi Huang, although it is not this world, but the son of Qin Shi Huang of another most ordinary world, but he is still the son of Qin Shi Huang.

This world also has a Qin Shi Huang face, although it is not good? And it seems that there is still a little mental retardation, but he is also Qin Shi Huang, and now he, the son of Qin Shi Huang of another world, is learning that he may not meet Qin Shi Huang of this world before long, so Huan Hui’s mood is a little subtle.

“Forget it, put it in the normal process to play down.”

Winhui shook his head and sighed.

“According to what they just talked about, Qin Shi Huang of this world should have been resurrected from the Magic Capital Museum for several days, so that is to say, the current Qin Shi Huang should choose to resurrect his body, that is, he became a Western three-headed evil dragon in that spring.”

Winhui began to recall the scenes in her mind.

“So I just need to lead the army to the Great Wall now, waiting for Qin Shi Huang to change his course when he summons his army.”

I remembered the content of the plot and quickly decided which direction to go.


“Come out!”

After several days of travel, Winhui came to a deserted prairie and immediately gathered the army under his command.

“You go and add those mechanized legions, call them all, call a million mechanized legions.”

Hui Hui looked at the first person who came out and ordered directly.

“Uh, obey.”

As soon as Zhang Wei came out of the light gate, he heard Huan Hui’s words, and he couldn’t help but be stunned, but he quickly reacted and immediately responded, saying that he was late.

“Let’s go!”

Winhui nodded and gestured.

Although there are mysterious things in this world, after all, there are pharaohs and those gods of death in this world, but the history of world development is still the 20th century, and the whole world in this world can be regarded as beginning to become a mechanical age.

If he gathers those who use cold weapons wrongly, he may be able to occupy a large part of the territory and succeed in his subordinates, but if he wants to occupy the whole world, then he must be an army composed of those steel torrents.

Are bombers and tanks in the rest of the world vegetarian?

That’s why Hui Hui ordered Zhang Wei to gather a mechanized army of steel torrents to come to this world.

You must know that the doomsday world he occupies, although it has experienced the baptism of doomsday, but it is still a serious 21st century, the weapons of the 21st century to fight the 20th century, then as long as it is not a fool and blind command, I believe that you can achieve good results.

Soon, after waiting in place for a while, Zhang Wei appeared again, this time tanks appeared behind him, and some firearms wearing black armor but holding thermal weapons in their hands.

After a while, this small plain was soon completely occupied by Daqin’s million-strong army.

“Soldiers, this is a new world, a new world awaits us to explore, and you are the pioneers of exploration!”

Riding on a war horse, Huan Hui looked at the neatly arranged Daqin army and began to say loudly.

“From here, give me another battle against the continent of Europa, and I will make the whole world submit to my Daqin’s iron horse!”

Winhui roared loudly.

“The whole world surrenders!”

“The whole world surrenders!”

“The whole world surrenders!”

The mighty army of millions roared loudly with all their strength on this small plain.


Hui Hui pulled out a sword from his waist and swung it fiercely towards the sky and roared loudly.


The million-strong army roared again.


The army of tanks composed of a torrent of steel slowly left on this plain.

Looking at the departing torrent of steel, he could already predict in his heart what kind of waves this torrent of steel would make in this world.

With the scientific and technological power of this world, it may only be able to fight a dozen Qing countries that have just changed, but if you want to fight him, Daqin from the 21st century, hehe, then it’s embarrassing, it’s hard to say who will be the one who will be beaten.

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