“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

“This is it.”

Looking at a huge sculpture in the distance, Huan Hui understood that he had arrived at the place where Qin Shi Huang of this world gathered his army in the plot.

Qin Shi Huang of this world, standing on that huge sculpture, summoning thousands of troops, he still remembers clearly, so he came to the Great Wall after sending away the million mechanized legions.

Qin Shi Huang of this world, he was curious and tight, and even he already had a bold idea in his heart.

This is to think that Qin Shi Huang summoned Qin soldiers who have become terracotta warriors, but the soldiers he summoned are Qin soldiers who have flesh and blood, and it is really difficult to say who is strong and who is weak.

However, from his past memories, Huan Hui saw from the past that the Qin soldiers in the film and television films who easily broke the terracotta army may have some contempt, but more are cautious.

After all, this is a real world, not some hour-long movie.

“Those two women are going to be killed.”

Standing in a dark place, Yinghui pondered the entire plot, and directly included the daughter and her daughter of the betrayed Qin Shi Huang into the list of must-kills.

There’s no why, it’s just because they’re so disgusting. As a righteous Chinese man, just because of his own selfish desires, he betrayed the emperor, let a huge empire collapse like this, and also gave the first emperor a green hat, although the emperor of this world has nothing to do with him, but after all, it is the name of Qin Shi Huang.

So for that guy must be killed, and her daughter is also to be killed, no why, just because of the blood flowing from her body.

While Huan Hui was thinking about the entire plot, he suddenly heard a roar from afar.


A burst of monster-like cries echoed throughout the sky.

“Here it is.”

Huan Hui stood up directly and slowly, looking at the sculpture in the distance.

Soon, a three-headed dragon that looked like a Western evil dragon flew from the sky to the sculpture and turned into a person.


“Finally waited.”

Huan Hui looked into the distance, and Qin Shi Huang, who didn’t know what to say, sighed slightly in his heart.


Standing on the sculpture, Qin Shi Huang directly cast a spell and summoned all the Great Qin troops buried underground.

The ground collapsed directly, and a pair of terracotta warriors formed by clay sculptures appeared on the collapsed ground, slowly walking out from under the ground.

Hundreds of thousands of Qin troops stood like poplars on this desert plain.

“Everyone, follow Xu once again to occupy the entire world and restore the former glory of the Great Qin Empire!”

Qin Shi Huang, who was standing on the sculpture, looked at the hundreds of thousands of terracotta warriors below, and the army roared loudly.

“Fellow soldiers, follow Xu across the Great Wall and share eternal life!”

Qin Shihuang looked at the army below and roared loudly.

Although at present, the current army of terracotta warriors and horses is already in a state of immortality, but Qin Shihuang wants these armies that accompany him to fight the world, truly achieve eternal life, the kind of eternal life with flesh and blood!




The ancient roar was loudly vented on this vast plain.

“King Qin, let me end your atrocities!”

A witch who has lived for thousands of years, Ziyuan, listened loudly and chanted the incantation, watching Qin Shihuang standing in the sculpture roar angrily.

With the chant of this witch who had lived for thousands of years, the earth began to tremble at this moment.

“That was…”

Qin Shihuang, who was standing on the sculpture, looked at the undead legion summoned by Ziyuan and his eyes frowned.


Qin Shi Huang ordered without hesitation.

Now whoever wants to prevent him from ascending the throne again, the people who dominate the world will be regarded as enemies by him.

“It’s time.”

Not far away, Huan Hui looked at the Great Qin Terracotta Army and those resurrected slave legions who were fighting together, and smiled slightly.

“Come out, my Daqin Legion!”

Winhui roared in a low voice.

“In an instant, on the plain that was originally a desert, a gate composed of light appeared, and in this instant, this gate composed of light directly expanded at several times the speed!”


The sound of war horses trampling on the earth resounded in this vast wilderness.

Accompanied by the sound of this war horse trampling the earth, a heavy armored cavalry wearing black armor and riding burly war horses walked out from behind this vast gate of light.

Two, three, one heavy armored cavalry after another walked out.

“This sound.”

Qin Shi Huang, who was on the shoulder of the statue, couldn’t help but condense after listening to the distant voices.

He could naturally hear that this was the sound of a war horse trampling on the earth, and listening to this sound was probably not just one, but the kind of sound that thousands of troops could make.

“That is?!”

Qin Shi Huang instantly screamed in shock.

In the place where the sound of war horses trampling the earth is the black cavalry legion, if it is just the black cavalry legion, Qin Shi Huang does not have to be so surprised, the problem is that this black cavalry legion is wearing the kind of armor that the Great Qin army wears!

He definitely did not admit his mistake, after being the king of Qin for so many years, and finally becoming Qin Shi Huang, he was absolutely impossible to admit the mistake of the Great Qin army, and it was precisely because of this that he was surprised by this sudden appearance of the Great Qin army.

“Is that King Qin’s backup?”

Among the resurrected slave legions, he couldn’t help but look at the countless Daqin troops that suddenly appeared on the left and continued to increase.

At the same time, for the living army, the army felt a trace of surprise and shock, where did this come from???

“The second prince of Great Qin, Huan Hui, see His Majesty the First Emperor.”

A huge sound sounded on this vast plain, attracting everyone’s attention.

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