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Then the next day, the whole world was flooded with the huge news from the East.

The strength of millions of troops in one day is enough to make all countries in the world tremble.

Of course, the imperial courts of the world will not think that the Xuanlong Kingdom is too weak, and now the countries in the world, those who can retain their autonomy are basically not weak, and the weak countries have become colonies of other countries.

However, the Xuanlong Kingdom’s ability to retain its own autonomy is enough to represent everything.

And now a force has suddenly emerged in this world, which can actually wipe out a million-strong army in a whole day.

The next words represent that the vast land of the Xuanlong Kingdom will usher in a new emperor.

No one will know what the new emperor’s attitude towards the world will be.

Now that the concession problem of their various countries on the territory of the Xuanlong Kingdom, will the new master of the Xuanlong Kingdom admit this problem?

The reason why the current Shenlong Kingdom country was able to recognize the land issue that their various countries had settled on during the Qing Dynasty was entirely because of the common pressure exerted by all their countries.

After all, even the Xuanlong Kingdom, which is not weak, can only pinch his nose and admit it in the face of pressure from all countries.

But what about the forces that can basically ignore all their countries now, will they still admit their shameless problem?

No one knows this question, they only know that perhaps the shadow of war is once again in the sky over all nations.


At the same time, when the World Celestial Empire was preparing to guard against the Great Qin who was about to rule the entire Xuanlong Kingdom.

In the northern eastern boundary, the concessions of the Sakura Country are different from those of other countries.

“Everyone, give me a comprehensive occupation of all the land that can be occupied, as long as His Majesty the Emperor supports us, we can permanently leave the occupied land!”

The commander of the Sakura Country couldn’t help but cheer up the soldiers below.

It just so happened that the commander of the Sakura Country did not see the news in the newspapers that were overwhelmingly publicized outside.

If he had seen the news in that newspaper, he probably wouldn’t have had the idea of starting to use some crooked tactics.

You know, even in his concession of the cherry blossom country, the warriors from the cherry blossom country are only a few thousand soldiers, can these thousands of soldiers fight against the entire Daqin?

If nothing else, as long as the Xuanlong Kingdom has not completely perished now, after reacting, it can mobilize those soldiers who stayed behind before to fight the attack of the Sakura Country.

However, the problem was that the commander of the Sakura Country did not see the news in the newspapers outside, so his news was extremely delayed.

His current news is still that the military of the Xuanlong Kingdom has mobilized all the soldiers that can be mobilized, in order to devote all the strength of the whole country to fight to the death with that Great Qin.

Therefore, in his news, the territory of the Xuanlong Kingdom is currently not garrisoned by a single soldier, which is where his strength lies.

He didn’t believe it, wouldn’t the warriors from the Sakura Country be able to hold a piece of territory? Moreover, they do not want to permanently help, as long as they wait for the support from the empire, their army of several thousand people will probably directly expand dozens of times, and they will have hundreds of thousands of troops.

At that time, will it not be able to hold on?

“Obey!!! ordered”

The soldiers of the Sakura Country who were standing responded respectfully.

They were transferred to the Northern and Eastern Realm of this Xuanlong Kingdom, and they understood their mission, in order to one day be able to occupy this vast land, to be able to hang and fight the former suzerainty, and they also had to try to turn over and be the master.

So there are not many complaints about today’s situation, and their ability to assist in loan for so many years already says it all.


The commander of Sakura Country looked at the morale of the soldiers under his command and couldn’t help but nod with satisfaction.



“Are those so daring?!”

“Just when my Xuanlong Kingdom has fallen to this point?”

The leader of the Genryu Kingdom was instantly furious the moment the Sakura Kingdom chose to launch an invasion.

The soldiers in the concession of the Sakura Country directly attacked when all the soldiers of the Xuanlong Country went to the front line now, and the soldiers of the Genryu Kingdom who remained in the city could not resist the soldiers of the Sakura Country who had planned for a long time.

Therefore, in this short day, soldiers from the Sakura Country directly occupied several cities, and began to build defensive projects in these cities, which is very obvious, that is, he has already calculated all the preparations after the defeat of the Xuanlong Kingdom.

“Send me the remaining soldiers who can be adjusted, and I will make those people pay the price!”

The leader of the Xuanlong Kingdom said coldly.

He could understand that he couldn’t beat Daqin, after all, he had already understood the strength of Daqin at the first moment when Daqin appeared.

But now even the Wokou dared to come over, was this really when its Xuanlong Kingdom had fallen to the point where it didn’t even have this kind of power?


In the eyes of the prime minister on the side, a trace of anger also flashed.

He was extremely angry at the invasion of the bonobos during this time.

The small dependent countries in the thousands of years have been able to stand on an equal footing in these decades, they are already very sorry for the ancestors and ancestors, and now they actually dare to directly invade them, is this really when they become snakes?

The dragon is still that dragon, even if this dragon is in a weak period, it is still a dragon!

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