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“What a damn boogie, how dare you?!”

Hui Hui, who was receiving territory in the south of the Xuanlong Kingdom, looked at the news in the newspaper and instantly felt a burst of anger.

In particular, those wokou actually dared to invade the Xuanlong Kingdom at this time.

Do you really think that Xin does not dare to take them?

“I will destroy its kingdom!”

A trace of killing intent flashed in Yinghui’s eyes.

Since those group of bonobos dared to do this, then he really didn’t mind destroying his country, and he was absolutely !!!

“Send 500,000 troops directly to the Sakura Country to use the missiles for me, this time I want the Woku Country to be completely exterminated!”

Hui Hui said with murderous intent.


The general on the side immediately responded respectfully after receiving Hui Hui’s order.

At the same time, he was also full of anger at the cherry blossom country that dared to invade this land.

Although this land is not the land of his original world, but it is also left by the Chinese nation, and now it is actually invaded by the dog wokou, then I am sorry that if His Majesty does not say, then he will also ask His Majesty to attack the cherry blossom country, and he wants to let the group of dogs in the cherry blossom country know what will be the end of provoking Daqin.


“Omaiga. So is the emperor of Sakura Country a fool? ”

The leaders of the world looked at the news in the newspaper in their hands and felt dumbfounded.

On weekdays, that cherry blossom country is not stupid like this, why is it suddenly so rampant now? Or can the Sakura Country already be crazy enough to ignore that powerful Great Qin?

They didn’t think that the Sakura Country could directly ignore Daqin, they knew that even they felt a trace of tremor in the face of Daqin who had destroyed the million-strong army of the Xuanlong Kingdom.



In the sky above the capital of the cherry blossom country, bombers from Daqin were circling and making one sound after another.

“All attacks without reservation!”

The captain of the bomber squad said directly and coldly.

He was ordered to pour all the shells, or bullets, he carried into the country at all costs.



All the people of the Sakura Country at this moment, they looked desperately at the aircraft troops in the sky.

Regarding what their Kwantung Army did in the Northern Eastern Realm of the Xuanlong Kingdom, they also knew these days, originally under the propaganda of their Emperor Majesty, they did not take the Great Qin on the Dragon Kingdom seriously at all.

However, the current situation seems to be a little different from what their Emperor Majesty said.

The enemy’s planes have come directly over the capital of their cherry blossom country. They don’t think these planes are just here for tourism.

The sound of an explosion that followed confirmed their suspicions, because the entire capital of the Sakura Country, Saikyo, was in ruins in an instant.

“Kill kill kill! Damn the Wokou! ”

The Daqin soldiers who were piloting the plane couldn’t help but snort coldly when they looked at the country below that was bombarded into ruins by them.

“With this strength, you actually dare to invade our territory?”

The Daqin soldiers sitting on the plane looked at the ruined Xijing below and said with disdain.

If their air defense forces can’t hit themselves, it means that they are like living targets, waiting for their bombing there.

You must know that the shells they carry are not the shells of this era, but wirelessly optimized shells, even if they reach the 21st century, the countries of the world are afraid of this shell.

BLU-82 bomb, this bomb is the most powerful conventional weapon in Sichuan in addition to nuclear weapons.

In order to deal with the Sakura Country, in order to teach them a profound lesson, don’t let them remember this unforgettable scene until Winkai has not recovered the Sakura Country.

So Winhui specially went to that technology world and directly found these sealed bombs from the original Sichuan military base.

“Return home.”

The Daqin soldiers looked at the ruined country and smiled disdainfully.


In the cherry blossom country in the cities around the national capital, the people looked at the departing plane, and then looked at the country not far away, and they couldn’t help but feel a trace of despair.

The prosperous city on weekdays, the high-rise buildings that can be seen everywhere, have completely become ruins after the plane flying from the direction of Xuanlong Kingdom left.

It’s the kind of ruins in the true sense of the word.

Since the buildings of Sakura Country use a lot of wood, the flames can be seen even from far, far away.

The kingdom of Sakura was descended by bombers from Daqin, and then it was in ruins, and the news spread throughout the world in an instant.

Everyone in the world, they solemnly looked at the ruined cherry blossom country capital on the newspaper, and once again felt a trace of fear for that fierce Daqin.

They also know that the capital of the cherry blossom country is that although it is not the top city in the world, it can still be included in the first-class prosperous city.

In addition, as the capital of Sakura Country, where His Majesty the Emperor lives, the armed forces are arguably one of the most severe areas in the world.

And the air defense force is also unprecedentedly strong, but it seems that the air defense force of the Sakura Country has no effect in the face of bombers from Daqin, which makes these countries that have concessions in the northern and eastern realms of the Xuanlong Kingdom feel a little fearful.

They were afraid that the Great Qin would drive this bomber over their capital.

All the forces in the world were once again refreshed by the power of Daqin.

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