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At the same time, just as the Daqin bomber was bombing in the Cherry Blossom Country, Ninth Uncle looked at a man in front of him with an ugly face and said heavily.

“Senior brother, do you really want to keep him.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the feared guy standing behind his senior brother and asked his senior brother heavily.

“That’s right, Senior Brother, I think you also know what the consequences of colluding with a cult are.”

Four Eyes, wearing black Daqin armor, looked at the senior brother surrounded by them and said lightly.

For this senior brother, he has not been wrong with him since he started, so now at this juncture, he doesn’t want to say good things to this so-called senior brother.

“No matter what, I must keep him today!”

Shi Jian, who was surrounded by the Great Qin army, said with a firm face.

The world only knows that it is a child who was adopted by himself, and was brought up by his own handful of and urine, although he is only a master and apprentice in name, but in fact, he can be regarded as a father and son.

But who knew that this Shi Shaojian was his own son?

If it wasn’t his own son, he wouldn’t bother to care about him, but precisely because he was his own son, he had to take care of this matter.

Even if he knew that in this matter, as long as he was in charge, it would mean not obeying the orders of the leader, strictly speaking, he could be regarded as a betrayal of the sect.

The nominal apprentice colluded with the cult, and then after discovering it, not only did he not educate, but he wanted to make a mistake again and again to save him, even if the people in the cult would not recognize him, after all, wrong is wrong.

However, if this son of his is taken away by the Ninth Uncle, I am afraid that he Shi Jian will directly cut off his descendants.

A man wants a direct blood descendant of his all his life, and even if this guy is ridiculous, he is his only son after all.

“Take it down, call it to the boss for disposal.”

Ninth Uncle shook his head slightly and sighed.

At this point, he didn’t want to say too much.

The apprentice of the master brother colluded with the evil sect, this is a matter of certainty, and it was discovered by himself and the four-eyed junior brother, even if he even made a bad speech, standing his master is the master brother of the Maoshan faction, can he directly ignore the orders of himself and others?

If he was not stupid in his mind, he naturally knew that the head of the Maoshan Sect had passed this news to all the children of the Maoshan Sect some time ago, that is, he directly intimidated Daqin to submit, and asked all Maoshan disciples to assist when they saw Daqin.

But this master brother’s apprentice actually dared to openly disobey the order of the master, and still disobeyed in front of these senior uncles, this is really a bit of a big disobedience.

But it didn’t work, I think that when they were about to take down this guy, this guy actually called their senior brother out directly through some special things, which was a little troublesome.

Although they can directly let the Daqin soldiers take down Shi Shaojian and their senior brother, after all, it is their senior brother who directly asks the Daqin soldiers to coerce them by force, which is a little immoral after all.

But their master brother also died in disregard, so really don’t blame them for being iron-faced and selfless.

“Who would dare I see?!”

Shi Jian instantly became furious after hearing Ninth Uncle’s words.

This was captured, so what else?


Thunder and lightning surrounded Shi Jian’s body, shining at this moment like a thunder god.

“Has Benlei Fist been cultivated to this extent?!”

The four eyes on the side looked at the thunder and lightning wrapped around their senior brother, and couldn’t help but feel a burst of lost concentration.

If he remembered correctly, he had cultivated the Benlei Fist to this extent, and his strength had basically reached the peak of the Jindan realm.

“It’s a bit tricky.”

Ninth Uncle looked at the senior brother who was like a thunder god and felt a burst of pain.

However, he knew that this matter today must take Shi Shaojian and hand it over to the leader.

“Senior brother, really don’t force us, you know, as long as I and the two of you join hands, it may not be able to resist you, not to mention that now you have been surrounded by the soldiers of Daqin. Even if you cultivate the Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist to the realm of Dacheng, you still can’t resist the bullets in their guns. ”

Ninth Uncle couldn’t help but persuade Shi Jian.

For the sake of an apprentice, why bother?

Although he knew what this Shi Shaojian meant to their senior brother, after all, raising it from childhood to adulthood was already comparable to the real father-son relationship.

What’s more, his senior brother couldn’t resist them at all!

If it was just him and Senior Brother Shimoku, the two of them could release water, and now the problem was that at least a few thousand Daqin soldiers were watching around them, so no matter what aspect, they had to go all out.

“There is no need to talk nonsense, wait until you win the battle and I will talk about it, otherwise everything will be empty talk.”

Shi Jian said coldly as he looked at the thousands of people wearing ancient armor and holding the kind of foreign spears that surrounded him and his son.

Of course, he knew what his current behavior meant, but for the sake of his only offspring, he had to do it.

“Senior brother, don’t blame me.”

Ninth Uncle sighed slightly in his heart.


In an instant, Ninth Uncle held a sword and swung it towards Shi Jian fiercely.


Shimoku directly took out a large sword that he was carrying behind his back and ran towards Shi Jian, who was surrounded in the middle.

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